KNEC KCSE History and Government Paper 1 – 2014 Homa-Bay Mock
2014 Homa-Bay Mock
History and Government Paper 1
SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section.
Identify two areas of study in political History
2 marks
Give two cultural practices that the Agikuyu borrowed from the cushites
2 marks
What was the main significance of the Kaya to the Agiriama in the pre-colonial period
1 marks
A part from trade, identify two reasons why the Arabs came to the East African Coast before
the 15th C.A.D
2 marks
Identify the main factor that led to the decline on Gedi along the East African Coast.
1 marks
State two ways in which the constitution guarantees National Unity in Kenya.
2 marks
Give two special rights enjoyed by people with disability in Kenya.
2 marks
What was the main reason for calling of the Anglo-German treaty in 1890.
1 marks
Give two reasons for the decline of the Maasai power from the mid 19th C.
2 marks
Identify two roles of the Governor in Kenya during the colonial period.
2 marks
What was the main reason why the British compelled the Africans to pay hut tax during the
colonial period.
1 marks
Give the main reason for the formation of trade unions by the Africans during the colonial
1 marks
Give two reasons for the calling of the second Lancaster house conference in 1962.
2 marks
State one function of the supreme court in Kenya.
1 marks
Name the accounting officer in a ministry in Kenya.
1 marks
What is the main function of the Attorney general in Kenya.
1 marks
Identify one function of county Assembly in Kenya.
1 marks
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer any three questions from this section.
(a) Give three social reasons for the coming of the Christian missionaries to the East African
Coast by the mid 19th C (3mks)
(b) Explain six factors that facilitated the spread of Christianity in Kenya (12mks)
20 marks
(a) State five reasons why the British Government encouraged settler farmers to come to
Kenya (5mks)
(b) Explain five problems faced by settler farmers in Kenya during the colonial period. (10mks)
15 marks
(a) Outline three characteristics of the political Associations that were formed in Kenya between
1919-1939 (3mks)
(b) Explain six achievements that were made by the early political Association formed in Kenya
between 1919-1939. (12mks)
15 marks
(a) State five internal factors that led to the Revival of multi-party politics in Kenya from 1991
(b) Explain five challenges experienced in implementing multi-party democracy in Kenya (10mks)
15 marks
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer any two questions from this section.
(a) State three characteristics of a good constitution (3mks)
(b) Explain six advantages that Kenya enjoys from the use of a written constitution (12mks)
15 marks
(a) Outline the processes through which a bill passes before it is tabled in the national assembly
for debate (3mks)
(b) Explain six ways in which parliamentary Supremacy is exercised in Kenya (12mks)
15 marks
(a) Identify the composition of the cabinet in Kenya (3mks)
(b) Discuss six functions of the cabinet in Kenya (12mks)
15 marks