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KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 – Kabarak High School Mock 2015

KCSE Computer Studies Paper 1 – Kabarak High School Mock 2015

Mock 2015 – Kabarak High School

Computer Studies Paper 1

SECTION A (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section


Give TWO reasons why Powder type fire extinguishers are not recommended to be used in a computer laboratory.

 2 marks


State the purpose of each of the following memories in a computer system.

(i)​ ROM

(ii)​ RAM

 2 marks


State two factors that one would consider when selecting data entry method in computing.

 2 marks


Describe the following types of printers and state one application area of each.

(a)​ Dot matrix

(b)​ Thermal printer.

 3 marks


Differentiate between in-house software and freeware.

 2 marks


Give two importance of feedback mechanism in systems

 2 marks


With an aid of a diagram, explain one-to-one database relationship.

 2 marks


KASSU Secondary School intends to set up internet connection in their school for e-learning purposes. Advise the school management on four internet connectivity requirements that is required for them to be able to access internet.

 2 marks


The figure below shows an extract of an e-mail application.

Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper - Mock 2015 - Kabarak High School

What is meant by each of the following terms:

(a)​ Trash

(b)​ Spam

(c)​ Inbox

 3 marks


State two ways in which users in an organization can be a security threat to data in an information system.

 2 marks


State three negative impact of information communication technology on the Environment.

 3 marks


In a computer based information system, state the purpose of the following files and give one example where such a file may be required in a school.

a.​ Report file.

b.​ Sort file.

 4 marks


State three responsibility of a Database administrator in an organization.

 3 marks


With an example for each, describe how computers are used in the following areas of education;

a.​ Simulation

b.​ Tutorial

 3 marks


a. Dan a computer student noticed that every time a person enters the computer lab the computer screen flickers. Identify three reasons why the monitor might be flickering (3 Marks)

b. State two ways in which the problem can be solved (2 Marks)

 5 marks

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer question 16 and any other three questions


a. State two advantages and two disadvantages of high level programming language (2 Marks)

b. State three situations when REPEAT .. UNTIL structure can be used in writing a program (3 Marks)

c.​ The roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are given by the formula

Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper - Mock 2015 - Kabarak High School

i.​ Write a pseudocode for the above program (5 Marks)

ii.​ Draw a flow chart for the above pseudocode (5 Marks)

 15 marks


(a) (i) The figure below shows a picture tool bar

Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper - Mock 2015 - Kabarak High School

Name and state the functions of the features marked A, B and C:

(i)​ A (1 Mark)

(ii)​ B (1 Mark)

(iii)​ C (1 Mark)

(b) State the importance of Column breaks as used in word processor. (1 Mark)

(c) Change case is where a user applies so that the text can have some contrast in size. Write the word Digital SIGNAL (2 Marks)

(i)​ Title case

(ii)​ Toggle case

(d) Define the following terms as used in charts. (2 Marks)

(i)​ Legend

(ii)​ Data range

(e) The table below shows how a kiosk owner uses a spread sheet to keep records in a shop.

Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper - Mock 2015 - Kabarak High School

(I)​ Write a function to calculate the total buying price. (2 Marks)

(II)​ Write a formula to calculate the Profit. ( 2 Marks)

(III)​ The total buying prices of all items was increased by 12% and the value 12% is placed in cell B6. Using cell addresses with absolute referencing, write a formula to calculate the Total Selling Price in cell E2. (2 Marks)

(IV)​ State the output of the expression =SUMIF(F2:F5,”<1 500″)would return.(1 Mark)

 15 marks


a. Describe the term prefixing an extra sign bit as used in data representation. (2 Marks)

b.​ Convert each of the following numbers system.
Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper - Mock 2015 - Kabarak High School

c.​ Perform the following binary operation. (3 Marks)

Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper - Mock 2015 - Kabarak High School

d.​ Using one’s complement, perform the following binary arithmetic leaving the answer decimal notation. 1710-4510 (6 Marks)

 15 marks


a. Distinguish between the following terms as used in data communication (6 Marks)

i.​ Guided transmission medium and unguided transmission media

ii.​ Multiplexing and demultiplexing

iii.​ Logical and physical Topology

b. Below is a diagram of a network topology

Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper - Mock 2015 - Kabarak High School

i.​ Name the above topology (1 Mark)

ii.​ State two advantages and two disadvantages of using the topology named above (4 Marks)

c. List and explain the two data transmission techniques (4 Marks)

 15 marks


a. Distinguish between a computer drive and computer driver (2 Marks)

b.​ State any four factors to consider when selecting an operating system (4 Marks)

c.​ Explain any four factors that dictates how the operating system organizes data in a computer (4 Marks)

d.​ Define the term file in relation to the operating system (1 Mark)

e.​ The operating system stores details of a file for easy identification and retrieval of files. Explain any four file details the operating system uses to search and identify a file (4 Marks)

f.​ Distinguish between a menu driven operating system and graphical user interface operating system (2 Marks)

 15 marks

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