KNEC KCSE Home Science Paper 2 – 2014 Gatundu Mock
2014 Gatundu Mock
Home Science Paper 2
A pattern of a pair of shorts is provided. You are advised to study the sketches, the question paper and layout before you begin the test.
1. Pattern pieces
A Short front
B Back yoke short
C Back short
D Waist band
F Fly facing
2. Light weight cotton fabric of 50cm long by 91cm wide.
3. Cotton sewing thread to match the fabric.
4. One large envelope.
Using the provided materials, cut and make up the LEFT LEG of the shorts to show the following:
1. The working of the back dart.
2. The joining of the Back yoke short to the Back short using overlaid seam and neatening half of it.
3. The neatening of the fly facing.
4. The fixing of the fly facing in the left short and then top stitching as shown.
5. NB: Join the pocket sections to the short front and back. Under stitch the edges of the pocket mouth opening.
6. Working of the inner leg using Double stitching seam (machine fell seam)
7. Working of the side seam above and below the pocket section using open seam.
8. Work the pocket bag (Do not neaten the raw edges)
9. The preparation and attachment of an interfaced waistband.
10. Working of a button hole on the waist band.
At the end of the examination, firmly sew onto your work, on a single fabric, a label bearing your name and index number. Remove the needle and pins from your work. Then fold your work carefully and place it in the envelope provided. Do not put scraps of materials in the envelope.
45 marks