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KNEC KCSE Past Papers 2019 Computer Studies Paper 2 (451/2)

KNEC KCSE Past Papers 2019 Computer Studies Paper 2 (451/2)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

2019 Computer Studies – Paper 2

1.Form 1 Class Teachers of Mwango secondary school intend to use a data base to manage students o Secondary School intend to use a database to manage students performance in three examinations: opener,mid term and endterm examination.

(n) Open a database program and create a database named analysis.

(1 mark)

(b) (i) Create three tables named Class, StudDetails and StudMarks in the database file created in (a) using the following details: (14 marks)

Class Table


Field Name Data Type and Properties
ClassID ClassID Text (size 2)
ClassName ClassID Text (size 25)
Teacher ClassID Text (size 25)

StudDetails Table


Field Name Data Type and Properties
   AdNo Number
StudName Text (size 25)
Gender Yes/No (yes for female)
ClassID Text (size = 2)
Look up values,IE,IN,IW

StudMarks Table


Field Name Data Type and Properties
AdNo Number
Opener Number
MidTerm Number
EndTerm Number

(ii) Create the relationships between the tables. (2marks)

(iii) Create a form for the Class table and add a subform for the StudDetails table using the format in £gure 1. Save the form as dataentry.





AdNo StudName                    Gender ClassID

(iv) Enter the following data into their respective tables in the database (l2½ marks)

Class TabLe


ClassID ClassName Teacher
                IE Form One East   Elvis Barongo
                IN Form One North    Alice Nadiya
                IW Form One West Paul Mkacharo

StudDetails Table


    AdNo StudName Gender ClassID
7984 Mary Kikoti Female 1E
7460 Erica Kamburi Female 1E
7800 Axlam Khan Male       1E
       8083     Martin Mkanjala Male       1E
      8092     Esther Peresian         Female 1N
8490     Micah Lokiyoto         Male 1N
     8082     Mohamed Ayan Male 1N
    7896 Mark Kwalima         Male     1W
    7892     Morgan Lema        Male 1W
    8184     Emily Mawasi Female 1W
    8047     Edward Omogeni Male 1W


    AdNo Opener MidTerm EndTerm
7984       85 Female 82
7460 73 Female 79
7800        78 Male 86
       8083         81 Male 87
      8092 73         Female 83
8490 71         Male 87
     8082 81 Male 90
7896 88         Male 88
7892      85        Male 89
8184     85 Female 83
8047         90 Male 86

(c) Create a query to display the fields:

(i) AdNO, StlldName, ClassID, Opener, MidTerm and EndTer m for all students in Form One East. Save the query as FIE. (4½ marks)

(ii) AdNo, StudName, ClassID, Opener, MidTerm and EndTerm arld a Calculated field named meanscore to display the average in the three examinations.

Save the query as overall. (6 marks)

(d) Create a report to display details of each student as it appears in Figure 2 (2 ½ marks)


(e) Print out each of the following: (3 marks)

(i) the three tables

(ii) the two queries

(iii) report for the first two students

2. The Chief Printer of Zenith Printers Company would like to have business cards. As a Desktop Publishing (DTP) expert, you have been tasked to design the card for the officer.

(a) (i) Open a Desktop Publishing program and set the page layout as follows:

• Paper size: 8.5 cm width by 5.5 cm height

• Layout type: multiple pages per sheet

• Target paper size: A4

• Orientation: Portrait

• Margin: 0.75cm all round (5 marks)

(ii) Save the publication as business card. ( 1 mark)

(b) Design the card as it appears in Figure 3 ensuring that the card covers all the space in the page. (42 marks)


(c) Print out 10 copies of the card on a single A4 page.(2 mark)


Questions and Answers

2019 Computer Studies – Paper 2

1 (a)(i) √ Creating the file @ 1

(b) (i) Creating class table @½

√ Creating the table @½ = 1½

√ Applying correct datatype for 3 fields

√ Applying correct field size 1@½

Creating studDdetails table

√ Creating the table @½

√ 4 fields @½ = 2

√ Applying correct data type = @½ = 2

√ Applying correct properties = ½

√ Look up values @1

Creating of StudMarks table

√ Creating the table @½ = 2

√ Data type 4 fields @½ = 2

√ properties = ½

(ii) Relationship (2 each @1_ = 2

(iii) Creating Forms

√ Insertion of a form object @½

√ Insertion of 3 text boxes @½ = 1½

√ Insertion of 3 labels @½ = 1½

√ Insertions of the subform @1

(v) Data entry (in the three tables)

√ 25 records each @½ = 12½

(c) (i) FIE Query

√ Insertion of query @½

√ Insertion of 6 fields @½ = 3

√ Applying constraints (form lE) @½

√ Saving @½

(ii) Overall query

√ Query insertion @½

√ Insertion of 6 fields @½ = 3

√ Inserting a calculated field @1

√ Performing calculations @1

√ Saving @½

(d) Report

√ Insertion of header @1

√ Dropping the correct fields @1

√ Applying formats (Arrangement of controls) @½

(e) Printing √ 3 tables @½ =1½

√ 2 queries @½ = 1½

√ 1 report @½


2 (a) Page Layout

each layout specification @l = 5 Saving @l

(b) Card Border line

√ Rectangle @l

√ Applying curved comers @l

√ Line thickness @/2

√ Arrangement of elements @l

Zenith printers (black section)

√ Rectangle @l & semicircle @l

√ Black filled @l

√ Text only @l

√ Text colour @l

√ White edge @l

√ Arrangement of elements @l

Ngele Kikomi

√ Text only @2

√ Applying underline

√ Applying bold @½

√ Arrangement of elements @l

University Drive

√ Text only @2

√ Text formatting @l

√ Arrangement of elements @l

Arrow head dots

√ Drawing of circle dot @l

√ Arrangement of dots @l

√ Relative position on the card

Printer Logo

√ 2 rectangles each @½ = 1

√ Round edge on the rectangle @l

√ Thick line @l

√ Thin lines @l

√ parallel thin lines @l

√ Applying white background (to hide sections of lines) @l

√ arrangement of elements @l

We create text √ Text only @2

√ Bullets @l

√ Applying white colour/background @l

√ Arrangement of elements @l

Tilted lines bars

√ Rectangular outline @l

√ Applying filled pattern @l

√ Positioning @l

√ Removing borders @l


Quality service

√ Text only @l

√ Italics formats @1

√ Positioning

General Card layout

√ Coverage ≥ 80% of the page @l

√ Use of appropriate font sizes @l

√ Use of appropriate line weights @l


√ Print a card @l

√ Printing 10 cards per paper @l

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