Multimedia University of Kenya Entry Requirements 2024-2025
Welcome to, on this page you will find details on Multimedia University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025. It is our aim to provide this information as accurately as possible. Kindly check out our top pages on KUCCPS Admission letters 2024-2025 – KUCCPS Admission Lists 2024-2025 – Fees Structure for All Institutions – 2024-2025 Intake for Schools and List of Courses Offered.
Details on Multimedia University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on Multimedia University Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 !.
Multimedia University of Kenya Admission Requirements 2024-2025
Multimedia University of Kenya Entry Requirements 2024-2025; See details on Multimedia University of Kenya Entry Requirements 2024-2025.
Requirements for courses in the Faculty of Media and Communication:
Bachelor of Film Production and Animation which is offered within a period of four years with a tuition fee of Ksh 77,500 require a Mean grade of C+ in KCSE and a minimum of C in either English or Kiswahili or A level with two principal passes and a subsidiary pass in the relevant subjects or Relevant professional qualification approved by the university senate. Successful Diploma graduates with at least a CREDIT Pass will join in 2nd year.
Multimedia University of Kenya Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Applied Communication is a course offered within a period of 4 academic years and Ksh 66,900 per semester for the full completion of the course and successful certification. The other requirements are a Mean Grade of C+ and a minimum of C in either English or Kiswahili or A level two principal passes and one subsidiary pass in the relevant subjects or relevant professional qualification recognized by the senate. All diploma graduates with a CREDIT would be allowed to join the 2nd year of study.
Bachelor of Journalism is another course in the faculty of Media and Communication in this university which require a Mean grade of C+ and a minimum of C in English or Kiswahili or A level two principal passes and one subsidiary pass in the relevant subjects or relevant professional qualification recognized by the senate. The fee required is Ksh 66,900 per semester and it takes a period of four years.
Bachelor of Mass Communication is a course which requires A level two principal passes and one subsidiary pass in the relevant subjects or a Mean grade of C+ and a minimum of C in English or Kiswahili or a relevant professional qualification recognized by the senate. The fee required is Ksh 66,900 per semester and it takes a period of four years.
Diploma in Journalism is also offered at Multimedia University and the minimum requirements for enrolment is a KCSE mean grade of C with either a C in English/Kiswahili or a certificate in Mass Communication from a recognized institution. The course takes a period of two and a half with Ksh 39,000 payable per semester.
Diploma in Strategic Public Relation offered in this faculty require a Mean Grade of C with a minimum of C in English/ Kiswahili or a certificate in Mass Communication or its equivalent from a recognized institution. The fee payable per semester is Ksh 39,000 in which the course is completed in 2 ½ years.
Diploma in Film Production and Animation is the most common and the strongest in this faculty in its degree form but also the Diploma in this course outdo the other Diplomas. The requirements are a KCSE mean Grade of C with either a C in English/ Kiswahili or a certificate in Film Production and Animation from a recognized institution. The Diploma course is completed in two and a half years with a total amount of Ksh 45,000 payable per semester.
Can i join it by getting a C plain in banchelar