Teofilo Kisanji University TEKU Almanac 2016 / 2017
ALMANAC 2016/2017 |
S/N |
1 |
September 2nd2016 |
Beginning of Second Semester 2016/2017 for NTA LEVEL 4 IT & Library. Reporting |
of new students NTA Level 4 & Level 5. |
2September 9th2016 End of field practical for NTA Level 5
September |
3 |
Beginning of long vacation for semester II NTA level 5 |
10th2016 |
4October 14th2016 Nyerere day holiday.
5 |
October 15th2016 |
End of long vacation for NTA level 5 AND Registration for courses New Students |
NTA level 4 and NTA level 5 (all Programmes including Nursing) |
6 |
October 17th2016 |
Beginning of new Academic year for semester I NTA level 6 & Beginning of classes |
for all new NTA level 4 and 5 |
7October 27th2016 Exhibition for TEN YEARS OF TEKU
8October 28th2016 8th TEKU Convocation/Alum. Meeting
9October 29th2016 9th Graduation for undergraduate and post graduate
10October 31st2016 Reporting new students ordinary Diploma in primary Education.
11November 2nd2016 Beginning of classes of all OPDE Student
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Nov-16 |
Classes continue |
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December 9th2016 |
Independent Holiday |
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December |
Mid Semester tests |
15th2016 |
15 |
December |
Late Semesters tests |
19th2016 |
16 |
December 23 |
Beginning of Christmas and new year recess |
2016 |
17 |
December 25 |
Christmas Day |
2016 |
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December 26 |
Boxing Day |
2016 |
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January 1st 2017 |
New year |
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January 2nd 2017 |
Classes resume for all programmes |
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January 3rd – 5 |
Submission and Moderation of Examination |
2017 |
22January 9th2017 Beginning of Semester examination for IT and Lib. Course I
23January 12th 2017 Zanzibar Revolution Day
24January 21st 2017 TEKU DAY (Subject for changes)
25 |
February 6th2017 |
Preparation for Semester exams. For NTA level 4 and 5 all programmes except for |
nursing and DDPE |
26 |
February 7th – 8th |
Moderation for NTA Level 4, 5 and 6 Examinations |
2017 |
27 |
February 13rd |
Examination week for all NTA level 4, 5 and 6 except for Nursing and ODPE |
2017 |
28February 18th2017 End of examination of all NTA level 4, 5 and 6 except for nursing and DDPE 1
S/N |
29 |
February 20th2017 |
Beginning of short break for ALL programmes except Nursing and ODPE & |
Preparation week for ODPE examination and Marking period |
30 |
February 27th2017 |
Beginning of ODPE & End of short vacation for NTA level 4, 5 and 6 all |
programmes except Nursing and ODPE |
31 |
March 1st2017 |
Beginning classes for NTA level 4, 5 and 6 all programmes excepts Nursing & ODPE |
and Department Meeting |
32 |
March 2nd 2017 |
Directorate Meeting |
33 |
March 4th2017 |
End of ODPE examination (subject to zone Timetable) |
34 |
March 6th2017 |
Beginning of second semester for all NTA level 4 and 5 except Nursing and ODPE. |
35 |
March 7th 2017 |
Directorate Board Meeting |
36 |
March 15th2017 |
Beginning of short vacation for ODPE & Application period for all programms |
37 |
March 17th 2017 |
Academic Board Meeting |
38 |
March 20th2017 |
Beginning of second semester for ODPE (Subject to zonal changes) and Release of |
Examination results for NTA Level 4, 5 and 6 |
39 |
April 1st2017 |
Classes continue |
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April 7th 2017 |
Karume Day |
41 |
April 14th 2017 |
Good Friday |
42 |
April 16th 2017 |
Easter Sunday |
43 |
April 17th 2017 |
Easter Monday |
44 |
April 26th 2017 |
Union Day |
45 |
May 1st 2017 |
Labour Day |
46 |
May 2nd 2017 |
Classes continuing |
47 |
June 12nd 2017 |
End of classes exam preparation week for all NTA level 4, 5 and 6 except for |
Nursing and ODPE |
48 |
June 13rd 2017 |
Preparation of 2nd sememester examination for all NTA level 4, 5 and 6 except for |
Nursing and ODPE |
June 19-24th2017 |
Second Semester examination for all NTA level 4, 5 and 6except for Nursing and |
49 |
ODPE(subject to Zonal timetable changes) & End of Teaching ODPE and |
examination preparation week |
50 |
June 25th 2017 |
Eid Ul-Fitr |
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June 26th2017 |
Beginning of examination for ODPE( subject to zonal time table ) |
52 |
July 1st2017 |
End of examinations for ODPE and Biginning of Field practical training for all NTA |
Level 4, 5 & 6 Except for Nursing and ODPE. |
53 |
July 7th2017 |
Graduation ceremony for NTA level 6 and Saba saba Day |
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