SOS CV KE Bio-Center Facilitator / Trainer Job in Kenya
Term of Reference for a Facilitator / Trainer for Bio-Center located in City Carton
Introduction: SOS Children’s Villages Kenya (SOS CV KE) is a member of SOS – Kinderdorf International, the largest private child welfare organization in the world.
SOS CV KE implements programmes focusing on Alternative Family Care of children with inadequate parental care, education, health, youth empowerment, Family Strengthening and Advocacy.
The organization has a presence in seven of the country’s 47 counties; these are Nairobi, Mombasa, Uasin Gishu, Meru, Kisumu, Busia and Homa Bay.
The Family Strengthening Programme works to prevent child abandonment by providing support to community children, empowering their families and developing the capacity of their communities through Community Based Organizations to take future action in responding to the needs of orphans and vulnerable children within their respective communities.
FSP works directly with families and communities to help them to effectively protect and care for their children, in cooperation with local authorities and in collaboration with other relevant stakeholders/partners.
SOS is seeking to hire a trainer to facilitate seven (7) training fields to the community on the function, maintenance and management of a Bio Center constructed within a community setup.
The project is driven by the community as the primary stakeholder and other partners of interest.
The purpose of the training is to enable the community members to acquire skills and knowledge on the Biogas sanitation project. This includes the operation, maintenance and management.
Other training areas of interest are related to hygiene, economic and social integration.
Background: Organize training workshops for the community comprising a sample population of thirty (30) community members.
The Assignment and Objectives: The trainings are to influence positive behavior change in the disposal of waste and its management, the promotion of livelihood to reduce poverty and care for the environment.
The Scope
The following are the 7 training session for 10 days
- Hygiene promotion : 1 day
- Leadership training: 1 day
- Operation and maintenance : 1 day
- Sanitation marketing: 2 days
- Advocacy skills: 2 days
- Business planning : 2 days
- Governance: 1 day
Acceptable Criteria / Performance Requirement
- Experienced in training community clusters and familiarity with Bio Centre sanitation projects
- Must have proficiency in Business, marketing, leadership, advocacy and related fields of managing a Bio center sanitation block and its functions and operation.
Relevant documents include certification of established trainer, 5 years of experience in construction and sanitation projects specific Bio gas latrine, preference a relevant degree or its equivalent.
Proposals should be addressed and delivered in sealed envelopes clearly marked “FSP TRAINING BIO CENTRES” to the tender box located at SOS Children’s Villages Kenya, Nairobi location located at Buruburu Phase 1 Outering road off OleLeshwa road P.O.Box 40653, 00100
Deadline: not later than 15th April, 2021 4.00 pm.