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World Vision Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Coordinator Job in Kenya

World Vision Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Coordinator Job in Kenya

ABOUT US: World Vision Kenya is a leading Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.

Our programmes are spread across in most parts of Kenya.

Joining Forces Child Protection Project in Kenya

We are seeking highly competent and outstanding individuals to fill the following position:

Job Title: Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Coordinator

Reporting to: Joining Forces for All Children in Kenya (JFA) – Head of Secretariat

Grade Level: 15

Work Location: Nairobi


Purpose of position: The purpose of this position is to provide effective monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning for effectiveness and impact of the Joining Forces alliance project and other advocacy related projects in World vision Kenya for improved child protection and participation.

Major Responsibilities

Project Planning and Management 35%

  • Take lead in the design and implementation of a monitoring framework to track delivery against project objectives.
  • Developing internal reporting schedules & templates, clarifying what level of information is needed and where, with key responsibilities assigned, and reviewing proposals, with a particular focus on checking log frames and ensuring indicators are SMART
  • Review and update log frames, M&E Plans, Project indicators and periodic targets and detailed implementation plans.
  • Support develop clear and implementable work break down structure for respective activities
  • Ensure realistic scheduling of Program activities and budgets.
  • Participating in the development of tools and guidelines for data collection, collation and reporting, with a focus on establishing Output and outcome Tracking, systemically checking data for quality, accuracy, and consistency, and providing feedback as necessary;
  • Contribute to the design of MEAL methodology and child-focused indicators by the project team, and to the promotion of child participation in M&E planning and accountability.

Project Assessment, Monitoring, Reporting & Evaluation 25%

  • Provide technical leadership in implementing/mainstreaming the project M&E system to the existing M&E system in WVK.
  • Monitor project implementation for WVK JFA project and provide support for other JFA partner organizations
  • Provide support in the maintenance of a comprehensive and updated database for the JFA project and interventions in Kenya.
  • Provide technical leadership in carrying out baseline assessments, and end of project review across the project and other advocacy projects.
  • Support development and implementation of data collection tools
  • Develop monitoring tools as per project Data Flow, drawing from Country Programme Data Collection Tools, Baseline Data Collection Tools, Country Standard Data Collection Tools, AOGD Data Collection Tools and Pre-testing/Piloting of monitoring tools
  • Take charge of collating and analyzing data and synthesizing information, updating the monitoring matrix and other monitoring tools in place.
  • Ensure timely analysis of monitoring data and dissemination to key stakeholders for management decision-making.
  • Designing situation analysis, needs and baseline/end line assessments, external reviews, evaluations and documentation, and identifying resources, including technical resources, both within WVI and externally.
  • Support the implementation of processes to review the quality of existing project data, information collection methods and the suitability of the existing data for the provision of sound baseline information.
  • Ensure that all data and documents (raw data, completed consent forms, reports, etc.) are filed according to internal document management requirements
  • Working with the JFA coordinator support development and submission of all required reports to internal and external stakeholders.

Database Management 15%

  • Provide MIS content/requirements and feedback to project team and document progress on indicators/achievement of targets (Logical Framework Approach – LFA) using Indicator Tracking Tables (ITT)
  • Support the development of systems and processes for the implementation of M&E policy and procedure based on WV best practice, developing frameworks to integrate impact assessment and learning and knowledge management into the programme and project cycle;
  • Plan tracking for Project indicators of strategic relevance from secondary and primary data, with partners and communities
  • Maintain a tracking spreadsheet for M&E activities and events – baselines, assessments, reviews, evaluations – tracking trends and recommendations, progressing their implementation where appropriate.
  • Compile, consolidate and analyze quantitative and qualitative project data and contribute into subsequent reporting through monthly MEAL reports, updates, successes and issues from the MEAL tracking tools.
  • Ensure the development, contextualization and refining of M&E tools and resources needed to implement humanitarian accountability issues.
  • Take lead in the analysis of data collected under the monitoring framework for assessment of progress and areas for improvement.
  • Ensure the appropriate use of information management systems in compliance with WV Kenya, GoK, and JFA and in line with partnership agreements.

Networking, Collaboration & Accountability 10%

  • Network and collaborate with relevant partners, and represent World Vision in Interagency Working Group Meetings
  • Coordinate with external stakeholders including, but not limited to, academia, NGOs, Government, and Private Sector in order to advance the learning goal of the project
  • Ensure accountability assessments are conducted on a timely basis and capacity of staff built to undertake accountability assessments.
  • Ensure effective community complaints response mechanisms in collaboration with communities and other agencies/partners are developed and functional
  • Comply with and promote WV policies such as Child Safeguarding, Whistle blower and Fraud.

Learning, Documentation & Capacity Development 10%

  • Ensure continuous learning and documentation of lessons learnt and best practices for program design, monitoring and evaluation frameworks related to emergency response.
  • Coordinate the sharing of learning related to MEAL practices across other agencies and other countries and provide support when internal/external reviews, evaluations, and lessons learned.
  • Support the development of project case studies, human interest stories, documentaries and other related materials
  • Ensure that lessons learnt and reports are documented (printed, visual) and published for sharing with the donor and other partners and proactively share information and learning with internal and external stakeholders
  • Develop capacity building plans and support WV and partners in building their capacity in M&E, Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) and in the management of information systems, development of required formats, key indicators, needs assessments, frameworks for evaluation, qualitative documentation of outcomes and impact of projects.

Other 5%

  • Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the supervisor or designee from time to time
  • Attend and lead daily devotions.


Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

  • Must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Social sciences, Monitoring and Evaluation or Project management, Statistics or related discipline from a recognized University.
  • Certification in M&E and in conducting assessments or equivalent
  • Minimum five years’ practical experience in M&E system coordination/ implementation in a large international non-governmental organization or other international relief/development body
  • Experience in data/statistical programmes e.g. SPSS, Stata etc.
  • Good analytical skills with appropriate attention to detail
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent planning, coordination, and reporting skills.
  • High professional ethics and integrity
  • Good Empirical knowledge of humanitarian codes, principles and practice;
  • Experience in quality assurance systems, and continuous improvement, with particular emphasis on integration of accountability measures into all aspects of the project cycle;
  • Experience in Data collection on the Open data kit plat form and other mobile based applications, data analysis and interpretation
  • Computer literacy in MS office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint;
  • Experience working in multicultural, multi-location, values driven teams;
  • Experience in working on donor funded programs and experience with EU and other multilateral donor funded projects
  • Good understanding of Emergency Programming


Application Procedure

For more information on the job and application procedure, please visit: https://careers.wvi.org/job-opportunities-in-africa and submit your online application including a detailed CV, current and expected salary, with names pf three referees, current Police Clearance Certificate or proof of application for the same will be required during interviews.

Application deadline is April 11, 2021 at midnight.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

World Vision is a child focused organization and upholds the rights and wellbeing of children.

Our recruitment and selection procedures include screening and background checking for child abuse related offenses.

World Vision is an equal opportunity employer.

World Vision does not use employment agencies nor does it charge money for recruitment, interviews, or medical checks.

More information about vacancies can be found on our official careers page https://careers.wvi.org/.

You will be required to produce a current (within 3 months) Original Police Clearance Certificate or waiting receipt during interview in case you are shortlisted


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