Kirinyaga University Department of Clinical Medicine
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Kirinyaga University Department of Clinical Medicine | Read on details of the overview and list of courses offered by the Department of Clinical Medicine in Kirinyaga University.
About Kirinyaga University Department of Clinical Medicine
The department of Clinical Medicine is housed in the School of health Sciences and which although being the youngest in the University, has seen a lot of growth in the recent past.
The establishment of this department in the year 2016 followed a vigorous accreditation process by the Clinical Officers Council that ensured that our programs conform to both local and international standards.
Kirinyaga University Department of Clinical Medicine Courses Offered
Currently, the department offers three (3) academic programs namely:
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine and Community Health (Direct Entry)
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine and Community Health (Mature Entry)
To ensure quality of our programs, the University has invested heavily on relevant infrastructure to meet the demands of our students.
For Clinical training and experience, we have well-stocked clinical skills laboratories that provide a great simulation experience before students proceed to handle actual patients in the hospitals.
The department also boast of state of the art Medical Physiology, Biochemistry, Anatomy and Microbiology laboratories that provide the students will good foundation in the preclinical subjects.
To enable Clinical Medicine students, get the much needed practical and clinical skills, Kirinyaga has signed MoUs with various facilities including Kerugoya and Embu Teaching and Referral hospitals. Additionally, we also have MoUs with Karurumo, Mbale, Maragwa and Chulaimbo Rural Health Training Centers for Community Health and Health Service Management attachments.
See Also:
See Also:
Kirinyaga University School of Health Sciences
Kirinyaga University School of Pure and Applied Sciences
Kirinyaga University School of Hospitality and Textile Technology
Kirinyaga University School of Engineering & Built Environment
Kirinyaga University School of Business & Economics