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University of the Free State UFS On-Campus Residences

University of the Free State UFS On-Campus Residences

University of the Free State UFS On-Campus Residences – Check below:

Accommodation at the UFS will become your second home; life in a student residence at the UFS can be a very exciting and rewarding experience. If you are accepted into one of our residences, you will benefit from a completely new world of friendships that can last a lifetime. There are many people from different language, racial, and cultural backgrounds on campus. Living and learning in this diverse environment can give you a definite advantage over many other jobseekers once you graduate, and this will help you later in life.

Our residences are very popular, with a waiting list for applicants. Therefore, you should indicate on the application form for studies in 2021 if you want to secure a place in one of the on-campus residences.

The leadership in residence communities consists of a residence head, prime, residence committee, and peer mentors. This leadership team creates a residence environment where every student feels welcome and inspired. All residence communities are driven by a set of shared values, which mediates a culture of mutual accountability.

First-year students are supported in their transition to higher education by means of a peer-mentor system in residences. Each first-year student is allocated to a peer mentor who facilitates individual conversation as well as conversations in small-group format with students.

The accommodation agreement that you entered into with the UFS will, subject to other stipulations or regulations as approved by the Council from time to time, be binding for the full accommodation period. You, or your parent/guardian, or both, are responsible for the full accommodation fee for the accommodation period.

Contact details of junior and senior residences:

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