Laikipia University Admission Requirement 2024-2025
Welcome to, on this page you will find details on Laikipia University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025. It is our aim to provide this information as accurately as possible. Kindly check out our top pages on KUCCPS Admission letters 2024-2025 – KUCCPS Admission Lists 2024-2025 – Fees Structure for All Institutions – 2024-2025 Intake for Schools and List of Courses Offered.
Details on Laikipia University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on Laikipia University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 !.
Laikipia University Entry Requirement 2024-2025
Laikipia University Admission Requirement 2024-2025; See details on Laikipia University Admission Requirement 2024-2025
Course Admission Requirements
Welcome to the world of Academia at Laikipia University. We offer the following courses listed below with their respective entry requirements;
Certificate Entry Requirements
- Minimum Entry Requirements:
- KCSE Mean Grade D+ or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution for all certificate courses
Diploma Entry Requirements
- Minimum Entry Requirements:
- An aggregate KCSE grade of C – (Minus) or equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution, for Diploma in Education aggregate KCSE grade C+, C+ in two teaching subjects and C(Plain) in English or its equivalent.
Degree Entry Requirements
- Minimum Entry Requirements:
- An aggregate KCSE grade of C+ (PLUS) or a relevant Diploma from a recognized institution. (Some Degree Programmes may require higher aggregate KCSE grade).
Post Graduate Degree Programmes Entry Requirements
- First Degree in a relevant field
Masters Entry Requirements
- Minimum Entry Requirements
- Bachelor Degree, Second Class Honours (Upper Division) and above OR Bachelor Degree Second Class Honours (Lower Division) with at least two (2) years’ relevant work experience.
Doctor of Philosophy Programmes Entry Requirements
- Masters qualification in a relevant field from a recognized Institution or its Equivalent from a recognized institution.