TCU Call / Reapplication for Form Six Applicants 2016 / 2017

TCU Call / Reapplication for Form Six Applicants 2016 / 2017

Call for second round RE-APPLICATION FOR ALL Form six applicants and applicants with foreign certificates who could not be selected in the first round of applications and new applicants

TCU hereby informs Form six applicants and applicants with foreign certificates for 2016/2017 admission into various higher education institutions that the first round of selection has been completed and will be released to the public after the admission process has been completed. However, in the first round of selection some applicants with relevant qualifications could not be selected due to stiff competition, wrong programme choices or incomplete applications. In this context such applicants should be required to re-apply to the programme with unfilled slots given that there are some programmes in various institutions, which still have empty slots. Also for new applicants who did not apply during the first round of application are invited to apply.

TCU informs new applicants who could not apply during the first round of application and applicants who could not be selected during the first round of application that the Central Admission System will be open starting from 12th

September 2016 to 23rd September 2016.

Please note the followings:

1.New applicants are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Tshs. 50,000/= payable through Maxmalipo Agents, M-Pesa and TigoPesa

2.Applicants who were not selected in the first round of applications are not required to pay for re-application. This category of applicants is advised to follow the steps below:

For Not selected applicants follow the steps below: a. Open TCU website (

b. Click CAS on the top menu of the TCU website to open the Central Admission System.

c. Log in to their profile using their username and password. d. Then click the application button.

e. Select FIVE PROGRAMS from available slots as provided on TCU Website.

f. Click on their profile link, and then click on View My Selection Status to view their selected programme.

g. Finally remember to Logout

For the category of new applicants they are advised to:

a)Open TCU website (

b)Click CAS on the top menu of the TCU website to open the Central Admission System.

c)Click Registration button.

d)Select their category (eg. Form Six or Foreign)

e)Fill registration form accordingly.

f)Click the application button.

g)Select FIVE PROGRAMS from available slots on their CAS profile

h)Click on their Profile link, and then Click on View My Selection Status to view the selected programme.

i)Finally to remember to Logout.

Please note that:

a)Applicants who were not selected in the first round and new applicants are advised to read carefully the admission requirements of each programme they anticipate to apply as shown in the Admissions’ Guidebook available on TCU website: The carefully reading will enable them to confirm that they have the necessary qualifications for the preferred programme.

b)The dead line for Re-application is 23rd September 2016.

c)Programs that had been filled in the first round will not be displayed.

d)To view available slots please login to CAS.

Mode of payment for New Applicants:

Application fee for Form Six – NECTA and holder of Form Six foreign certificates will pay direct to TCU; and below are the important instructions to follow:

a)Tanzanians will be required to pay a non-refundable application fee of TSHS.50, 000/- payable through Maxmalipo Agents, M-Pesa and TigoPesa,

b)Non-Tanzanians staying in the country will be required to pay US$60 through CAS Account at any CRDB bank branch countrywide (TCU-CAS Account. No.02J1026795700). the swift code: CORUTZTZ.

c)Non-Tanzanians residing outside Tanzania will be required to pay US$60 through CAS account number (TCU-CAS Account No. 02J1026795700). The swift code: CORUTZTZ.

d)After paying a non-refundable fee of US$60, Non-Tanzanians residing inside and outside Tanzania should EITHER submit physically proof of payment together with certified copies of their academic certificates and NECTA equivalence letter to TCU OR send as attachment through email:; or Fax Number: +255-22-2772891 to enable TCU to send them Payment ID Number which is necessary during application. They must also attach their valid personal emails or mobile numbers for communication purpose.


1.Applicants are advised to read carefully the admission requirements of each programme they anticipate to apply in the Undergraduate Students Admission Guidebook before finalizing application process in order to avoid problems that may arise due to failure to follow appropriate instructions.

2.Holders of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Examination who do not have at least Two Principal Passes in their A level results with a total of 4.0 points (see table 1 )are advised not to apply as they do not meet the minimum requirements to be enrolled in any degree programme offered by higher education institutions.

3.Applicants with foreign certificates will be required to submit their certificates to National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) for equivalence. To download equivalence form visit: Before lodging applications, applicants with foreign certificates are required to submit to TCU the following documents for verification purpose:

i.Certified copy (copies) of equivalence letter obtained from NECTA;

ii.Certified copy (copies) of Secondary School Certificate obtained outside Tanzania or different from NECTA education system;

iii.A certified copy of local Secondary Education Certificate obtained from Tanzania (If any).

4.Applicants are advised to keep in safe place their payment ID number and confirmation number for for future reference and payment verification.

5.Applicants are advised to use the new revised edition (2016/2017) of the Undergraduate Students Admission Guidebook which is available on TCU websites:

Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications

From the 2016/2017 academic year, the Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications for applicants with Form Six and RPL qualifications shall be as follows (see Table1):

Table 1: Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications












Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points from

studies before 2014

Two Subjects defining the admission into the

respective programme (where A = 5; B = 4; C= 3; D

= 2; E = 1).




Two principal passes (Two Cs) with a total of 4.0

studies in 2014 and 2015

points from Two Subjects defining the admission

into the respective programme (where A = 5; B+ =

4; B = 3; C= 2; D = 1).





Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points from

studies from 2016

Two Subjects defining the admission into the

respective programme (where A = 5; B = 4; C= 3; D

= 2; E = 1).



of Prior

B + Grade: where A =75-100, B+ = 65-74, B=50-64,

Learning qualification

C =40-49, D = 35-39, F = 0-38.

Payment Details

How to pay via MaxMalipo agents (Only those applying using Form Six qualifications and should pay to TCU):


1.Visit the nearest Maxmalipo agent with your Tshs 50,000/-

2.The agent will take your cash and request for your mobile phone number.

3.The agent will process your payment and issue you a receipt that contains a voucher number.

4.You will shortly receive an SMS as well as a voucher number.

Use the voucher number as payment ID for registration to apply on TCU Central Admission System (CAS).

How to pay via M-Pesa


1.Dial *150*00#

2.Select option # 4: Pay via M-PESA

3.Select option #4: Enter Business number: 240077

4.Enter payment reference number: 123456

5.Enter Amount: 50,000/-

6.Enter your PIN

7.Enter 1 to confirm

You will receive an M-PESA notification SMS confirming your transaction. ϖ You will then receive another SMS from TCU with voucher Number that you can use as Payment ID on the Central Admission System (CAS) for registration

How to pay via Tigo_Pesa


1.Dial *150*01#

2.Select option # 4: PayBill

3.Select option #2 to enter the Business number

4.Enter the Business number: 240077

5.Enter reference of payment: 123456

6.Enter amount: Tshs 50,000/-

7.Enter your PIN

You will receive a Tigopesa notification SMS confirming your transaction.

You will then receive another SMS from TCU with voucher number.

For further clarification or support, applicants can contact:

The Executive Secretary,

Tanzania Commission for Universities,

P .O. Box 6562,


Tel: +255 22 2772657; Fax: +255 22 2772891;

Email: or

Mobile Numbers: +255 765 027 990, +255 674 656 237 and +255 683 921 928.

Physical address: Sam Nujoma Road, (Opposite Mlimani City), Dar es Salaam

Issued by

The Executive Secretary

Tanzania Commission for Universities 12th September, 2016.


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