Objectives of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT
Objectives of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT
Objectives of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT – Check below:
Aims and Objectives of the KNUT
The KNUT was founded as both a trade union and professional organisation, to unite all teachers of Kenya and look after their welfare and professional interests. In the process the KNUT also promotes educational development generally, and the teaching profession, in particular.
The aims and objectives of the Union are contained in Article II of its constitution, and falls into seventeen clauses. An analysis of the clauses reveals that they fall into five functional areas, namely:
(i) Uniting teachers of all grades, and providing a forum for their cooperation, and cooperation with members of similar unions and bodies within and outside Kenya;
(ii) Fighting for improved terms and conditions of service for teachers, protecting teachers’ interests as workers generally – including legal representation in disputes.
(iii) Promoting programmes aimed at improving teachers’ welfare or socio-economic status;
(iv) Contributing, directly or through teachers, or members, to professional work in teaching and development of education services in Kenya.
(v) Mobilization of resources and acquisition of assets and funds, to ensure effective functioning of the Union, for the benefit of the members.
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History of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT
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Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Membership
Roles of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT
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Functions of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT
Objectives of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT
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Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Membership Withdrawal
Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT CBA
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Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT CBA Matrix
Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Constitution
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Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Headquarters
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Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Offices
Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Portal Login
Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Online Registration
Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT Secretary General
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