KNEC KCSE Home Science Paper 3 Past Paper – Bomet County Joint Examinations
2015 KCSE Bomet County Joint Examinations
Home Science Paper 3
Follow the instructions provided
Your cousin sister with a 5 months baby is visiting you on weekend. Using the ingredients listed below, prepare and present one meal and a nutritious drink for the two of you.
- Onions
- Raw bananas / Irish potatoes / rice
- Beef / soya drinks
- Millet flour / sorghum flour
- Fruits in season.
- Sweet pepper.
- Carrots
- Ginger
- Fat/oil
Planning session (30 minutes)
Use separate sheets of paper for each task listed below and a carbon paper to make duplicate copies.
Then proceed as follows:
- Identify the dishes and write down their recipes.
- Write down your of work
- Make a list of the food stuffs required.
25 marks