Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Latest News on Teachers Promotion 2024-2025
KNUT Latest News on Teachers Promotion – Check below:
The latest KNUT news on remuneration increase will see various qualified teachers move from their current Job Group to a higher one. Some will remain in their respective groups but receive a pay rise. So, who qualifies for salary elevation and preferment? What were the criteria used in promoting tutors? Below is everything you should know about KNUT news on teachers promotion.
KNUT news on teacher allowances and remunerations
Nowadays, nearly all the tutors are glued to the internet and television screens to catch all the KNUT news today, ranging from stipends and allowance increases. Well, following a meeting with KUPPET and KNUT officials, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has agreed to promote a lot of teachers.
TSC will also add salary to various teachers based on a 2017 memorandum that was to be conducted in four phases. This fiscal year being the third phase, Primary I and II teachers will not benefit from the implementation.
Secondary II, III and special needs teachers will also not get any increment. It is because their remunerations were supposed to be affected by only two phases. Below is a compilation of various August KNUT news on teachers’ promotions and pay rise.
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1. 15,000 diploma tutors to be promoted
This week, 15,000 promotions for diploma teachers will be out. It is a result of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) and TSC meeting.
In the meeting, the union pitched for 70% salary increase for their members and asked for a harmonized house allowances for everyone across all the regions. KUPPET also proposed to better the current medical cover of tutors starting from 1st October.
The three suggestions were taken into account in the meeting between union officials and TSC. Speaking in a media briefing, KUPPET Secretary General Akello Missouri stated that diploma teachers will now apply for the available promotion slots that will see them move from Job Group C2 to C3. KNUT Latest News on Teachers Promotion
However, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) members will not get any promotions as the union rejected the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs). The guidelines were to be used in promoting teachers and without them, then diploma teachers would miss this critical rise. The parameters follow upward mobility contrary to the automatically centred promotions KNUT advocated.
Last month Justice Byrum set aside the CPG rules to guide tutor promotions, something which KNUT strongly opposed. For this reason, if you are a KNUT member holding a diploma, then you won’t receive preferment.
2. 6,000 teachers to get promoted by TSC
TSC will promote around 6,043 teachers to occupy positions of Head Teacher and Deputy Headteacher. There are 2,310 vacancies in headteacher category and 3,733 in the deputy headteacher category. These positions were advertised on 20th August and will follow a CPG basis. It also means KNUT members will be cut out.
According to Nancy Macharia, the TSC CEO, these positions will be available for headteachers falling under C5 T-Scale 10 and deputy headteachers in C4 T-Scale 9. These promotions come close to a month after the court made a clear ruling on how teacher promotions would be undertaken.
TSC will undertake promotions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Regulations for Teacher and the schemes of service with respect to all unionisable tutors, ruled Judge Bryam Ongaya on 13th July.
KNUT through Wilson Sossion was pushing for promotions that were based on professional and academic qualifications.
3. 160,000 teachers receive a pay rise this August
Well, all the teachers holding administrative positions such as senior teachers, headteachers, deputy headteachers, chief principals, deputy principals, and senior principals will have received a pay rise this month. The increase in remunerations cost the taxpayer a total of Ksh. 13 billion.
The exercise wasn’t carried based on CPGs, so any KNUT member in the above position received the salary boost. The pay increase was to be carried out from 2017 in four phases. It means that the last stage for senior teachers will be in 2021. The final step, which was concluded at the end of July this year cost the state a total of Ksh. 18 billion.
According to the memorandum matrix signed by TSC, KUPPET, and KNUT, teachers will also be getting allowances such as housing, hardship, commuter, disability guide, and annual leave. Chief Principals who were previously earning between Ksh. 111,201 and Ksh. 152,937 will now pocket between Ksh. 121,814 and 157,656. It means that they will fall in job group Q and R (Grade D)
Senior Principals in Job Group P (Grade D4) will now pocket between Ksh. 93,850 and 102,802 from previous salaries of between Ksh. 99,730 and Ksh. 114,432.
Grade 3 (Job Group M and N) Principals will get a salary of about Ksh. 93, 850 to Ksh. 102,802 from a previous Ksh. 77,840 to Ksh. 90,612.
Grade D2 (Job Group N) Deputy Principals who used to pocket Ksh. 71,565 to Ksh. 85,269 will now take home Ksh. 82,717 to Ksh. 87,900.
Senior Masters, Deputy principals IV and Senior teachers in Job Group M and N (Grade D1) earning Ksh. 66,177 to Ksh. 80,242 will pocket Ksh. 77,840 to Ksh. 82,717. Headteachers, senior master III, and Deputy headteachers I in Job Group G to M (Grade C5) will take a salary of Ksh. 45,287 to Ksh. 52,632 from a previous Ksh. 40,849 to Ksh. 60,000 figure.
Deputy headteachers II in Job Group G to L (Grade C4) will get wages of between Ksh. 45.287 and 51,632 from previous Ksh. 35,927 to Ksh. 49,912. Secondary and senior teachers I in Grade C3 who used to get will pocket between Ksh. 41,343 and Ksh. 51,927 from Ksh. 31,242 to Ksh. 33,971 monthly.
Primary special needs education teachers, Senior teacher II, and secondary teacher II in Job Group G to J (Grade C2) who used to earn Ksh. 27,325 to Ksh. 32,988 will also receive Ksh. 31,242 to Ksh. 33,971 monthly.
Already KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion has a new memorandum that seeks for further pay negotiations from the TSC. The implementation matrix will see teachers earn new remunerations based on their current hard economic times.
The new CBA in line with the International Labour Organization standards should not take more than two years,” he said adding that now the government has enough time to prepare for the CBA which is scheduled to start on 1st July 2021.
KNUT teachers have missed on the majority of promotions and salary increments that were scheduled to take place this month. It is not surprising that the majority of the teachers in the recent KNUT news want Sossion to resign. As a result, many tutors have dumped the union for the fallout in a pay rise.
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