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UFS Application for Residence Accommodation 2024-2025

University of the Free State UFS Application for Residence Accommodation

UFS Application for Residence Accommodation – Check below:

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1. Indicate on your application form for studies in 2021 that you require residence (on-campus) accommodation.

2. Keep your breakage deposit of R960 ready in case you are selected for placement in a residence (refer to the placement procedure on the application form).

3. Take note of the academic admission criteria for residences. Make sure that your admission point meets the criteria.



It is very important to take note of the following academic requirements for junior residences on the:

Bloemfontein and Qwaqwa Campuses

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Meeting the minimum admission requirements for your chosen/intended programme of study does not guarantee placement in a residence on campus, as limited space is available in each residence.

A minimum Grade 12 admission point (AP) of 30 is required for admission to a residence.

Your academic merit is determined based on the most recent admission point as calculated by the university (whether Grade 11 or Grade 12 results).

If you were admitted to a residence based on the Grade 11 AP, but the final Grade 12 AP is less than 30, your admission to a residence will be cancelled.

If your current AP (Grade 11 final results or Grade 12 June results) is less than 30, you can still apply for residence accommodation. You

READ ALSO: University of the Free State UFS Online Application Status

will qualify for admission to a residence (subject to availability) if your final Grade 12 AP is 30 or more.

If you are currently in the University Access Programme (UAP), you will qualify for admission to a residence if you pass all your modules.

If you were registered at the UFS or another tertiary institution for the second or subsequent years, you must have passed at least 120 credits to qualify for admission to a residence. Current first-year students will qualify for admission to a residence based on their Grade 12 admission point.

South Campus: Admission to a full-time programme on the South Campus

If you were provisionally admitted to a residence on the Bloemfontein Campus prior to your final Grade 12 results becoming available and your final results indicate that your studies encompass an extended curriculum programme on the South Campus, such provisional admission shall automatically be transferred to a residence on the South Campus.

Your admission is in all cases subject to you meeting the conditions pertaining to the aforementioned admission.



The safety and living conditions of our students are of great importance. Student accommodation is a significant aspect of the success of the UFS; consequently, good quality accommodation is important for each individual student to be successful in their studies. The accreditation process entails a list of primary requirements, drafted with the cognisance of the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality in terms of off-campus accommodation to which private providers must adhere in order to be accredited by the university. The requirements are in line with the Policy on the Minimum Norms and Standards for Student Housing at Public Universities (Government Gazette 39238, dated 29 September 2015).

For the complete list of accredited student accommodation, visit, scan the QR code or click on the button and follow the link to off-campus accommodation. A list of accredited service providers with contact details is available.