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About Kisii National Polytechnic

About Kisii National Polytechnic

Welcome to Ugfacts.net/ke, on this page you will find details on Kisii National Polytechnic Admissions And Intake 2024-2025 It is our aim to provide this information as accurately as possible. Kindly check out our top pages on KUCCPS Admission letters 2024-2025 – KUCCPS Admission Lists 2024-2025 – Fees Structure for All Institutions – 2024-2025 Intake for Schools and List of Courses Offered.

Details on Kisii National Polytechnic Admissions And Intake 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on Kisii National Polytechnic Admissions And Intake 2024-2025

About Kisii National Polytechnic | About Kisii National Polytechnic | About Kisii National Polytechnic

Kisii National Polytechnic History

Gusii Institute of Technology that is currently The Kisii National Polytechnic was founded on 19th December 1971 during an all Abagusii leaders conference at the Gusii County Hall. The initiation of the institute was on a fund raising basis supported by the farmers, Kisii cooperative union, Gusii County Council, business community and the general public. Registration of the institute took place in March 1972 under the Education Act CAP 212 of the laws of Kenya. In 1976, the institute first opened its doors to twenty five students for secretarial studies and by then the Catholic Church headquarters at St. Vincent hosted the institute. The current site was then identified, and the construction activities started in 1980. The first buildings to be put up were two workshops (i.e. woodwork technology, mechanical engineering) a typing pool, a dining hall and a hostel. Kisii National Polytechnic has land measuring 16.95 hectares which is considered adequate for further expansion. In 1983, with the new facilities in place, other courses were added to the curriculum. The rest of these were courses in building trades, which included Carpentry and Joinery, Plumbing, Masonry and Electrical Installation. The institution has continued to grow thanks to donor assistance from various bodies and organizations. The current population consists of 3000 students, 180 lecturers and 95 non- teaching staff. Kisii National Polytechnic is a hive of activity where people work together to transform dreams into skills for life. We look forward to taking the polytechnic to the higher level of training individual in order to further their goals and to benefit Kenya. GOD BLESS KISII NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC


To be the Preferred Training Institution for Technical and Vocational Skills Development.


To develop highly qualified, globally competitive and innovative human resource by providing quality training, applied research and extension and Entrepreneurship skills that are responsive to market demands.

Core Values

  1. Professionalism and Excellence
  2. Creativity and Innovativeness
  3. Team Work
  4. Integrity
  5. Accountability and Transparency

Quality Policy Statement

The Kisii National Polytechnic is committed to providing our students with quality practical and up-to-date training. We will provide our staff with relevant continual training in line with changing global market trends. We have adopted a Quality Management System (QMS) based on ISO 9001:2015 standards in line with the KNP strategic plan 2013-2015 and will maintain our reputation as a preferred technical institution by:

  1. Upgrading our technological training through research and innovation.
  2. Networking with related institutions that embrace best practices and implementing timely proactive reviews to add value to our programmes.
  3. Continually improving our quality management system by taking prompt action on identified gaps and by establishing quality objectives at relevant functions, levels and processes.
  4. Ensuring compliance to requirements of relevant interested parties as well as applicable legal and statutory requirements.

This quality policy statement has been communicated to, understood and applied by all KNP staff, it is available to relevant interested parties and it is reviewed by management whenever necessary for continued suitability.

Corporate Objectives

  1. To improve and modernize physical infrastructure
  2. To enhance the human capital capacity base of KNP
  3. To enhance the financial sustainability of KNP
  4. To enhance the relevance and competitiveness of KNP training programmes
  5. To enhance the integration of ICT in training and management
  6. To generate knowledge and measure performance



The Kisii National Polytechnic
P.O BOX 222
Kisii Kenya Mobile: +254700152177 OR +254752031300

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