Roles of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT
Roles of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT
Roles of Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT – Check below:
- To bring together and unite teachers of all grades and qualifications in Kenya and providing a forum for co-operation.
- To fight for improved terms and conditions of service for teachers and protecting teachers interests.
- Promoting programmes aimed at improving teachers’ welfare or socio-economic status.
- To offer assistance to individual members in professional as well as legal matters.
- To settle disputes between members of the union or between its members and their employers through collective and constitutional means.
- To co-operate with other societies, bodies, unions or organisations within or outside Kenya with similar objectives.
- To promote matters leading to the improvement of education and the establishment of a common system of education.
- To secure effective representation of the teaching profession on the government, public and private bodies or organisations where such representation may be necessary.