Kenya Technical Trainers College Instructor Training Department
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Kenya Technical Trainers College Instructor Training Department | About Kenya Technical Trainers College Instructor Training Department and list of courses offered by Kenya Technical Trainers College Instructor Training Department
About Kenya Technical Trainers College Instructor Training Department
Background Information
The department is a fully fledged department with well trained learners. The department was set to train instructors for all other training institutions except for the Teachers Service Commission (T.S.C).The department deals with Management Training in order to enable organizations to harness the full potential of their management teams.
Instructor Training Programs
Training as stated elsewhere is an integral function of management. Whatever the nature of the organization, there is always need for training of one kind or another. The nature of an organization may be a large enterprise comprising of many employees. In such cases training is institutionalized and structured as a training wing within the organization within such an organization, there will usually be a number of Instructors who will work under a training officer. Other organizations are made of only a sizeable number of employees who do not warrant the establishment of a training wing. In such situations, such organizations always take advantages of institutions and consultancies who offer training services. Still there are other organizations, those whose core business is training. These organizations have within their staff large numbers of personnel who require instructor training.
Specific areas
The type of trainees, the nature of their work and their working environment are important considerations in developing of instructions courses. It’s of considerable importance in the aims of the programs that the instructors will handle often training. The following specific areas as have been established to provide the required pedagogical skills for instructors.
- Communication
- Program development
- Instructional psychology
- Instructional technology (media)
- Information Communication Technology (ICT)
- Methods of instruction
- Tests and measurements
- Practice teaching
The department also conducts tailor made courses as required by individual organizations. Pedagogical courses are offered throughout the year but starts in January, April and August.
Kenya Technical Trainers College Instructor Training Department Courses Offered
1 | Instructors Certificate – Part I | 3 Months |
2. | Senior Instructor Certificate – Part 2 | 3 Months |
3 | Diploma in Instructor Training – Part 3 | 1 Year 3 Months |
Courses Number One and Two do commerce every term i.e. January, May, and September. However the Diploma Course does commerce in April only and after the trainees have undergone a training of one year, the students proceed for Teaching Practice which takes three months.
Minimum qualification for entry to the department for instructional course is form four with a C- grade. However any body who is already employed and is instructing will be considered on merit.
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Kenya Technical Trainers College (KTTC)
have been trying to apply for instructor training in kttc but once I get to a point of choosing course they tell you that it not found some to direct please