3ie Request for Funding Proposals

3ie Request for Funding Proposals

3ie Request for Funding Proposals: The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) has announced a request for proposals (RFP) for impact evaluations of social and economic development interventions in low and middle-income countries.

This call accepts proposals in any sector. Preference will be given to proposed studies that:


  • Are impact evaluations of large-scale development interventions and/or have a high probability of influencing policy;
  • Clearly elaborate the theory of change for the intervention and the assumptions underlying the theory of change;
  • Use mixed methods to explore the causal mechanisms behind interventions and measured outcomes;
  • Have a clearly demonstrated and close partnership with the implementing agency; and
  • Are produced by developing country researchers/evaluators or through a partnership between developed and developing country researchers/evaluators.3ie hopes to make 6-10 awards of up to a total value of US$4 million under this RFP. There is no maximum size for individual grants.

    There is a two stage submission process:

    1. Submission of an expression of interest (EOI). The window for the EOI opens on June 1st. These one-page documents will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

    Notification of selection for the next phase will be given within 1-2 weeks of submission.

    If selected, applicants can begin drafting the full proposal at the time of notification. The final deadline for submitting EOIs is June 24th. 2. If the EOI is selected for the next phase, the full proposal must be submitted by August 30th.

    More information can be found at: 3ie Request for Funding Proposals

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