Egerton University Masters Application Forms 2024-2025
Egerton University Masters Application Form 2024-2025
Egerton University Masters Application Form 2021 | Egerton University has opened its admission for 2024-2025 academic year for Application. See details below to apply…
Application forms may be obtained from the Director,Board of Postgraduate studies upon payment of a prescribed Non-refundable fee and returned duly
SEE: Egerton University Masters Courses
- All applicants for registration shall be processed in the first instance through the relevant Department in which registration is sought. The Department shall then
forward all such applications with appropriate comments to the Faculty board concerned for approval Egerton University Statutes 2008 51 and onward transmission to the Board of Postgraduate studies. - Applicants shall be admitted to only one Degree programme at a time.
- Admission shall be confirmed by letter from the Direct, Board of Postgraduate Studies
- Admission shall be offered to holders of a Bachelor’s Degree with an Upper Second Class Honours or above or equivalent qualification from recognized Institutions. SEE ALSO: Egerton University Fee Structure 2024-2025
- In exceptional cases, the Senate may also admit to the Master’s programme a non-holder of Upper Second Class Honours provided that such candidate can, on the basis of the research and other scholarly work done, demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Senate qualification to undertake postgraduate studies.
- Subject to approval by the Senate, Departments may formulate regulations requiring applicants to have attained other academic qualifications as may be consistent with the goals of their Master’s programmes or to appear for interview to determine their suitability for admission. (See annex Pre-masters)
- In exceptional cases, holder of lower second class honour may be admitted if they have two years of relevant experience.
SEE: Egerton University Masters Courses
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