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KCSE History and Government Paper 2 – Kabarak High School Mock 2015

KCSE History and Government Paper 2 – Kabarak High School Mock 2015

Mock 2015 – Kabarak High School

History and Government Paper 2

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Attempt ALL the questions in this section


What is meant by paleontology?

 1 marks


State the earliest form of art by early man.

 1 marks


Why was the trans-Atlantic trade referred to as triangular trade?

 1 marks


State two ways in which railway transport promoted industrialization in Europe.

 2 marks


State one way through which European powers maintained peace among themselves during partition of Africa.

 1 marks


State to pottery- making styles associated with iron working.

 2 marks


Identify two terms of the treaty signed between Lobengular and Charles Rudd the BSA company representative.

 2 marks


State two methods used by Ghananians in articulating their quest for nationalism.

 2 marks


State two regions that attempted to break away from Congo during 1960s Congo crisis.

 2 marks


Identify two fighting methods used in the First World War.

 2 marks


Name two sources of laws for British unwritten constitution.

 2 marks


State the main function of e international court of justice.

 1 marks


State the main objective of the Marshall plan after the Second World War.

 1 marks


State two demands of the Australian government towards Bosnia after the assassination of Franz Ferdinad.

 2 marks


Name one leader who was the founder of the non-Aligned movements.

 1 marks


Name the head of the government in Aristocratic government.

 1 marks


Which body is in charge of elections in USA?

 1 marks

SECTION B (45 Marks)

Answer any three questions from this section.


(a) Give five reasons why it is important to study history. (5 marks)

(b) Explain five advantages of using linguistics as a source of information on History and government.

 15 marks


(a) Identify three challenges of air transport. (3 marks)

(b) Explain six positive effects of telecommunication today. (12 marks)

 15 marks


(a) State five factors that led to the growth of Johannesburg. (5 marks)

(b) Explain five ways in which the Industrial and Agrarian Revolution influenced urbanization in Europe in the 19th century. (10 marks)

 15 marks


(a) Identified three chartered companies which were used. European powers to acquire colonies in Africa. (3 marks)

(b) Discuss six political impacts of partition of Africa by European powers. (12 marks)

 15 marks

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer any two questions from this section.


(a) Name three communes of Senegal where Assimilation policy was successfully applied. (3 marks)

(b) Explain six reasons why indirect rule failed in southern Nigeria. (12 marks)

 15 marks


(a) Identify three methods used by nationalists in Ghana during their struggle for independence. (3 marks)

(b) Describe six factors that contributed to the struggle for independence in South Africa. (12 marks)

 15 marks


(a) Give three reasons why the United States of America (USA) was reluctant to join the First World war (3 marks)

(b) Explain six social effects of the Second World War. (12 marks)

 15 marks

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