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Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT CBA

Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT CBA

Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT CBA

Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT CBA – Check below:

The Teachers’ Service Commission, TSC, is currently adjusting teachers salaries on the basis of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) 2017-2021 that was agreed between the Commission and teachers’ union. According to the latest scales, there are various categories of salaries as listed below;

List of Teachers Service Commission Salary Scales

Teachers service commission salary scales follow job groups ranging from ‘H’, ‘J’, ‘K’, ‘L’, ‘M’ and ‘N’. Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has effectively elongated T-Scale 13 in Grade D3; T-Scale 12 in Grade D2 and T-Scale 9 in Grade C4 backdated from July 1st, 2017. The elongated scales fall under Job Groups ‘H’ to ‘N’.

Following the Collective Bargaining Agreement that teachers signed in 2016, the implementation cycle is in progress since it was scheduled between 2017 and 2021. The Commission states that besides elongating salary scales for tutors in Teacher-Scale 13, T-Scale 12 and T-Scale 9.

TSC has effectively revised Hardship, Commuter and Annual Leave allowances as per Circular 09/2014 of July 16th, 2014. The rest of the allowances remain unchanged.

Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT; Grade D3

In a Circular (TSC/ADM/192A/VOL.IX) dated December 18th, 2017 addressed to County Directors, Heads of educational institution and chairmen of Headteachers associations, the Commission Secretary states that Principals and Deputy Principals II who are in Grade D3 (T-Scale 13 – Job Group ‘M’ to ‘N’) effective July 1st, 2017 will earn Shs59, 286 at minimum rising to a maximum of Shs83, 717 which is a new scale.

Previously, their maximum was Shs77, 840. However, inclusive Responsibility allowance this cadre of teacher will pocket in the range of Shs104, 644 (minimum) and Shs125, 573 (maximum).

Grade D3 draws Principals of Sub-county Boarding schools, Principals of Sub-county Day school, and Deputy Principals of Extra-county schools.

Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT: Grade D2

Deputy Principals III and Senior Master I who are in Grade D2 (T-Scale 12 – Job Group ‘N’) backdated from July 1st, 2017 will earn Shs59, 286 at minimum shooting to a maximum of Shs80, 242 which is a new scale.

Previously, their maximum was Shs77, 840. However, inclusive Responsibility allowance, this group of teachers will pocket between Shs91, 041 and Shs109, 249 per month.

Grade D2 comprises of Deputy Principals of National schools, and Deputy Principals of Sub-county Boarding schools.

Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT: Grade C4

This grade comprises of Senior Master IV, Senior Lecturer IV and Deputy Head Teacher II (T-Scale 9 – Job Group ‘G’, ‘H’, ‘J’, ‘K’ and ‘L’) backdated from July 1st, 2017 will pocket Shs26,610, rising to a maximum of Shs46,912 which a new scale. Previously, their peak was Shs47, 896.

The Commission brought to the attention of all teachers and stakeholders that the salary for teachers in T-Scale 13, T-Scale 12 and T-Scale 9 was not elongated.

The elongation of salary scales follows the recent release of new salary matrix and grading system for teachers in the Public Service.

Under the new dispensation, P1 teacher, the lowest grade in the Teaching Service at Job Group ‘G’ has been phased out.

This cadre of tutors will now be known as Primary Teacher II and will serve in Grade B5 which is equivalent to Job Group ‘H’.

They will earn Shs24,250 rising to a maximum of Shs27,195. They were making Shs21,304 before the salary increments were effected on July 1st, 2017.

Quick Link: Teachers Service Commission Guidelines for Recruitment

Teachers service commission salary scales table

All teachers who were serving in Job Group ‘H’ (Primary Teacher I/Secondary Teacher II) were moved to Grade C1, which is an equivalent of Job Group ‘J’. They now pocket Shs31,956, rising to Shs33,994 from July 1st, 2018 in the final phase of the pay rise.

Civil Service Teachers     Basic Salary       Common               Allowances       Gross Salary
Job Group Designation
Min. Max. House Commuter Min. Max.
G P1 16,692 21,304 5,000 4,000 25,692 30,304
H ATS IV 19,323 24,662 5,000 4,000 28,323 33,662
J GAT III 24,662 29,918 6,000 4,000 34,662 39,918
K GAT II 31,020 41,590 10,000 5,000 46,020 56,590
L GAT I 35,910 45,880 20,000 6,000 61,910 71,880
M Senior GAT 41,590 55,840 20,000 8,000 69,590 83,840
N Principal GAT II 48,190 65,290 24,000 8,000 80,190 97,290
P Principal GAT I 77,527 103,894 40,000 12,000 129,527 155,894
Q Senior Principal 89,748 120,270 40,000 14,000 143,748 174,270
R Chief Principal 109,089 144,928 40,000 16,000 165,089 200,928



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Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT CBA Matrix

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Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Salary

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