KNEC KCSE English Paper 3 Question Paper / 2016 Pre KCSE
2016 Pre KCSE
English Paper 3
Write a composition to illustrate the saying; one good turn deserves another.:
20 marks
Write a composition explaining why students cheat in National Exams.
20 marks
2. THE PLAY (20 Marks)
Bertolt Brecht; The Caucasian Chalk Circle
Bertolt Brecht; The Caucasian Chalk Circle
“ Human weaknesses affect characters negatively”. Write a composition in support of the above statement drawing your illustrations from The Causasian Chalk Circle,
20 marks
Answer any one of the following three questions
The short story
Iliera, E and Olembo: When The Sun Goes Down and other stories from Africa and Beyond
With illustrations from “ Two stories of a House” by Leila Abouzeid (morocco) Justify the statement
Ingratitude breeds conflicts in a society.
20 marks
The novel,
Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider,
Basing your illustrations on the text, ‘The whale rider’ by Witi Ihimaera, show how gender discrimination has been brought out in the novel.
20 marks
The Drama
Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City.
“The government of Kafira is founded on corruption’. Using illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the city, write an essay in support of this statement.
20 marks