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Dedan Kimathi University Bursary

Dedan Kimathi University Bursary

Welcome to Ugfacts.net/ke, on this page you will find details on Dedan Kimathi University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025. It is our aim to provide this information as accurately as possible. Kindly check out our top pages on KUCCPS Admission letters 2024-2025 – KUCCPS Admission Lists 2024-2025 – Fees Structure for All Institutions – 2024-2025 Intake for Schools and List of Courses Offered.

Details on Dedan Kimathi University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on Dedan Kimathi University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 !.

Dedan Kimathi University Bursary | See details of Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Bursary and how to apply


Before filling this application form, please read these guidelines carefully.

1.This application form is issued free of charge by Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) and can be downloaded from DeKUT website.

2.You are required to fill in all appropriate spaces as provided.

3.Incomplete bursary application form will not be processed.

4.Where documentary evidence is required and not provided, the form will not be processed. Certified copies of death certificates, birth certificates, National IDs of self/ guardian/parents where necessary, Medical records for applicants in category 2 should also be attached.

5.Applicants must meet the minimum qualification and other requirements of the course so long as the course duration or remaining time of completion is not less than six months

6.All information provided will be cross-checked against information from other official public sources.

7.The information from the applicant will be held with utmost confidentiality but the bursary committee reserves the right to verify it where it deems appropriate.

8.For any future correspondence with DeKUT the applicant must quote the student registration number along with the course name, School and Department.

9.The needs for all beneficiaries shall be reviewed annually.

10.Bursary awards will be discontinued on grounds of poor academic performance/gross indiscipline/poor attendance record.

11.Bursary awards shall not be transferable and cannot be converted to cash payment to the applicant.

12.The bursary fund caters for tuition fee only.

13.The bursary is awarded to a bonafide student of DeKUT only.


Filling and submitting of this bursary award application form does not in any way guarantee the applicant the award.


Click here to download Dedan Kimathi University Bursary form.


For more details on Dedan Kimathi University Bursary , contact the institution at any of the contact details below:

DeKUT Contact Address

Main Campus

Physical Address: Along Nyeri – Mweiga road

Postal Address: Dedan Kimathi University of Technology,Private Bag, Dedan Kimathi

Cell: 0713835965, 0713123021

Tel: 061-205 0000


Nairobi CBD Centre

Physical Address: Pension Towers – 13th Floor, along Loita Street.

Postal Address: P.O BOX 22992-00100, Nairobi.

Cell: 0710 127 516

Email: directornairobi@dkut.ac.ke

Registrar (Academic Affairs)

Postal Address: P.O. Box 657-10100 , Nyeri.

Cell: 0713 835 965, 0713 123 021

Tel: 061-2050000



School of Engineering
Mobile: 0713835969
Institute of Technical and Professional Studies (ITPS)
Mobile: 0713835396
School of Business, Management and Economics
Mobile: 0713835403
Institute of Geomatics, GIS & Remote Sensing (IGGReS)
Mobile: 0718271818
School of Science
Mobile: 0701782892
Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management (IToHM)
Mobile: 0716659395
School of Health Sciences
Mobile: 0700711628
Institute of Food and Bioresource Technology (IFBT)
Mobile: 0729373564
School of Computer Science & IT
Mobile: 0713 83 59 79
Institute of Technical and Professional Studies (ITPS)
Mobile: 0713835396
School of Graduate Studies
Mobile: 0700 64 88 60
Geothermal Energy Training and Research Institute (GETRI)
Mobile: 0710127516

See Also:


1Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Student Portal

2Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT KUCCPS Admission letters

3Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT KUCCPS Admission Lists

4Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Fees Structure

5Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Academic Calendar

6Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Nairobi CBD Campus

7Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Main Campus

8Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Admission Requirements

9Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT First Years Reporting Date

10Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Reporting Date

11Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Anthem

12Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Admission Materials

13Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Admission Portal

14Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Application Form

15Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Bank Account Numbers

16Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Contacts

17Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Conservancy

18Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Courses Offered

19Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Exam Results

20Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Schools.

21Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT E Learning

22Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT e Learning portal login

23Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Farm

24Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Graduation 2021

25Dedan Kimathi University of Technology DeKUT Graduation List 2021

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