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JKUAT Arusha Campus Diploma Courses

JKUAT Arusha Campus Diploma Courses

Welcome to Ugfacts.net/ke, on this page you will find details on Jomo Kenyatta University JKUAT Admissions and Intake 2024-2025. It is our aim to provide this information as accurately as possible. Kindly check out our top pages on KUCCPS Admission letters 2024-2025 – KUCCPS Admission Lists 2024-2025 – Fees Structure for All Institutions – 2024-2025 Intake for Schools and List of Courses Offered.

Details on Jomo Kenyatta University JKUAT Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on Jomo Kenyatta University JKUAT Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 !.

JKUAT Arusha Campus Diploma Courses – Details:

Diploma Programmes

Why study Diploma in Business Information Technology?
The overall aim in Diploma in Business and Information Technology program is placed on learning a variety of business application software, fundamentals of software applications, and gaining basic business knowledge and skills in some of the most popular hardware and software application in use today. The student is expected to develop an IT solution to a practical business problem using and engineering approach.

What is the programme designed for?
Designed for students in any discipline who wish to pursue a career in information technology, business information or related field at a higher academic level. Practitioners, managers and entrepreneurs in business who wish to use information technology for business management.

See Also: JKUAT Arusha Campus Certificate Courses

What profession will the student be after graduating?
Students will be able to work in IT and business related environment and know how to write simple programs to better understanding the basics of Management of Information systems.

Programme Duration and Structure
The Diploma in Business Information Technology shall be offered in two academic years with four semesters .The first academic year will be comprised of a minimum of ten (10) or a maximum of twelve (12) course units, and the second academic year will have a minimum of ten (10) or maximum of twelve (12) course units, plus Project work and Attachment. The course shall be offered in terms of units. One unit being defined as a series of 35 one-hour lectures. For this purpose, a one- hour lecture is equivalent to a two –hour tutorial or three-hour practical period, or an equivalent amount of other assigned study or practical experience or any combination of these that may be approved by the school for Human Recourses Development. Download course units.

Why study Diploma in Communication Skills in English?
This program offers an opportunity to learn and apply, in daily life, practical principles of interpersonal communication. Emphasis is placed on psychological, social, cultural and linguistic factors, which affect person-to-person interaction. JKUAT Arusha Campus Diploma Courses

What is the programme designed for?
The diploma in English programme is designed to provide an opportunity for students to develop proficiency in English and to acquire additional skills which will enhance their communication in various professions where English is the operational language. The course will also form a basis for entry into advanced academic training in English. It covers all language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing and basic general skills in the learning and use of language.

What profession will the student be after graduating?
Successful candidates will have better educational and employment prospects and gain lifelong skills including; better communicative ability in English, better interpersonal relations, improved ability to understand a range of social registers and styles, greater awareness of the nature of the language and language-learning skills, greater international perspective and above all, a sound for progression to employment and further studies at degree level.

Programme Duration and Course Structure
This course will be offered in two years, that is four semesters of sixteen weeks each. The course shall take four (4) semesters. Every student shall study a minimum of twenty four (24) units spread over the four semesters (6 units per semester). In the first two semesters, students will take twelve (12) common core units (six units per semester). In the third semester each student will take four (4) core units and two(2) electives


Why study Diploma in Information Technology?
The diploma course in Information Technology (IT) is intended to provide students with a wide range of technical and technological skills requires by industry at the diploma level. JKUAT Arusha Campus Diploma Courses

What is the programme designed for?
The course is intended to produce personnel who have ability to use industry standard computer software and hardware, equipped with problem solving skills and can adapt to a fast changing technological world. JKUAT Arusha Campus Diploma Courses

What profession will the student be after graduating?
Students will assist in system administration and networking in areas such as, production research, consultancy, education and will be able to progress academically to higher levels of education into relevant degree courses.

Programme Duration and Course Structure
The course shall extend over a minimum period of eighteen (18) months and a maximum period of thirty-six (36) months including three (3) months of practical industrial attachment. The course comprises of five (5) stages, each consisting five(5) units of thirty-five(35) lecture hours. For this purpose, one lecture hour is defined as the equivalent of two (2) one-hour tutorial sessions or three (3) laboratory hours.
The duration of each stage shall extend over a period of twelve (12) weeks, and for part-time students, the duration for each stage shall not exceed twenty-four (24) weeks. Course units in stages I,II and III are all mandatory while units in stage IV and V shall be selected from the areas of specialization. There shall be an industrial attachment for three (3) months after the completion of stage V. Download course units. JKUAT Arusha Campus Diploma Courses

Why study Diploma in Public Relations?
The courses in the program have been selected to give broad coverage of the functional areas of Public Relations. The course is aimed at personnel working in Public Relations positions and is also meant for those wishing to become PR practitioners and consultants.

What is the programme designed for?
Students from any discipline who wish to start a career in public relations and advertising or others who are currently working in other occupations and wish to switch to public relations department in their respective organisations.

What profession will the student be after graduating?
Enable students to develop practical skills in the analysis of concepts and practices in public relations, advertising and sales. Develop knowledge, skills and competence to the level where students can make a professional contribution to the administration and management of human resources in an organisation.

Programme Duration and Course Structure
The Diploma in Public Relations shall be offered in two academic years with four semesters. The first academic year will comprise of a minimum of ten (10) or a maximum of twelve (12) course units, and the second academic year will have a minimum of ten (10) or a maximum of twelve (12) course units, plus Project Work and Attachment.
Courses shall be offered in terms of units. One unit being defined as a series of 35 one-hour lectures. For this purpose, a one-hour is equivalent to a two-hour tutorial or a three-hour practical period, or an equivalent amount of other assigned study or practical experience or any combination of these that may be approved by the School for Human Resource Development. Download course units.

Why study Diploma in Human Resource Management?
The program has been selected to give broad coverage of the functional areas of human resource management. Students from any discipline who wish to start a career human resource management or others who are currently working in other occupations who wish to switch to human resource department.

Read On: JKUAT Kigali Campus

What is the programme designed for?
The program has been designed to meet the needs of people in personnel management or with experience working in government or private sector employment who wish to enhances their skills in the functional areas of human resource management.

What profession will the student be after graduating?
Students from any discipline who wish to start a career human resource management or others who are currently working in other occupations who wish to switch to human resource department.

Programme Duration and Course Structure
The programme will run for four (4) semesters, with each semesters running for sixteen (16) weeks. The period of the project work will be part of the programme duration and will be considered as having two (2) course units. Each semester should have a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of six (6) units.
Courses shall be offered in terms of units. One unit being defined as a series of 45 one-hour lectures. For this purpose, a one-hour lecture is equivalent to a two-hour tutorial or a three-hour practical period, or an equivalent amount of other assigned study or practical experience or any combination of these that may be approved by the School for Human Resource Development. Download course units.

Why study Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management & Counseling?
Diploma in HIV/AIDS management is intended for people involved in management of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and aspire to work as health care workers, community workers, workers in educational institutions, religious leaders, social scientists, human resource manager and counsellors.

What is the programme designed for?
This course will contribute towards establishing a critical mass of human resource that will have been empowered to manage multidisplinary programmes that provide preventive, promotive and management care of HIV/AIDS in the chosen fields of work.

What profession will the student be after graduating?
The general objective of the programme is to provide training in the management of HIV/AIDS and AIDS and help alleviate the negative impact of the syndrome.

Programme Duration and Course Structure
The programme for those admitted shall extend for a minimum of twelve (12) month and maximum of 18 month and shall consist of three semesters, followed by another semester as an attachment period. Students shall be required to take 15 units in two semesters, followed by another semester as an attachment period.
Fees Structure:Download Fees Structure

Why study Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management?
Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management provides course in core purchasing and supplies management skills in a four-semester program within two academic years. The courses in program have been selected to give broad coverage of the functional areas of purchasing and supplies management.

What is the programme designed for?
The program has been designed to meet the needs of the people with work experience in procurement or in government or private sector employment who wish to enhance their skills in the functional areas of purchasing and supplies.

Programme Duration and Course Structure
The programme shall be offered in two academic years with four semesters, with each semester running for sixteen (16) weeks. The first year will comprise of a minimum of ten (10) of twelve course units, and the second year will have a minimum of ten (10) or a maximum of twelve units’ course, plus project work and attachments.
Courses shall be offered in terms of units. One unit being defined as a series of 35 one hour lectures. For this purpose, one hour lecture is equivalent to a two-hour tutorial or three hour practical period, or an equivalent amount of other assigned study or practical experience or any combination of these that may be approved by the School of Human Resource Development. Download course units.

Why study Diploma in Community Development?
Diploma in Community Development provides diploma–level courses in community development skills in a four semester program within two academic years. The courses in the program have been selected to give broad coverage of the functional areas of the community development. The course offers an interdisciplinary approach within which to analyze , critique and reflect upon the development process in communities.

What is the programme designed for?

The programme is designed to help students to development conceptual skills in the analysis of concepts and practice in community development. It is also designed to develop knowledge, skills and competence to the level where students can make a professional contribution to the development of the communities, whether in the rural or urban areas.

What profession will the student be after graduating?
Personnel working with communities, non-governmental organisations. It forms a course prerequisite for those wishing to pursue higher degree in community development.

Programme Duration and Course Structure

The Diploma in community Development shall be in two academic years with four semesters. The first academic year will comprise of a minimum of ten (10) or a maximum of twelve (12) course units, and the second academic year will have a minimum of ten (10) or maximum of twelve (12) course units, plus Project Work and Attachment
Courses shall be offered in terms of units. One unit being defined as a series of 35 one-hour lectures. For this purpose, one hour lecture is equivalent to a two-hour tutorial or three hour practical period, or an equivalent amount of other assigned study or practical experience or any combination of these that may be approved by the School of Human Resource Development. Download course units.

Why study Diploma in Business Administration?
Diploma in Business Administration provides courses in core business skills in a four semester program within two academic years. The courses in the program have been selected to give broad coverage of the functional area of business and management.

What is the programme designed for?

The program has been designed to meet the needs of people with work experience in business or in government or private sector employment who wish to enhance their skills in the functional areas of administration.

What profession will the student be after graduating?

The courses in the program have been selected to give broad coverage of the functional area of business and management.

Programme Duration and Course Structure
The Diploma in Business Administration shall be offered in two academic years with four semesters.The first academic year will comprise of a minimum of ten (10) or maximum of twelve (12)course units, and the second academic year will have a minimum of ten (10)or a maximum of twelve (12) course units ,plus project work and attachment.
Courses shall be offered in terms of units .One unit being defined as a series of 35 one –hour lectures .For this purpose a one –hour lecture is equivalent amount to a two –hour tutorial or a three-hour practical period or an equivalent amount assigned study or practical experience or any combination of these that may be approved by the School of Human Resource Development. Download course units.

See Also: JKUAT Westlands Campus

Entry Requirements for Diploma Programmes
i. Form six with at least one principal pass in Mathematics/ Accounting/ Economics/ Commerce/ Geography/ English/ History. Where the principal pass is in Geography, History or English; the applicant MUST have a pass (D) in Mathematics at O-Level for DBADPSMDHRM and DPR.
ii. Form six with at least one principal pass in Mathematics/ Physics/ Chemistry or Biology Where the principal pass is in Biology, Physics or Chemistry; the applicant MUST have a pass (D) in Mathematics at O-Level for DITand DBIT.
iii. Form six with at least one principal pass in English/Kiswahili/ History/Geography/Economics. Where the principal pass is in Geography or History, the applicant MUST have a pass (D) in English / Kiswahili at O-Level for DCD and DCSEOR
iv. Form six with at least one principal pass and a subsidiary in Biology or Ordinary level Certificate with three credits and a pass in Biology and English/ Kiswahili for Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management & Counseling. OR
v. An appropriate equivalent Certificate with distinction or credit

1 thought on “JKUAT Arusha Campus Diploma Courses”

  1. I’m employee of the government in health department in Tanzania since 2015,and want to join in your university,but I have one credit in civic,can I allow to join with diploma in HIV/AIDs,


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