Minister Commends MUBS For Supporting Her Efforts

Minister Commends MUBS For Supporting Her Efforts

Recently the Wakiso Woman Member of Parliament and State Minister for Primary Education, Hon. Rosemary Sseninde commended Makerere University Business School for the support rendered to her in training people in her constituency.

The Minister through her SSENINDE FOUNDATION is supplementing the government’s ‘Skilling Uganda Programme’ through training of her constituents in skills that will get them employment opportunities and help in the struggle to rid them of poverty.

She appreciated MUBS’ support in the training in her remarks at the SSENINDE FOUNDATION graduation ceremony held on June 19, 2017 where over 1760 women and youth from 9 Sub- Counties of Wakiso district, who completed a three-month training in a number of skills graduated.

Hon. Sseninde, said that the SSENINDE FOUNDATION focuses on providing practical skills to women and the youth that will enable them to employ themselves and generate wealth. She noted that the programme targeted all adults no matter their age, gender or education background. She said that the training attracted many people who have no formal educational background because the courses are practical. She revealed that although the programme has started in the 9 Sub-Counties of Wakiso  district, her plan is to cover the entire district despite the funding challenges.

She hailed the President,Makerere University Business School, the Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), NINA Interiors, Multitech Business School, the Private Sector Foundation, and Wakiso district leadership for the support rendered to her in conducting the courses. Hon. Seninde has joined the government in its effort of  imparting skills to people in her constituency to enable them eradicate poverty and create employment opportunities.

The ceremony was presided over by President Yoweri Museveni who congratulated the graduands upon the completion of their respective courses and asked them to use the acquired skills to generate wealth and get rid poverty in their homes. He advised the trainers to focus on training and giving skills that produce goods that are on market demand.

“Don’t get clouded in one professional area and make it circulated. Acquire skills that produce goods and services that are on high demand because the life and survival of any business is its market,” he advised.

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