92% Fail Makerere University Law Pre-Entry Exams 2017 – 2018

92% Fail Makerere University Law Pre-Entry Exams 2017 – 2018

92% Fail Makerere University Law Pre-Entry Exams 2017 – 2018

Following the recent demands for the pre-entry law results, the Makerere University senate, responsible for admission, has shocked the nation with the worst performance in the exams.

Out of the 2609 students who sat the papers, only 224 passed with 50 per cent and above. This means 92 per cent of the students failed the tests which sought to test the students’ logic, reading, comprehension, language, numerical, general knowledge and analytical writing skills.

While talking to some of the students, they said they are not convinced by the results.

Among the 224, 31 were Degree Holders, 7 Diploma and 3 mature entries.

Students tracing their marks on the notice board

Makerere introduced pre-entry examinations in 2012 for any student who wished to pursue Bachelor of Laws programme. Only candidates who possess UACE, Uganda Certificate of Education, obtained a minimum of 13 points (Males) and 12 points (for females) in any A-Level combination, for Humanities and Sciences will be considered.

However, students who did their A-Level before 2013 should have 15 and 14 points for male and female applicants respectively, diploma holders must possess at least a 2nd Class or Credit Diploma in any discipline from a recognized institution while mature age applicants should have passed the Mature Age Entry Examination (for Bachelor of Laws) for either 2014/2015 or 2015/2016 Academic Year.

The candidates who scored 50% and above passed the examination. Those interested in admission to Bachelor of Laws on Government sponsorship must have indicated (APPLIED FOR) in November, December 2016 and January 2017.

Those who will not be admitted on government sponsorship can apply for Private Day (Law) or private Evening in May 2017. The admission will be based on the available slots for both Government and private sponsorship for the bachelor of law degree programme.

Candidates with issues may apply within 14 days after release of results.

1 thought on “92% Fail Makerere University Law Pre-Entry Exams 2017 – 2018”

  1. hello.am a graduate of Criminology from Egerton University I. Kenya and I was enquiring whether am qualified to study law in makerere university?if so ,would you send me your fee structure and other credentials which you may deem necessary via my email.


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