KCSE Christian Religious Education Paper 2 – Kabarak High School Mock 2015
Mock 2015 – Kabarak High School
Christian Religious Education Paper 2
(a) State Jeremiah’s prophesies about the Messiah. Jeremiah 23:5-6. (6 mks)
(b). With reference to the incident when Jesus was dedicated to God at the age of forty days, outline seven revelations of Simeon and Anna about His life. (7 mks)
(c) State seven lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was dedicated. ( 7 mks)
20 marks
(a) Describe the raising of Jairus’ daughter. (6 mks)
(b) Outline six lessons that Christians learn from the raising of Jairus’ daughter. (6 mks)
(c) Give eight ways in which the church cares for the sick in Kenya today. (8 mks)
20 marks
(a) State the meaning of the parable of the sower as explained by Jesus in Luke 8:11-15. (8 mks)
(b) Give seven reasons why Jesus referred to the Pharisees as hypocrites. (7 mks)
(c) Write down six factors which hinder people from accepting the call of salvation. (6 mks)
20 marks
(a) Outline the characteristics of the people of God as taught by Peter in 1 Peter 2:9 – 10. (7 mks)
(b) Identify seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. (7 mks)
(c) Outline the importance of the Holy Spirit to Christians today. (6 mks)
20 marks
(a) Explain six ways in which males and females related in traditional African context. (6mks)
(b) State eight uses of leisure today. (8mks)
(c) Give six factors that promote drug abuse among youths in Kenya today. (6mks)
20 marks
(a) Outline seven ways of acquiring wealth rightfully. (7mks)
(b) Give six reasons why Christians are opposed to genetic engineering. (6mks)
(c) Explain the Christian attitude to bribery and corruption. (7mks)
20 marks