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Elgeyo Marakwet Medical Officer Jobs in Kenya

Elgeyo Marakwet Medical Officer Jobs in Kenya

Elgeyo Marakwet Medical Officer Jobs in Kenya


  • Chair and head departmental meetings;
  • An integral member of the HMT and any other committees in the hospital ;
  • Chair to the Medicines and Therapeutics committee (MTC);
  • Draw up duty roster for all medical doctors and medical interns;
  • Compile and submit all medical-related reports;
  • To provide information and updates on new guidelines and policies on health, disease and their management;
  • Respond to all calls of duty by the intern doctor or nurse-on duty, whether emergency or otherwise, as quickly as possible;
  • Physically review all patients and instruct, in writing, all recommendations ;
  • Assist the consultant in all the wards, theatres and clinics Observe timeliness in service delivery at all times;
  • Conduct teaching ward rounds with the interns and students rotating in the clinical area whenever the specialist is not there or as assigned by the consultant;
  • Undertake certain specified emergency surgeries, minor or major, with the assistance of the intern doctor(s) or students (s);
    Fill P.3 Forms;
  • Perform Post mortems (PMs) and duly fill autopsy forms;
  • Filling of Death Certificates;
  • Undertake medical examinations and certify physical fitness;
  • Attend to court cases;
  • Provide education for prevention of disease and health promotional activities; Participate in outreach health activities;
  • Prepare and implement annual work plan based on department work plan;
  • Using your job description and work plan, to continually appraise yourself and rectify any shortcomings or suggest necessary assistance;
  • Ensure

    that you undertake requisite professional development activities.


  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (M.B; Ch.B.), Medical Doctor (MD);
  • Postgraduate Diploma or Certificate in Senior Management and Strategic Leadership Development D Registered by the Medical Practitioners’ and Dentists Board;
  • A comprehensive understanding of clinical and surgical procedures, patient care procedures, medical protocols and testing procedures D Comprehensive knowledge of medical terminologies, medical conditions and their management;
  • The analytical ability necessary to evaluate and determine health status of patient and implement proper care plan D Interpersonal skills necessary to interview, teach and counsel patients; instruct health care personnel on procedures and treatment D Ability to analyze and evaluate patient history, physical examination findings and laboratory values, and make preliminary diagnosis of patients for review by physician;
  • Registered by the Medical Practitioners’ and Dentists Board;
  • One year of Internship in a government approved health facility.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Elgeyo Marakwet Medical Officer Jobs in Kenya

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