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Chairperson- County Audit Committee – Jobs in Kenya

Chairperson- County Audit Committee – Jobs in Kenya

Job Summary

Pursuant to the Public Finance Management Act 2012 section 155(5) and regulation No. 167(10 of the Public Finance Management Regulations 2015; The County Government of Nyeri calls on all interested and suitably qualified persons to fill the position of Chairperson and one member.

  • Minimum Qualification: Bachelor
  • Experience Level: Senior level
  • Experience Length: 10 years

Job Description/Requirements

Nyeri County Public Service Board is a body corporate established under section 57 of the County Governments Act 2012 whose mandate includes appointing persons to hold or act in the offices of County Public Service.

1. Chairperson- County Audit Committee one (1) post

a) Duties and responsibilities
i) Setting the agenda for each meeting with the committee members
ii) Providing oversight on risk management, controls and governance processes and audit affairs of the county government and make appropriate recommendations to the County Executive Committee regarding internal control and audit matters; and
iii) Following up on the implementation of the recommendations of internal and external auditors.
iv) Arranging for a periodic review of the effectiveness of the audit committee alongside its mandate
v) Demonstrating independence and impartiality in decision making which accord with the legal constitutional and policy requirement
vi) Providing clarification to members on the audit committee’s responsibilities
vii) Performing any other duty that may be assigned by the Board

b) Requirements for appointment as Chairperson Audit Committee
i) Be a Kenyan citizen
ii) Possesses at least an undergraduate degree from a recognized university in the field in which she or he has been practicing
iii) Satisfy the provisions of chapter six of the constitution
iv) One shall not be a past or present employee of the entity, and shall not have served as an employee or agent of a business organization which has carried out any business with Nyeri County in the last two years.
v) Have at least 10 years of experience in a senior management position, where their scope of work covered the entire organization, they were working with.
vi) Be a member, in good standing, of a professional body such as: IIA, ICPAK, ICPSK; IAK;APSEA;ACFE;LSK and any other relevant professional body.
vii) Be and independent proactive leader with confidence and high integrity
viii) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the object, principles and functions of the Government of Nyeri County.
ix) Demonstrate competence in leadership and business management
x) Possess good understanding of government operations, financial reporting and auditing
xi) Possess excellent working knowledge of audit committees’ functions and risks management framework
xii) Possess strong interpersonal skills and avail time to develop and monitor the committee agenda
xiii) Not a holder of a political office

Terms of service: 3 years contract on part time
Salary and benefits: Allowances will be paid as per the regulations by Salaries and Remuneration Commission

How to Apply
Hand copy of duly filled Employment Form together with the required documents should be sent or hand delivered to:
P.O. BOX 90-10100
CELL PHONE: 0745342000/0733977003

All applications (hand delivered or through post office) should be received on or before 2nd September 2021 5.00pm.

1. Any communication from the County Public Service Board SHALL be
through the above provided address and cellphone.
2. The County Public Service Board does not charge for any of the recruitment exercises, including shortlisting and appointment. Any request for payment or favor should therefore be reported to the police for appropriate action.
3. The County Government of Nyeri is an equal opportunity employer
4. People living with disability are encouraged to apply
5. Only the short-listed candidates will be contacted by the Board.
6. All applicants are required to obtain clearance from the following institutions
• The Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
• The Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)
• The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
• The Ethics and Anti- Corruption Commission (EACC)
• Credit Reference Bureau


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