Uganda Ministry of Health Community Health Department

Uganda Ministry of Health Community Health Department

Community   Health   Department   is   responsible   for coordination   of   public   health   interventions   and implement   according   to   developed   guidelines   for reproductive   health,   child   health,   nutrition, vector borne   diseases,   veterinary   public   health,   health education   and   promotion,   and   disability   and rehabilitation   programs.

Cross   cutting   programs under community health  include ;  oral health, non­communicable diseases are also   coordinated   by   the   Department.     Public   Health Emergencies   like   epidemics   and   IDPs   are   also coordinated   in   the   Department and done   in   conjunction with   National   Disease   Control   especially   the Epidemiological Disease Division.

The Mission of Community Health Department is to support integrated public health services for control of both endemic and epidemic diseases.

The following are some of the specific tasks of the Department;

  • development of policy guidelines
  • providing   technical   support   supervision   to districts
  • Capacity   building   especially   training   of   health care workers
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of programs under the Department.

In addition, the department also coordinates and maintains a national system for sustained integrated management of epidemics   and   emergencies,   in   collaboration   with   the surveillance Division.

Community Health Department has several divisions under it which include;

  1. Reproductive  Health  – this covers antenatal  care, adolescent care, family planning, emergency obstetric  care, neonatal care and cancer of  the cervix.
  2. Child Health – covers child intervention program and strategy development, child Days, neonatal care, school health, control of diarrhoeal diseases and nutrition.
  3. Environmental Health  – covers vector control, sanitation, safe water supply, sewage disposal, school sanitation, school health and food  and personal hygiene international health regulations, pollution (noise, radiation, environment).
  4. Vector   Borne   Disease   Control  – specifically looks at neglected diseases, usually vector borne. The most important includes; sleeping  sickness, filiriasis, schistomiasis, soil helminthes, onchocerciasis and Kala­Azar.
  5. Veterinary   Public   Health  –   this division oversees  and coordinates programs which are transmitted from man to animal and vice versa.  The main diseases covered   are: rabies, sleeping sickness, anthrax, bird   flue, plague and other food borne worms such as tape worms.  The unit is also responsible for  standards  for  food  hygiene, codex alimenterious.
  6. Health   Education   and   Promotion –   is responsible  for  development  of  public  education and public information.  It  also  coordinates  interviews  with the Mass Media. Primary Health Care including Village Health Teams and Social Administration are also  coordinated   by   the   Division. Several film vans help the district in mass health campaigns.
  7. Disability   and   Rehabilitation   Division  –   is responsible  for coordination of disabilities especially traumatic, blindness, deafness, deformities and related devices.
  8. Non­ Communicable   Diseases  –   this is the latest Division under Community department which is  cross cutting. The role of this division is to develop   policies   and   strategies   for   the  containment of diseases related to life styles (high blood   pressure,   and   diabetes).  It also covers diseases  related to congenital defects  e.g. sickle  cell diseases,  physical exercises, counseling  and advice are some of the activities.  cell diseases,  physical exercises, counseling  and advice are some of the activities.  It   is   cross   cutting   and   relates   with   several programs   such   as   mental   health,   curative   care, epidemiological   surveillance,   injuries   and disability.
  9. Control   of   Emergencies  –   there   is   a   standing task   force   coordinated   by   the   Department,   to handle   epidemics,   land   slides,   natural catastrophes   etc. It   is   integrated   and   social mobilization for rapid containment is key priority of action.

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