How to revise – tips and techniques to make revision easier
How to revise – tips and techniques to make revision easier
There are a number of different techniques that can help you revise and each individual is different.
To find what works for you, try out some of the handy techniques below and it may make all the difference between getting your expected grades and exceeding them.
Step 1 – Start by creating a revision timetable
Top Tip
- Balance your time between each subject efficiently
- If you’ve revised properly you should be able to take regular breaks from revision.
- Research has shown that too much revision is actually counter-productive
Step 2 – Make your notes manageable
Top Tip
- Instead of having to revise lots and lots of text, summarise your notes further and further until you can whittle them down into key words you can place on cue cards or mind maps
- You could do this by subject, topic, theme or module
Step 3 – It is vital that you READ
- You must read the set readings or texts.
- Read study notes and authors comments on certain topics.
- Read around the topicTop Tip
- If you have a set text to read, read it more than once and make notes of key moments or examples to use in your exam
Step 4 – Form an argument and have an opinion
- Don’t just memorise your notes
- Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a topic.
- Be individual – stand out from the crowd.Top Tip
- Make sure you state your argument in your introduction and be consistent
Step 5 – Write don’t type
- Exams at school can be up to 2 hours long.
- Exams at College and University can be up to 4 hours long.
- Practice, practice, practice – more information subconsciously sinks in!Top Tip
- Once confident with the content of each subject, make essay plans and sit past exam papers
Step 6 – Time is of the essence
- Leave plenty of time to revise before your exams.
- Don’t cram the night before
- Divide your time effectively
- Revisit information
- Have time to practice past exam papers.Top Tip
- Sit past exam papers as if they are the real thing. Practice making quick essay plans and time yourself writing the essay.
Step 7 – Know your learning Style
Visual Learners
- Learn best by remembering information in fun and interesting ways.
- Very creative / artistic.
- Revise best by using mind maps, post it notes and highlighters!
- TIP: Organise your notes by using different colours to represent different themes or topics.
Auditory Learners
- Learn best by hearing information over and over again
- Revise best by talking out load to themselves or having to explain topics to friends or parents.
- TIP: If you’re feeling rather creative you could make up songs, rhymes or raps to remember certain topics or themes!
Kinaesthetic Learners
- Learn best by taking a “hands on” approach to revision.
- Very interactive / outgoing.
- Revise best by re-writing notes and making visual aids throughout revision.
- TIP: Kinaesthetic learners often find that playing sport and exercise during revision stimulates their learning!
- Do the work and it will pay off
- Don’t think of exams as a chore, if you work hard and revise properly you will see that exams are your chance to “show off” to the examiners.