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KNEC KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Question Paper / 2015 KCSE Kirinyaga West

KNEC KCSE Agriculture Paper 2 Question Paper / 2015 KCSE Kirinyaga West

2015 KCSE Kirinyaga West

Agriculture Paper 2

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.


Give two importance of keeping livestock to a farmer.

 1 marks


What is the intermediate host of a tapeworm ( Taenia Solium)

 0.5 marks


Name the disease transmitted by the vector tsetsefly.

 0.5 marks


State two characteristics of roughages.

 1 marks


Give four uses of a crush in livestock production.

 2 marks


State two methods of controlling cannibalism in poultry.

 1 marks


State two advantages of using stones as construction materials.

 1 marks


Give two uses of wind as a source of power on the farm.

 1 marks


A breed of exotic dairy cattle is grey in colour, has a small head, protruding and pigmented eyes,
black muzzle, hooves and switch . It produces lowest amount of milk amongst the four dairy breeds
and has the highest butterfat content . Name the breed (1/2mk)

 1 marks


Which equipment is used to measure specific gravity of milk.

 0.5 marks


Define the following terms :
(i) Heifer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(1mk)
(ii) Steer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(1mk).

 2 marks


Name two protozoan diseases of livestock.

 1 marks


Name two tools equipment that can be used to castrate a bull.

 1 marks


Give two uses of a footbath in a cattle dip.

 2 marks


State the gestation periods of the following animals

 1.5 marks


List down four maintenance practices of mould board plought.

 2 marks


Give a reason as to why birds lay soft shelled eggs

 0.5 marks


Why should irish potatoes not be fed to rabbits?

 1 marks


Give two examples of fresh water fish water fish species commonly reared in Kenya.

 1 marks


List two reasons for feeding bees.

 21 marks


Give two reasons as to why vitamins are important in livestock nutrition.

 21 marks


Give four causes of infertililty in cattle

 2 marks


State two methods of extracting honey.

 1 marks


Give two reasons for washing a cows udder which warm water during milking.

 1 marks


State two predisposing factors of foot rot disease in sheep

 1 marks

SECTION B (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.


Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow
(a) Identify the implement illustrated in the diagram above ( 1mk)
(b) Give one function of the implement you have named in (a) above ( 1mk)
(c) Name a source of power that can be used to operate the implement (1mk)
(d) List two maintenance practices that can be carried out on the implement ( 2mks)

 1 marks


The diagram below illustrates a routine practice carried out in poultry farming. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Identify the structure illustrated in the diagram above (1mk)
(b) Name the parts labelled F, G and H . (3mks)
(c) State two other conditions other than air ciruclation in the structure that help to facilitate the practice carried out in the illustration you identified in (a) (2mks)

 6 marks


(a). A farmer is to prepare a ration for his pigs containing 20% CP using maize 8% CP and Soybean meal 36% CP Using pearson’s square method, calculate how much of each foodstuff the farmer would require to make 100kgs of the feed (show your working) (5mk
(b) List three digestive enzymes found in the the duodenum (3mks)
(c) What is the importance of calcium grit in the digestive system of an avian or poultry (1mk

 9 marks

SECTION C (20 Marks)

Answer two questions in this section.


(a) Discuss the uses of water in a animal’s body (10mks)
(b) Describe the limitations of using animal power on the farm (10mks)

 20 marks


(a) Describe the essentials of clean milk production (10mks)
(b) Outiline five reasons why bees swarm (5mks)
(c) Describe five predisposing factors of livestock diseases (5mks)

 20 marks


(a) Explain the importance of dehorning in cattle management (5mks)
(b) State five factors that are considered while siting a zero grazing unit (5mks)
(c) Discuss the factors a farmer should consider while culling layers in poultry farming (10mks)

 20 marks

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