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Zetech University Fee Structure 2024-2025

Zetech University Fee Structure 2024-2025

Zetech University Fee Structure 2024-2025

Zetech University Fee Structure 2024-2025 Academic Year…Zetech University Fees Structure schedule for Government Sponsored Students Programme GSSP and Self Sponsored Students SSP Module II students for the 2024-2025 academic session.

Zetech University  Fees 2024-2025, Zetech University Tuition Fees, Zetech University Fees Structure, see full details below…

Below Is the Official  Zetech University Fees Structure schedule to be paid by each undergraduate and postgraduate student respectively for the 2024-2025 academic session.

The following policies and procedures are applicable to all students who officially register for programmes at  Zetech University The Institute reserves the right to change fees without prior notice to the student. However, fee changes are subject to approval by the Governing Council. Zetech University Fee Structure

Here is the Regular Students fees regime of the  Zetech University for 2024-2025.

Check here to DOWNLOAD (.PDF) to your Computer or Mobile, the printable/offline version of the Zetech University in Portable Document Format (.PDF):  http://zetech.ac.ke/fee-structure/


The Zetech University Fee Payment Schedule recognises that fees payment by students is critical to effective and efficient service delivery. Payment of fees is a pre-requisite to course commencement for both new and continuing students.

This schedule facilitates timely fee collection to ensure effective planning and development of the University as well as promote smooth operations within the institution.

The objective of this schedule is to provide clear guidelines to Students, Parents, Sponsors and other Stakeholders on a convenient fee payment mode, while striving to accommodate the diverse needs of our students.


Fees is payable in full before commencement of every semester, or in installments on special circumstances.

1.1 Payment by Installments

In the event of inability to pay fees in full before the start of the semester, the student shall be allowed to pay in installments. Under this mode, payment shall be done in TWO installments as detailed below:

(a) First installment shall be paid before commencement of classes and shall be 60% of the total fee payable;

(b) Second installment of 40% of the total fee payable shall be paid in full before 5th of the second month of the semester. Zetech University Fee Structure


It is important to note that tuition fees payment is a student’s responsibility. If you are not paying the fees, it is still your responsibility to inform the Accounts Office through your sponsor/parent. If tuition fee payments are not made by the end of the 6th week of the semester, the University has the right to terminate your registration.

Such a student will have to pay full tuition fees and other applicable charges for the semester afresh upon readmission.

Additionally, it is mandatory to include your name and Student ID Number in all fees payments.

Acceptable modes of payment are Fee deposits or bank transfers made to the following Bank Accounts below:

Bank: Barclays Bank of Kenya           OR              Kenya Commercial Bank

Account Name: Zetech University                       Zetech University

Account No:  2031653161                                       1169227767

Branch : Barclay’s Plaza Corporate Services        Sarit Centre branch

Branch code   : 203                                                   01141

Swift Code       : BARCKENX                                   KCBLKEN.

NB: Cash or personal cheques will NOT be accepted.


Receipts for payment of tuition fees will be provided after the payment has been received in either of the accounts aboveOnce this is done, students must ensure they have an updated and valid student ID card to access the University. Zetech University Fee Structure

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