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University Of Eldoret School of Science

University Of Eldoret School of Science

Welcome to Ugfacts.net/ke, on this page you will find details on University Of Eldoret Admissions and Intake 2024-2025. It is our aim to provide this information as accurately as possible. Kindly check out our top pages on KUCCPS Admission letters 2024-2025 – KUCCPS Admission Lists 2024-2025 – Fees Structure for All Institutions – 2024-2025 Intake for Schools and List of Courses Offered.

Details on University Of Eldoret Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on University Of Eldoret Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 !.

University Of Eldoret School of Science Courses And Requirement

University Of Eldoret School of Science; See details on University Of Eldoret School of Science

University Of Eldoret School of Science

University Of Eldoret School of Science – see the list of courses offered at the school:






Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)


A minimum mean grade of C+ at KCSE and a C+ in any two science

Full time


subjects relevant to the area of study OR

Venue: Main Campus

• Mathematics


2 principals and subsidiary pass at A – level in science subjects OR

• Botany

iii. A diploma or higher diploma in Science/Applied Sciences or its equivalent

• Physics

from a recognized institution.

• Zoology

• Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Analytical Chemistry with Computing

i. A minimum mean grade of C+ at KCSE with B- in Chemistry, Biology (C+),

Full time

Mathematics (C+) OR

Venue: Main Campus

ii.“A�? level with 2 principal passes in Chemistry and/or Physics/Biology and at least a subsidiary in Mathematics OR

iii.A diploma or higher diploma in Analytical Chemistry/Applied Science or its equivalent from recognized institution.

Bachelor of Science in Microbiology


A minimum mean Grade of C+ at KCSE or its equivalent and at least a B- in

Full time

Biology/Biological Sciences, Chemistry (C+), Mathematics (C+) OR

Venue: Main Campus


2 Principal passes, one must be in Biology and subsidiary in Mathematics

with C (Plain) in Physics at “O�? level OR

iii. A diploma or higher diploma in Science/Applied Sciences or its equivalent

from a recognized institution.

University of Eldoret Academic Programmes


Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology


Must have a minimum mean grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE or its equivalent

Full time

and Biosafety

form a recognized institution and have C+ (Plus) in Biology or Biological

Venue: Main Campus

Sciences, C+ (Plus) in Chemistry, C+ (Plus) in Mathematics and C+ (Plus) in

Physics/Geography OR


2 Principals in A level Biology and Chemistry and a Principal pass in

Mathematics, Physics or Geography OR

iii. A diploma or higher diploma in Biotechnology or its equivalent from a

recognized institution.

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry


A minimum mean grade of C+ at KCSE with B- in Chemistry, Biology (C+),

Full time

Mathematics (C+) C (Plain) in any group IV subjects OR

Venue: Main Campus

ii. “A�? level with 2 principal passes in Chemistry and Biology. Subs in

Mathematics with C (Plain) in Physics at “O�? level OR

iii. A diploma or higher diploma in Science/Applied or its equivalent from a recognized institution.

Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics with Computing


A minimum mean grade of C+ and above in KCSE and a minimum of grade

Full time

of B- in Mathematics OR

Venue: Main Campus


A diploma or higher diploma in Applied Statistics or its equivalent from a

recognized institution.

Bachelor of Science in Computer


A minimum mean grade of C+ at KCSE, and at least a C+ in Mathematics,

Full time


Physics or Physical Sciences OR

Venue: Main Campus


2 Principal passes, one of which must be in Mathematics or Physics at “A�?

Level OR

iii. A diploma or higher diploma in Computer Studies or its equivalent from a

recognized institution.


University of Eldoret Academic Programmes

Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science


A minimum mean grade of C+ at KCSE, and at least B-(minus) in

Full time

Mathematics and C+(plus) in English or Kiswahili.

Venue: Main Campus


“A�? level with 2 principal passes and one subsidiary in science subjects.

/Eldoret Town Campus

One Principal must be in Mathematics. OR

iii. A diploma or higher diploma in Actuarial Sciences or its equivalent from a

recognized institution.

Bachelor of Science in Informatics.


A minimum mean grade of C+ at K.C.S.E. and grade C+ (Plus) in both

Full time

Mathematics and English/Kiswahili OR

Venue: Main Campus


KACE certificate with a minimum of two principal passes and a minimum

of a Credit Pass in Mathematics at KACE. OR


A diploma or higher diploma in relevant disciplines in the field of

Information Technology or its equivalent from a recognized institution.

University of Eldoret Academic Programmes


masters degree PROGRAMMES

Masters in

Chemistry: Analytical, Organic, Physical, Inorganic Chemistry

Physics: Theoretical Physics, Electronics, Materials Science, Renewable Energy (Photovoltaic and wind)

Mathematics: Pure and Applied Mathematics, Biostatistics

Zoology: Animal Ecology Entomology, Parasitology and Animal Physiology

Botany: Plant Taxonomy, Plant Ecology, Genetics, Plant Physiology and Plant Pathology

i. Upper Second Class honours degree and above of UoE or other recognized

Full Time

Universitiyin relevat discipline.

Venue: Main Campus


ii.Lower Second Class Honours degree of UoE or other recognized Universitiy and two years work experience.

Master of Science in Microbiology

i. B.Sc. in Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Biochemistry, Zoology, Botany,

Full time

Agriculture with a Second Class Honours Upper Division from a recognized

Venue: Main Campus

institution OR

ii.Holders of Second-Class Honours Lower Division in the above areas with 2 years work experience or two research publications or a relevant Postgraduate Diploma.

Master of Science in Mycology


B.Sc. in Biology, Botany, Crop Protection, Zoology or Agriculture with a

Full time

Second Class Honours Upper Division from a recognized institution OR

Venue: Main Campus


Holders of Second Class Honours Lower Division in the above areas

with 2 years work experience or two research publications or a relevant

Postgraduate Diploma.

Master of Science in Biochemistry

iii. B.Sc. in Biochemistry with a Second Class Honours Upper Division from a

Full time

recognized institution OR

Venue: Main Campus

iv.Holders of Second Class Honours Lower Division in the above areas with 2 years work experience or two research publications or a relevant Postgraduate Diploma.


doctoral degree PROGRAMMES

University of Eldoret Academic Programmes

Ph. D in

Master of Philosophy in relevant or related discipline from University of Eldoret

Full time

• Mathematics: Applied Mathematics,

or its equivalent from recognized universities.

Venue: Main Campus


Zoology: Entomology, Parasitology, Animal Physiology and Animal Ecology

Botany: Plant Taxonomy, Plant Ecology, Genetics, Plant Physiology and Plant Pathology

Physics: Theoretical Physics, Nuclear, Materials Science, Physics and Renewable Energy

Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, Physical and Analytical Chemistry

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