JKUAT Kakamega Campus is situated at the heart of Kakamega town along Sudi road at Ambwere Fraha Center Opposite Muliro Gardens. Its Physical location Offers a serene environment for conducive learning.
University Vision
A University of global excellence in Training, Research and Innovation for development.
University Mission
To offer accessible quality training, research and innovation in order to produce leaders in the fields of Agriculture, Engineering, Technology, Enterprise Development, Built Environment, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and other Applied Sciences to suit the needs of a dynamic world.
University motto
To set trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
University Objectives
To provide directly or indirectly or in collaboration with other institutions of higher learning, facilities for university education including agriculture, scientific, cultural, technological, and professional education, and integration of teaching, research and effective application of knowledge and skills to the life, work and welfare of citizens of Kenya.To participate in the discovery, transmission and preservation and enhancement of knowledge and stimulate the intellectual participation of students in the economic, technological, agricultural, professional and cultural development of Kenya.
To play an effective role in the development of agriculture and technology in conjunction with the industry and to provide extension services so as to contribute to the social and economic development of Kenya.
To cooperate with the government in the planned development of university education and in particular to examine and approve proposals for new faculties, new departments, new degree courses or new subjects of study proposed to it by any constituent college or other post-secondary institution; to determine who may teach, what may be taught, how it may be taught and when it may be taught at the university.