Mbeya University Online Applicants for Ordinary Diploma and Bachelor Degree Programmes 2017/2018 – Batch V
The Vice-Chancellor of Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST), wish to inform the following online (OAS) applicants that, their applications (Batch V) for Ordinary Diploma and Bachelor Degree have been received and are now being processed.
All selected applicants will be notified through University Website www.mustnet.ac.tz and Government Newspapers early September 2017.
S/No |
Name |
Application Type |
Nationality |
Status |
1 |
Abdulrahman Nassir Maulana |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
2 |
Adam Issaria Mmary |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
3 |
Adam Juma Ngumbe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
4 |
Albert Hamaro |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
5 |
Alex EmillyKadaso |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
6 |
Alfred Michael Lola |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
7 |
Ali Fadhil Abass |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
8 |
Amedeus Constantine Patrick |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
9 |
Amedeus Constantine Patrick |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
10 |
Amoni Mageni Mgoyi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
11 |
Aneth Ferdinand Moshi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
12 |
Anna David Mwampalala |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
13 |
Anorld J Meshack |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
14 |
Antonia George |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
15 |
Asumini Haruna Husseini |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
16 |
Aswida Abdul Seiph |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
17 |
Athanas Martin |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
18 |
Athumani Ally Ramadhani |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
19 |
Avelyne Boniphace Tarimo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
20 |
Baduret Kihonza |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
21 |
Bakari Hamis Bagayo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
22 |
Bamba Hassan Bamba |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
23 |
Baraka Peter Shalali |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
24 |
Bazilio Edward Monga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
25 |
Beda Benezeth |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
26 |
Benson Andrew Mhina |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
27 |
Benson Emmanuel Ndosi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
28 |
Betrida Confidence |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
29 |
Bongole Christian |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
30 |
Boniphace Nestory |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
31 |
Burhan Sadik Buruhan |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
32 |
Calvin Leonidas Sam |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
33 |
Celine Tenson Bago |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
34 |
Christopher Julius |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
35 |
Christopher John Haule |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
36 |
Cliford Walter Msaki |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
37 |
Clinton KennedyRichard |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
38 |
Cosmas Felichism Mrema |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
39 |
Damian Cosmas Mdalamla |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
40 |
David S Kiula |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
41 |
Dennis Alphonce Surusi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
42 |
Deodatus Benedictor Lusesa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
43 |
Dimpuna Raphael Mwasile |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
44 |
Ebenezer Raphael Urioh |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
45 |
Edgar Christopher Mwaitenga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
46 |
Edgar Christopher Mwaitenga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
47 |
Edger Frolence Ngole |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
48 |
Edwin Onesmo Joel |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
49 |
Elina Jeroboam Mchau |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
50 |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
51 |
Eliya Ernest Ndonde |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
52 |
Elton George Bukene |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
53 |
Elton Otto Msuya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
54 |
Emanuel Peter Mongi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
55 |
Emanuel Patrick Kirika |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
56 |
Emmanuel Mbassa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
57 |
Emmanuel Beshael Mkilindi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
58 |
Emmanuel Emmilian Mapunda |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
59 |
Emmanuel Fredrick |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
60 |
Erick Mussa Lazaro |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
61 |
Erick Martin Alexander |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
62 |
Erick Marlyo Chando |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
63 |
Ezra Elinathan William |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
64 |
Francis Angelo Mtwangili |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
65 |
Frank Kaitila Hosea |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
66 |
Frank Lucas Mjema |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
67 |
Fredrick K Simon |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
68 |
George Agai |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
69 |
Gerald Stephen Kigahe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
70 |
Gerald Leonce Kapinga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
71 |
Getrude Williamson Ringo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
72 |
Getrude Williamson Ringo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
73 |
Gilbert Fraternus Tarimo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
74 |
Glory Dickson Kombe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
75 |
Godfrey Gerald Mwari |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
76 |
Godfrey G Nililwa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
77 |
Godfrey Said Bilyanguze |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
78 |
Godfrey Gerald Mwari |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
79 |
Grace Mafwere |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
80 |
Hamisi Mohamedi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
81 |
Hassani David Chilunda |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
82 |
Henry K Mbungani |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
83 |
Heriamini Frank Makyao |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
84 |
Herry Gerry Ngollo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
85 |
Hidaya Nasoro Mrutu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
86 |
Iddy Rajabu Kambi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
87 |
Ignas Nasibu Makala |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
88 |
Ioyce Pascary Range |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
89 |
Isaack Esau Mbede |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
90 |
Isaya Odego Nyang’oro |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
91 |
Isaya Felix Mtawa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
92 |
Ivo M Madohora |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
93 |
Jackson M Kisunda |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
94 |
Jackson J Kilimali |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
95 |
Jerome Euzebius Sanga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
96 |
JimmyB Nzumbi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
97 |
Joel Edward Mangara |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
98 |
Joel Edward |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
99 |
Joel Edward Mangara |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
100 |
John Peter Ndunguru |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
101 |
John Leonard Mhina |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
102 |
Johnson Elibariki Eliophoro |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
103 |
Joseph Peter Nakei |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
104 |
Joshua Mwakingwe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
105 |
Julia Michael |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
106 |
Julia Michael |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
107 |
Julia Michael |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
108 |
Juma Jumanne Ally |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
109 |
Justine S Mtesigwa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
110 |
Kalkedon ISSACK |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
111 |
Kelvin Mrema |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
112 |
Kelvin Francis Mbuta |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
113 |
Kelvin Charles Mbaga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
114 |
Keneth Mguju Jusias |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
115 |
Kiyumbi Michael Vincent |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
116 |
Leonard Banigwa Lutegeka |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
117 |
Liberatus Rustis Shao |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
118 |
Lightness Anold Sam |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
119 |
Luhende Mathias |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
120 |
Luhende Mathias |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
121 |
Magreth Heppson Minja |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
122 |
Mahega Kija |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
123 |
Marco Florian |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
124 |
Maria Leonard Mwandenuka |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
125 |
Mariam Y. Kingu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
126 |
Mary Gidion Siyame |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
127 |
Masumbuko Yohana Lutema |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
128 |
Maximillian Michael Bisama |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
129 |
Mayunga Julius Masaganya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
130 |
Melchiory Tumaini Peter |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
131 |
Meshack Chesco Msemwa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
132 |
Mkadam Ismail Msabaha |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
133 |
Mohamed Salum Njoka |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
134 |
Musa Saitoti Maoi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
135 |
Mussa Elias |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
136 |
Mustapha Festo Mahenge |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
137 |
Nasra J Maembe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
138 |
Nasra Juma Maembe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
139 |
Newton Carlos Mtoya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
140 |
Nicas Paul Kilima |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
141 |
Nicolaus Thomas Mayombe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
142 |
Nikolaus Michael Shirima |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
143 |
Novatus Mukome |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
144 |
Oliver Franco Mwakitalu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
145 |
Oliver Franco Mwakitalu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
146 |
Pastory Charles Pastory |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
147 |
Paul Joseph |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
148 |
Peter Claude Benjamin |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
149 |
Qudra Juma Kimanta |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
150 |
Ramadhani Evans Dulle |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
151 |
Ramadhani Rashidi Waziri |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
152 |
Raphael Lambo Julius |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
153 |
Reubeni Martine |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
154 |
Rhoda Mwombela |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
155 |
Robert Richard Simon |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
156 |
Robert Chogoro |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
157 |
Sadiki Francis Mwasofu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
158 |
Samuel Joseph Kamba |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
159 |
Sekela Aliko Mwanjala |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
160 |
Shaban Hassan Athuman |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
161 |
Shadrack Fadhili Mjema |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
162 |
Shoto John Wales |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
163 |
Simoni Yully Philipo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
164 |
Stanford Mbakizao |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
165 |
Stanford Mbakizao |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
166 |
Stellamaria Kilunga January |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
167 |
Steven John |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
168 |
Suleiman Moh’d Dhiabu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
169 |
Teresfoly S Magesa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
170 |
Thobias Daud |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
171 |
Thomas Keng’anya Thomas |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
172 |
Thomas Thomas Keng’anya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
173 |
Twaha Mohammed Mafiga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
174 |
Upendo Mansuet Madohora |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
175 |
Valentine M Zingi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
176 |
Venance Mziba Costantine |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
177 |
Victor David Mwanga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
178 |
Waziri A Kijazi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
179 |
Wilfred Damian Mrema |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
180 |
Wilson Mape Mapande |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
181 |
Wilson Frank Sechome |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
182 |
Yassin Abass Kidehe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
183 |
Yona John Mwakanyamale |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
184 |
Yusuph Juma |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
185 |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
S/No |
Name |
Application Type |
Nationality |
Status |
1 |
Abdulrahim Kyaijunga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
2 |
Abubakari Iddy Mbezi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
3 |
Adrof J Kahungu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
4 |
Ahlam Abdallah Slim |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
5 |
Alexander Mandela Naaly |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
6 |
Alice Isack |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
7 |
Ally Selemani |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
8 |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
9 |
Amon Mike Mwakifuna |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
10 |
Amon Mike Mwakifuna |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
11 |
Arnold Paschal Kahatano |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
12 |
Baraka Daniel Steven |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
13 |
Baraka Labani Myeya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
14 |
Benard Ringo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
15 |
Benjamin Simon Makandi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
16 |
Benjamin Emmanuel |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
17 |
Busambi C Choma |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
18 |
Calvin Chamill Maleko |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
19 |
Charles Kibure |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
20 |
Chediel Dastani Mshana |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
21 |
Clement Gabriel Nyiti |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
22 |
Clement Gabriel Nyiti |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
23 |
Collins Constantine Makemba |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
24 |
Daimon Godwin Kakaga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
25 |
David WenceslausyAssey |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
26 |
Diana K Ondira |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
27 |
Doreen Richard Tarimo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
28 |
Elias Kamili |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
29 |
Eliza Charles Mgeyekwa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
30 |
Elizabeth Joseph Mwanda |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
31 |
Emanuel Rajabu Isango |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
32 |
Emily Kadria Mrema |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
33 |
Emmanuel Altho Mbuligwe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
34 |
Emmanuel F Tesha |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
35 |
Fadhili B Samwel |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
36 |
Felister Tumain |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
37 |
Fidelis Peter |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
38 |
Flowin Flowin Komba |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
39 |
Francis B Bernard |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
40 |
Frank Raphael Mwera |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
41 |
Frolian Byara |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
42 |
Geofrey Joseph Ndunguru |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
43 |
George Kiluma |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
44 |
Gibson Godlove Issangya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
45 |
Godfrey Simkoko |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
46 |
Godson Titus Manda |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
47 |
Grace F Mshana |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
48 |
Hassani Rajabu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
49 |
Henry K Mbungani |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
50 |
Ibrahim Mohamed |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
51 |
Idah Michael |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
52 |
Iddy Salum Iddy |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
53 |
Irene Lazaro Lazaro |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
54 |
Issa J Ibrahim |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
55 |
Jabiri Alli Iddi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
56 |
Jackson Leonard Bamugimba |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
57 |
Jacqueline John Joel |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
58 |
Jeremia Sabinus |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
59 |
John Heri Hozza |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
60 |
John Josephat |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
61 |
Joseph J Matheo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
62 |
Joshua Kitigwa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
63 |
Juliana Asiwelo Kaminyoge |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
64 |
Jumanne Maulid Kilambalile |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
65 |
Keith Kennedy |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
66 |
Kelvin Antony Banyenza |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
67 |
Lejia Leodigard Mwebesa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
68 |
Leogard Mbisa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
69 |
Leogard Mbisa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
70 |
Macrina Kinyaiya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
71 |
Makengo Justine Leonard |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
72 |
Manward Chagu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
73 |
Mariam – Mtwange |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
74 |
Martin CamillyMartin |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
75 |
Mendrad Majungu Mlimira |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
76 |
Michael Edimeliki Mtonyole |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
77 |
Miriam Elias |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
78 |
Miriam Lemna |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
79 |
Nadhiru Sadiki |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
80 |
Nasei Kenneth Edwards |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
81 |
Nathan Amon Munuo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
82 |
Nathan Amon Munuo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
83 |
Nickson Majura |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
84 |
Nicolaus Boniphace Joseph |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
85 |
Nyanda Aloyce |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
86 |
Oliver Franco Mwakitalu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
87 |
Omary Jafari Yahaya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
88 |
Onesmo Lodson Masawe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
89 |
Paschalina Leonard Burra |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
90 |
Peace Hamisi Kumbuka |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
91 |
Pendo Mathias |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
92 |
Peter Elibariki Mmary |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
93 |
Petro Charles Kalolo |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
94 |
Philipo J Benard |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
95 |
Prisca Nestory |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
96 |
Priscus Venance Mushi |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
97 |
Raymond Gwantwa Mwakalinga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
98 |
Reggan Elienezer Msuya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
99 |
RemmyDismas |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
100 |
RosemaryOsward Mwansa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
101 |
Said Salim Lutenga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
102 |
Said Salim Lutenga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
103 |
Samweli Abdul Ally |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
104 |
Shaban Kassim Mhando |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
105 |
Silvery Elias Pasian |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
106 |
Silvery Elias Pasian |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
107 |
Silvery Elias Pasian |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
108 |
Silvey Elias Pasian |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
109 |
Spora Elieskia Mwalili |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
110 |
Tuntufye John Kamwela |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
111 |
Tusyagene William |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
112 |
UmmyKisaka Masue |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
113 |
Zacharia Yohana |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
114 |
Zefania Oman Monge |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
115 |
Zefania Oman Monge |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
S/No |
Name |
Application Type |
Nationality |
Status |
1 |
David Issack Kimaya |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
2 |
JimmyGilbert Mtui |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
S/No |
Name |
Application Type |
Nationality |
Status |
1 |
Abdul Gerald Makau |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
2 |
Abdul-rahim Abbas Mohammed |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
3 |
Abuu Musa Ngondae |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
4 |
Abuu M Ngondae |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
5 |
Ackim Antony |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
6 |
Adolf Anatory Mkonda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
7 |
Agaely Jackson Laizer |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
8 |
Agapiti John Kamuu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
9 |
Ahazi S Tweve |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
10 |
Alfred Mathius Njambilo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
11 |
Ali Nassor Shaaban |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
12 |
Ali Nassor Shaaban |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
13 |
Allen Simon Ngira |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
14 |
Amani L Lecktony |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
15 |
Amosi Christopher Mpoma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
16 |
Andongolile David |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
17 |
Andongolile David |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
18 |
Anord N Philbert |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
19 |
Antony Alex Kibhole |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
20 |
Aron Enhard Msuha |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
21 |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
22 |
Athinas W Maguluko |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
23 |
Athumani Abdi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
24 |
Atumalye Damson Mlagala |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
25 |
Augustino Anthony |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
26 |
Aurlus Filbert Ndunguru |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
27 |
Bakari S Muhamad |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
28 |
Baraka Martin Milinga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
29 |
Baraka Weston |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
30 |
Baraka Golden |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
31 |
Camillus Leonce Mwahesa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
32 |
Charles Rosta Martine |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
33 |
Cosmas John Mtika |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
34 |
Daudi A Mafwenga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
35 |
David Emmanuel Lissu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
36 |
Denis D Mchome |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
37 |
Deodatus N Wisso |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
38 |
Deogratius Apolynary Shio |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
39 |
Dickson James Ngowi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
40 |
Dominic Paschal Mwiru |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
41 |
Doreen Jerome Mlele |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
42 |
Doreen Lugemalila Ikula |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
43 |
Doreen Jerome Mlele |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
44 |
Edina Joseph |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
45 |
Edw Dickson Enzi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
46 |
Edward Paul Kitenana |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
47 |
Elia G Kiwia |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
48 |
Eliagrid Elineema Mmari |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
49 |
Elisonguo Wilfred Moshi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
50 |
Eliwid Paul Bwakila |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
51 |
Eliza Charles Mgeyekwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
52 |
Emanuel Kurambe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
53 |
Emmanuel MAkonaay |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
54 |
Emmanuel MMateru |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
55 |
Emmanuel Moses Sangale |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
56 |
Emmanuel Moses Sangale |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
57 |
Emmanuel Joseph |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
58 |
Emmanuel Moses Sangale |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
59 |
Emmanuel OmarySalehe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
60 |
Emmanuel MAkonaay |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
61 |
Erick Elisha Msemwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
62 |
Erick George Japhet |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
63 |
Ernest Ojuku Keneth |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
64 |
Ezeckiel O Syantata |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
65 |
Fideciana Mahende Mniko |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
66 |
Florida William |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
67 |
Francis S Mdaki |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
68 |
Francisxavery Rwasa Naho |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
69 |
Franco Juma Kisoso |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
70 |
Frank Eberhard Mapunda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
71 |
Frank Samwel Malley |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
72 |
Fred Stephano Francis |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
73 |
Furahin Moses Mollel |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
74 |
George G Benard |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
75 |
German Colman Peter |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
76 |
Germanus SidneyXavier |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
77 |
Gift Stahimili Moses |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
78 |
Gift Stahimili Moses |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
79 |
Gloria Medard |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
80 |
Gloria Solomon Kapakala |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
81 |
Glory Werakyasa Massawe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
82 |
Godfrey Dickson |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
83 |
Godfrey Ahad Mgaya |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
84 |
Goodluck Zephania Laizer |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
85 |
Goodluck Zephania Laizer |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
86 |
Goryo Mniko Kemahi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
87 |
Guydon Luoga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
88 |
Guydon Luoga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
89 |
Hamis Lazaro Kalonge |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
90 |
Hamisi ABakari |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
91 |
Hassan Othman Fidel |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
92 |
Heartman Faustine Luginga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
93 |
Hillary Kayamba |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
94 |
Hillary George Kiwelu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
95 |
Ibrahim Chelestino Luvanga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
96 |
Ibrahim Chelestino Luvanga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
97 |
Imani Kabage Tijala |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
98 |
Imani Kabage Tijala |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
99 |
Innocent Adonicam Lema |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
100 |
Innocent Conrad Makoba |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
101 |
Innocent Obadia Mlay |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
102 |
Innocent P Kadodo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
103 |
Issa Said Omari |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
104 |
Jastini Ajilly Mang’ulisa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
105 |
Joseph Chacha |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
106 |
Josephat Ernest Ndangalasi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
107 |
Josephat F Swai |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
108 |
Julieth Joseph Heri |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
109 |
Kapuya A Said |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
110 |
Kasang’a Lai |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
111 |
Kelvin Protas Mrema |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
112 |
Khadija R Shabiri |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
113 |
Kilulu Shigela |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
114 |
Lameck Andrea Mpange |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
115 |
Lameck A Mpange |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
116 |
Liku Kimola Chenge |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
117 |
Lilian D Sanga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
118 |
Lotali Lotali Ponera |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
119 |
Lugano JapharyMwelezi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
120 |
Malkiori Timotheo Joseph |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
121 |
Mansuri Majid Iddy |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
122 |
Mansuri Majid Iddy |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
123 |
Mathias Masondole Kasongi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
124 |
Melkisedecki Kasper |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
125 |
Mengi Ouma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
126 |
Mengi Ouma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
127 |
Michael Tsdori Msiru |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
128 |
Miltone E Urassa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
129 |
Mohamed Khalfani Selemani |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
130 |
Muhumuliza Lugeiyamu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
131 |
Mussa Lucas Aron |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
132 |
Mussa P Nhondo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
133 |
Mussa Mipawa Shomari |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
134 |
Mwanahamisi MJuma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
135 |
Nassoro Isihaka Iddy |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
136 |
Nelson Ezekiel Gunda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
137 |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
138 |
Nestory Sayi Buluda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
139 |
Nitwa Emmanuel Mbwambo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
140 |
Niwa Manumba Maduhu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
141 |
Nixon Imani Fungo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
142 |
Nyenesya Frank Mwakilasa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
143 |
Parakuchi Emmanuel Chang’a |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
144 |
Paul Phillip |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
145 |
Paul Sanga Henry |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
146 |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
147 |
Peter Toima |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
148 |
Peter Toima |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
149 |
Phinehas Asanterabi Sang`enoi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
150 |
Plastido Aroberto Sambala |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
151 |
Ramadhani AHamisi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
152 |
Ramadhani Rashid Ramadhani |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
153 |
Ramadhani Jafari Kideghesho |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
154 |
Ramadhani Rashid Ramadhani |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
155 |
Ramadhani Rashid Ramadhani |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
156 |
Ramson Swai |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
157 |
Raphael Antonino Kilumbi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
158 |
RashidyA Ligaya |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
159 |
Rehema James Mwakalinga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
160 |
Robert B Mwakijoja |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
161 |
RosemaryChipss Koroso |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
162 |
Rugambwa Makare |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
163 |
Rugambwa Makare |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
164 |
Rustika Germanus Sanga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
165 |
Said Hemedi Hussein |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
166 |
Saidi M Marekano |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
167 |
Salum Omary |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
168 |
Salum Omary |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
169 |
Samwel N Wilson |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
170 |
Sangeti Sumleck Mamasita |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
171 |
Shania H Dangala |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
172 |
Sheila Mwinyimkuu Mwinyikheri |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
173 |
Shileko Kunyala |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
174 |
Solomon Paul Seleman |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
175 |
Solotora Edward |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
176 |
Sophia A Bora |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
177 |
Stanley Anayesu Marishamu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
178 |
Steven Charles Andrea |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
179 |
Thabit Mbogamo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
180 |
Thadeo M Joseph |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
181 |
Thadeo M Joseph |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
182 |
Tharsis Nyalusi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
183 |
Vivian Joas Tibaijuka |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
184 |
W J Mbata |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
185 |
Warren Ebehard Mligo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
186 |
William Kiluma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
S/No |
Name |
Application Type |
Nationality |
Status |
1 |
Abdala H Karage |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
2 |
Abdala Hamisi Karage |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
3 |
Abdallah Haji |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
4 |
Abdul-aziz Sultan Saadallah |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
5 |
Abdulaziz Jamal |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
6 |
Abdulaziz Jamal |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
7 |
Abdulla Suleiman Abdulla |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
8 |
Abdulla Suleiman Abdulla |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
9 |
Abdulrahman Salim Abass |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
10 |
Abdulrahman Salim Abass |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
11 |
Advance Michael Nkwama |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
12 |
Advance Michael Nkwama |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
13 |
Aggrey Bartheromwew Benny |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
14 |
Ahmada Khamis Malik |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
15 |
Akbar Ibrahim Ambary |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
16 |
Alfred Mashaka Kitula |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
17 |
Alfred Mashetus Senga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
18 |
Ali Simon Kaswahili |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
19 |
Allen Sengati |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
20 |
Allen Mathayo Nyiti |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
21 |
Ally Masinga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
22 |
Ally Abdallah Suleyman |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
23 |
Ally Ramadhan Banda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
24 |
Ally Mussa Kimaka |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
25 |
Alvin Augustine Fashe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
26 |
Amani Elifariji Ngoda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
27 |
Amiry A. Singawakona |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
28 |
Anastazia Patrice Salema |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
29 |
Angelo Adalbert Kabanda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
30 |
Antipas Costantine |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
31 |
Aron V Mbungu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
32 |
Asha Abdulwahidi Msemo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
33 |
Ashirafu Simba |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
34 |
Ashvath O Daniford |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
35 |
Ashvath O Daniford |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
36 |
Ashvath O Daniford |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
37 |
Astrida Felix Mtawa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
38 |
Athumani M Baitwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
39 |
Augustine Julius |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
40 |
Augustino Revocatus Musese |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
41 |
Auxilius Mutabuzi Audax |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
42 |
Auxilius Mutabuzi Audax |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
43 |
Avelina Chriss Mgimba |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
44 |
Bakari Hassan Mangopo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
45 |
Baraka Mndage Longopela |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
46 |
Baraka Sospeter |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
47 |
Benitho Alexander |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
48 |
Benjamin Ulimboka Mwakilili |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
49 |
Benjamin Martin Chavula |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
50 |
Benjamin H Kisivan |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
51 |
Bernadeta Mathias Saganda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
52 |
Boniphace Michael Sumbuka |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
53 |
Boniphace Japhet |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
54 |
Byabuze Kalyango |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
55 |
Cathbeth Beda Simba |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
56 |
Cathbeth Beda Simba |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
57 |
Catherine Boniphace |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
58 |
Charles M Kivuyo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
59 |
Charles M Kivuyo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
60 |
Charles Manase Mlaki |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
61 |
Charles Nyabange |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
62 |
Charles William Jonas |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
63 |
Charlotte Katron |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
64 |
Dadley Renson Mkonyi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
65 |
Daniel Lucas |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
66 |
Daniel Vm Mahenge |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
67 |
Daniel Allen Siwakwe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
68 |
Daniel RobbyMwita |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
69 |
Daud Emmanuel Mahulu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
70 |
Daud Juma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
71 |
Daudi Kokoro |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
72 |
Derek Damson Mwasumbi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
73 |
Dickson Joseph |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
74 |
Dickson Lucas Pius |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
75 |
Dominick Samson |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
76 |
Donatus George |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
77 |
Dora Abdallah Kawawa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
78 |
Dotto Ndunguru Julius |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
79 |
Edmund E Salaho |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
80 |
Edson Fales |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
81 |
Edson Juma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
82 |
Edwad John |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
83 |
Edward Philip Assey |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
84 |
Edwin Edward Chidong’o |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
85 |
Edwini Deogratias Manyalla |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
86 |
Eliamini JimmyMndima |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
87 |
Elias Joseph |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
88 |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
89 |
Elisha Elisha |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
90 |
Elisha Matabe Charles |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
91 |
Emanuel Abdul Kimaro |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
92 |
Emanuel J Mgawe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
93 |
Emanuel Andrea Lema |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
94 |
Emmanuel Michael Luholela |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
95 |
Emmenuel Robert Mathias |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
96 |
Erick John |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
97 |
Erick Brown Mwangomango |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
98 |
Erickson Kafuku |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
99 |
Ester Nestory |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
100 |
Fadhili Mustapha Hassan |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
101 |
Fadhili Peter Malisa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
102 |
Faustine Matiko James |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
103 |
Faustine Marco |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
104 |
Feisal F Sudy |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
105 |
Felix L Joseph |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
106 |
Fidelis Damian Kahes |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
107 |
Flavian Canisius Salala |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
108 |
Francis Mathew |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
109 |
Francisca Eligius Ollomy |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
110 |
Frank Justine Mpanda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
111 |
Fransiska Menansi Kilimo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
112 |
Fredrick M Swai |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
113 |
Fredy F Malle |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
114 |
Gabriel Msuka Mtesigwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
115 |
Gaspar Wilson Ishengoma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
116 |
Gaspar A Shirima |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
117 |
Geofrey Julio Chengula |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
118 |
Geofrey Maare |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
119 |
Germano Silvester Malley |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
120 |
Gilbert Mbezi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
121 |
Gillian Brayson Shoo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
122 |
Gisbeth Godfrey Mlelwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
123 |
Gladness Mushi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
124 |
Glory J Ndaskoy |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
125 |
Godson Amos Godson |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
126 |
Haji Muhibu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
127 |
Hamadi Juma Omari |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
128 |
Hassan Mohamed Msofe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
129 |
Heavenlight Elikalia Maro |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
130 |
Heavenlight Elikalia Maro |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
131 |
Heavenlight Elikalia Maro |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
132 |
Hemed Gwelo Mathias |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
133 |
Henry Fortunatus Nyalusi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
134 |
Henry Gilbert Kikwembe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
135 |
Henry Gilbert Kikwembe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
136 |
Henry Frank |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
137 |
Herman Benjamin Mpanda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
138 |
Hezekia Mgendi Nyamko |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
139 |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
140 |
Hilary Mbowe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
141 |
HumphreyChristopher Mbattah |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
142 |
Hussein Majid Hussein |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
143 |
Hussein Majid Hussein |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
144 |
Ibrahim Saad Lutengano |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
145 |
Ibrahim Rajabu Mnyamike |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
146 |
Ibrahim Bashiru |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
147 |
Iddi Saleh Kamba’s |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
148 |
Idrisa Wasiqa Idrisa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
149 |
Imani James |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
150 |
Innocent Kaluntu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
151 |
Innocent Martine |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
152 |
Issa Bankumworo Samasunzu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
153 |
Issa Bankumworo Samasunzu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
154 |
James Musa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
155 |
Jenitha Pesha |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
156 |
Joaiven Festo Mugele |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
157 |
Joanitha David Stanley |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
158 |
Joel Gregory |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
159 |
Johanes Abuok Richard |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
160 |
John Motto |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
161 |
Joseph John Antony |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
162 |
Joseph Michael Ndinda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
163 |
Joseph George Shayo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
164 |
Joshua William |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
165 |
Joyce Angomwile Kayange |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
166 |
Juma Mwin’dadi Mshewa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
167 |
Justine Kalolo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
168 |
Kefa Maketa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
169 |
Kennedy Bernard Mnyenyelwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
170 |
Khadija Maulidi Hussein |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
171 |
Khamis Said Hamad |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
172 |
Leizer Sylvano Tarimo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
173 |
Leonard Kakulu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
174 |
Leonard Msingi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
175 |
Leonard Ephatha Swai |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
176 |
Leonard Kulwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
177 |
Lilian Paulinus Mahushi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
178 |
Livini Lyaruu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
179 |
Livini Lyaruu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
180 |
Livini Lyaruu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
181 |
Livini Lyaruu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
182 |
Loveness John Thom as |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
183 |
Luqman Kasana |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
184 |
Mack Chacha |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
185 |
Magesa Sikinde |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
186 |
Majura J Kisoma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
187 |
Majuto Batista Kihaga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
188 |
Malaki Kamangu Winston |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
189 |
Malindi Malindi Bugingo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
190 |
Marcus Nyakunga Benedict |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
191 |
Maria Augenus Mtuya |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
192 |
Mariana Bartalome |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
193 |
Marianus John Samson |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
194 |
Mariki Mohamed Ally |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
195 |
Mashaka Mbeho Maduhu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
196 |
Masoud Abdallah Nassor |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
197 |
Masunga Maduhu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
198 |
Masunga Maduhu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
199 |
Matilda Anold Mlay |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
200 |
Maxmillian Alebros Lema |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
201 |
Mbashiru Mudi Badru |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
202 |
Mboje Samson |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
203 |
Mboje Samson |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
204 |
Meshack Zephania |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
205 |
Mgeta Boniphace |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
206 |
Michael Ndaga |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
207 |
Michael Petro Saunyi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
208 |
Michael Pastory Majembe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
209 |
Michael Pastory Majembe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
210 |
Mike V Ndyambi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
211 |
Miraji R Mwinyi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
212 |
Mohamed Omar Mohamed |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
213 |
Moloimet Leckton |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
214 |
Moses Fortunatus Fitwangile |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
215 |
Moteswa Julius Fwalu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
216 |
Mtuli John |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
217 |
Mtuli John |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
218 |
Mussa P Mushi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
219 |
Mussa Francis Kihwelo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
220 |
Mustapha Mohamed Omari |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
221 |
Mustapha Mohamed Omari |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
222 |
Mwigulu Samike Gushu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
223 |
Nebiot Stanslaus |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
224 |
Neema Emmanuel Shayo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
225 |
Neema Solomon Kombe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
226 |
Nelson O Msuya |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
227 |
Nelwike Tuntufye |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
228 |
Nestory Agricola |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
229 |
Ngwalu Sahani |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
230 |
Nicolaus Yanukura Joas |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
231 |
Nuru Shahdadi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
232 |
Nyambe R Nyambe |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
233 |
Obed John |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
234 |
Omary Thabiti Nindi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
235 |
Paschal Hilya |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
236 |
Paschal Hilya |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
237 |
Paskali Sabino |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
238 |
Paskali Sabino |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
239 |
Pastory James Thobias |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
240 |
Patrick Daudi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
241 |
Patrick Mawoo Nnko |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
242 |
Paul Kasililwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
243 |
Paulo Mtalemwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
244 |
Peter Jeremiah Shayo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
245 |
Peter M Mtani |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
246 |
Petro Mhagama |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
247 |
Phares Yohana Gunda |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
248 |
Phinias Matabhi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
249 |
Praise Lamack Edwin |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
250 |
Ramadhan Jumanne Adam |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
251 |
Ramadhan Jumanne Adam |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
252 |
Ramadhani Issa Mohamed |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
253 |
Raymond Rhodes |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
254 |
Revocatus Constantine |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
255 |
Richard Respious Mosha |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
256 |
Richard Dotto |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
257 |
Rifati Said |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
258 |
Riziki Hassan Malya |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
259 |
Robert Sanare Mollel |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
260 |
Rogers E Machage |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
261 |
Rukaya Rashid Juma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
262 |
Sabrina Makame Khamis |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
263 |
Sadam Chande Magali |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
264 |
Salim Khamis Mbarouk |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
265 |
Salim Mahmoud Omar |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
266 |
Salimu A Juma |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
267 |
Samti Mashauri |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
268 |
Sanagala D Sanagala |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
269 |
Sayi Maduhu Gumada |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
270 |
Scholastica E Nyihocha |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
271 |
Sekelo Marco Sekelo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
272 |
Sekelo Marco Sekelo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
273 |
Selemani Ramadhani |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
274 |
Shaban Haruna Salum |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
275 |
Shabani Mawazo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
276 |
Shadrack Kulwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
277 |
Shija Samwel |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
278 |
Sirili Sabas Swai |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
279 |
Sponsiosa Japhet Kalile |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
280 |
Stanley F. Ndossi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
281 |
Stebo Andulile |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
282 |
Stephano Nyegelwa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
283 |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
284 |
Sweetbertus Zabrone Ntega |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
285 |
Sylivia Kokugonza Vedasto |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
286 |
Tausiri Sailaka |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
287 |
Tegemeo Emmanuel |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
288 |
Thomas Deogratias Kayano |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
289 |
Thomas Raphael |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
290 |
Titus Mulebya |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
291 |
Tumain Wilfred |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
292 |
Twaha Issa Twaha |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
293 |
Ursula Michael Luumi |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
294 |
Vedasto Bahati Bukulu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
295 |
Vicent Adam |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
296 |
Victor Rodrick Mariki |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
297 |
Walter John |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
298 |
William Jacob Simon |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
299 |
Witness Mlay |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
300 |
Yahya Mohammed Yahya |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
301 |
Yakiedward Hakim Nyange |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
302 |
Yasir Hussein Kanola |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
303 |
Yassin Abdul Rashid |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
304 |
Yussuf H Mwalimu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
305 |
Yusufu H Mbaa |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
306 |
Yusufu Juma Mtaturu |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
307 |
Zakayo Gabriel Jacob |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
YEAR 2017-2018 BATCH V |
S/No |
Name |
Application Type |
Nationality |
Status |
1 |
Boniphace Kahyolo Bihemo |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
2 |
Jeremiah Edward |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
3 |
Joseph Bakari Mtango |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
4 |
Khaimu Juma Mbonde |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
5 |
Omary Amir Ally |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
6 |
Omary Amir Ally |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
7 |
Omary Amir Ally |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
8 |
Prosper Paul |
Bachelor – [ First Degree ] |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
S/No |
Name |
Application Type |
Nationality |
Status |
1 |
Acquinas Marioth Lumbila |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
2 |
Einhard Innocent Mgecha |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
3 |
Elias Happyson Massamu |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
4 |
Faraja Chacha Nyakiha |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
5 |
Gilbert Alphonce |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
6 |
Hassan Mohamed Msofe |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
7 |
Latifa Shabani Simba |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Submitted |
8 |
Leticia John Seme |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
9 |
Lugendo Edward Sengeri |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
10 |
Mganga Nsulwa |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
11 |
Seif Omary Athumani |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
12 |
Suzana Robert Kulanga |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
13 |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
14 |
William Joseph Mabukura |
Diploma |
Tanzanian |
Incomplete |
See also