Chuka University Faculty of Arts and Humanities
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Details on Chuka University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on Chuka University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 !.
Chuka University Faculty of Arts and Humanities | About Chuka University Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Chuka University Faculty of Arts and Humanities Courses Offered
About Chuka University Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The mission of the Faculty is to train and develop highly qualified, competent, upright and well-rounded graduates, who can create opportunities and address the various challenges facing humanity in the 21st
century and beyond. The Faculty has qualified, committed and highly motivated members of academic and administrative staff who are always ready to serve you.
Welcome to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Chuka University. The mission of the Faculty is to train and
develop highly qualified, competent, upright and well-rounded graduates, who can create opportunities and address the various challenges facing humanity in the 21st century and beyond. The Faculty has qualified, committed and highly motivated members of academic and administrative staff who are always ready to serve you. The Faculty offers a wide range of academic programmes developed to meet relevant national and
global needs. The Faculty offers service courses to the Faculty of Education and Resources Development in the following subjects: Kiswahili, English, Literature, Geography and History. The Faculty of Arts and Humanities also houses and offers University common core courses such as Philosophy, Skills, National
Cohesion and Corporate Governance, Ethics and Integrity.
Chuka University Faculty of Arts and Humanities Courses Offered
Academic Programmes
The following programmes are offered inthe Faculty:
Cert. in Community Development
Cert. in Criminology and Security Studies
Cert. in Disaster Management
Cert. in Leadership and Public
Cert. in Project Planning Management
Cert. in Social Work
Dip. in Community Development
Dip. in Criminology and Security Studies
Dip. in Disaster Management
Dip. in Journalism & Mass Communication
Dip. in Leadership & Public Admin.
Dip. in Project Planning and Management
Dip. in Social Work
B.Sc. in Community Development
B.Sc. in Information Science
BA in Criminology and Security Studies
BA in Economics and Sociology
BA in English and Literature
BA in Geography & Economics, or
Geography & Sociology
BA in Geography and Kiswahili
BA in History, Economics, Sociology
BA in Literature and Sociology
BA in Philosophy
BA in Religious Studies
Bachelor Arts in Communication &Media
M.Sc. in Community Studies & Extension
MA in Criminology, Security and Justice
MA in English Language and Linguistics
MA in Geography
MA in History
MA in Kiswahili
MA in Literature
MA in Religious Studies
MA in Sociology
Master of Journalism and Mass Comm.
Ph.D. in Community Development
Ph.D. in English
Ph.D. in Geography
Ph.D. in Kiswahili
Ph.D. in Linguistics
The following programmes will be
offered in the near future:
Diploma in Peace Studies and Conflict
BA in Social Work
BA in International Relations
BA in Leadership and Public Admin.
Diploma in Public Relations
Dip. in Diplomacy & Internat’l Relations
Bachelor of Laws
All courses offered in the Faculty are carefully developed to cater for the relevant student needs, and in consideration of their application to the socio-cultural and economic needs of the country. This Faculty is committed to its role of providing academic and intellectual leadership in consolidating relevant and innovative knowledge for sustainable, socio-cultural and economic development in the country.
Quick Links:
Chuka University Faculty of Education and Resources Development
Chuka University Faculty of Business Studies
Chuka University Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Studies
Chuka University Faculty of Science Engineering and Technology
Chuka University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
See Also:
2Chuka University Courses Offered
4Chuka University Student Portal Login
5Chuka University Application Form
6Chuka University Admission Requirements
7Chuka University Bank Account Numbers
8Chuka University Certificate Courses
10Chuka University Diploma Courses
12Chuka University Distance Learning
25Chuka University Joining Instructions
27Chuka University KUCCPS Admission Letters
28Chuka University KUCCPS Admission List
29Chuka University Masters Courses
30Chuka University Nursing Course
31Chuka University Online Application
32Chuka University Online Courses
34Chuka University PhD Courses