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Moi University Fee Structure 2024-2025

Moi University Fee Structure 2024-2025

Moi University Fee Structure 2024-2025

Moi University Fee Structure … The Moi University, MU School Fees Structure has been released for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Moi University Fees Structure, MU Undergraduate Fees Structure, MU Postgraduate Fees Structure, Moi University Tuition Fees Structure… full details below…

The management of the Moi University (MU) has released the School Fees Structure to be paid by each undergraduate and postgraduate (Degree, PhD, Masters, Diploma, Certificate, Short Course and Non-Degree) students respectively for the 2024-2025 academic session.

The following policies and procedures are applicable to all students who officially register for programmes at the Moi University. The Institute reserves the right to change fees without prior notice. However, fee changes are subject to approval by the Governing Council and we will update it ASAP. see the fees structure for all universities in Kenya.

Moi University Fees Structure

Moi University of Kenya Fees Structure is successfully uploaded online:

School of Arts

  • Third years PSSP students: ksh. 69,200 1st semester and ksh. 64,000 2nd semester . The total is ksh. 133,200
  • Third years JAB students: ksh. 17, 200 1st semester and ksh. 12,000 2nd semester . The total is ksh. 29, 200
  • Fourth years PSSP students: ksh. 65,200 1st semester and ksh. 60,000 2nd semester . The total is ksh. 125,200
  • Third years JAB students: ksh. 13,200 1st semester and ksh. 8,000 2nd semester . The total is ksh. 21,200

School of Business

  • 1st year: First Semester (ksh. 14, 550) Second Semester (ksh 8,100) Total (ksh. 22,650)
  • 2nd year: First Semester (ksh. 12, 800) Second Semester (ksh 8,100) Total (ksh. 20, 900)
  • 3rd year: First Semester (ksh. 16, 800) Second Semester (ksh 12, 100) Total (ksh. 28, 900)
  • 4th year: First Semester (ksh. 12, 800) Second Semester (ksh 8,100) Total (ksh. 20, 900)

to access the fees, Click on the link below representing your programme of choice:

For more information and inquiries, you can contact the MU by visiting the institution’s official website or campus.

However, if you are unable to access the Moi University Fees Structure Or find what you needed Or you have any correction regarding this post, Please, kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.



Moi University, Main Campus, Kesses

P.O Box 3900-30100 Eldoret

Uasin Gishu County, Kenya


  • Hot line:
    1. +254 790940508,
    2. +254 736138770,
    3. +254 771336911

5 thoughts on “Moi University Fee Structure 2024-2025”

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