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JKUAT Students Email Activation

JKUAT Students Email Activation

Welcome to Ugfacts.net/ke, on this page you will find details on Jomo Kenyatta University JKUAT Admissions and Intake 2024-2025. It is our aim to provide this information as accurately as possible. Kindly check out our top pages on KUCCPS Admission letters 2024-2025 – KUCCPS Admission Lists 2024-2025 – Fees Structure for All Institutions – 2024-2025 Intake for Schools and List of Courses Offered.

Details on Jomo Kenyatta University JKUAT Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on Jomo Kenyatta University JKUAT Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 !.

JKUAT Students Email Activation | How To Activate JKUAT Students Email | JKUAT Students Email Activation

Before email activation, lets get to know hoe to obtain JKUAT Students Email

JKUAT Student Email

JKUAT has implemented Google Apps for student emails, The student’s emails are running on Google. All JKUAT students should use University email addresses.
Get your email address by entering your registration number at https://portal.jkuat.ac.ke/studentemail/

Instructions On How To Get JKUAT Student Email

  1. Enter Correct Registration Number.
  2. Click the Submit button to get the Email details.
  3. Incase of Email details not found!,Please click on submit details button to submit your details for email creation.
  4. If Email details are found ,please follow the 6-steps provided at the Login Instructions.
  5. For Students’ Portal access, go to this link PORTAL https://portal.jkuat.ac.ke/ and follow subsequent instr

Steps To JKUAT Students Email Activation

1. Go to www.jkuat.ac.ke or simply google for JKUAT website
2. Under highlights (next to the slideshow), select ‘Activate Your Student Email’
3. In the text field provided under “get your student email login details” enter your REGISTRATION No. then submit.
4. After your details have been loaded, follow the instructions under “Login Instructions” to activate.
5. If after step 3 your get the response, “Email details not found”, send your registration no to admin@students.jkuat.ac.ke.

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