UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2018

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2018

1. Name the largest fresh water lake found on the central plateau of Uganda

2. Name the system of government that is practiced in Uganda today.

3. Mention any one National Symbol found on the Ugandan currency

4. Name any one place at school where Physical Education lessons are conducted

5. Which element gives detailed information about a map?

6. Give any one reason why a radio is important to the community.

7. How did the independence of Eritrea affect Ethiopia?

8. What role did Dr. Kwame Nkrumah play towards promoting Pan-Africanism?

9. Mention any one advantage of a nuclear family over an extended family.

10. How do citizens of Uganda show theor respect when singing the National Anthem?

11. Mention the weather condition suitable for winnowing grains.

Study the diagram below nad answer questions 12 and 13

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2018

12. What name is given to the above type of budget?

13. What is the advantage of having the type of budget shown in the diagram above?

14. Give any one reason whay a health centre should have an Ambulance.

15. State any one way in which a National Constitution promotes people’s rights.

16. How does altitude influence the climate of an area?

17. Why was Africa called a dark continent by the Europeans?

18. Give any one way in which culture is important in a community.

19. Mention any one reason why the Velds of South Africa are suitable for sheep rearing

20. Why was the bird below chosen as the Uganda National Emblem?

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2018

21. State any one way in which games and sports are important in a community.

22. What type of tax is paid on locally manufactured goods?

23. How is a National Identity card useful to a citizen of Uganda?

24. How does afforestation influence the climatic condition of a place?

25. Mention any one way through which poverty can be reduced in your community.

26. What is a population structure?

27. Name the political party that led Kenya to Independence

28. Apart from being used for transport, state any one other reason why the Sabiny keep donkeys.

29. Why should busy roads have humps?

30. Mention any one place where a wind sock is found.

31. What time is it at town X which is located 450 East if it’s 6:00am at Greenwich?

32. How is Lake Victoria similar to Lake Kyoga in terms of formation?

33. State any one way in which forests improve people’s health.

34.What moral lessons do we learn from the legend of the spear and the bead?

35. Name any one common market in which Uganda is a member.


For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR Islamic questions but not both. No markswill be awarded to a candidate who attempts both althernatives in a particular number.


Who was the wife of Adam?


Who was the wife of Adam?


Name the fasting period for Christians


Name the fasting period for Muslims


Why is the Bible called a Holy book?


Why is the Qur’an called a Holy book?


Name the Angel who brought the Good News about the birth of Jesus Christ.


Name the Angel who brought the Good News about the birth of Propher Isa


Name the servant of God who suffered from serious illness but remained faithful.


Mention the Prophet of Allah who suffered from serious illnesses but remained faithful



41. a) Name the body that is responsible for organizing population census in Uganda.

b) Mention any two reasons why the government conducts a population census.

c) State any one challenge faced by the enumerators during census.


42. a) Mention the system of Administration that was used by the French in West Africa.

b) Give any two ways in which the system named in (a) above was implemented.

c) State any one negative effect of the above named system.


43. a) Name any two mineralsmined in South Africa.

b) State any two economic benefits of the mining industry to South Africa.


44. a) Name the Kingdom that replaced the Chwezi dynasty of Bunyoro-Kitara

b) State any two economic contributions of the Chwezi to Uganda

c) Give any on e reason why the Chewzi Empire collapsed


45. Study the sketch map of East Africa below and answer the questions that follow.

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2018

a) Name the river marked L

b) Where was the homeland of the ethnic group that entered East Africa using route Y?

c) Mention the traditional cash crop grown on Island marked Z

d) How has the railway line marked X contributed to the economic to the economic development of Zambia?


46. a) State any two roles of security organs in Uganda.

b) Give any two challenges faced by the security organs while performing their duties.


47. Study the sketch map below and answer the questions that follow.

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2018

a) Name the features marked by the following letters;

i) A

ii) B

b) Name any one other river in Africa that ends in the same way as the river marked C above.

c) How is the part marked A economically important to Nigeria?


48. a) Mention any two materials the Early man used for marking his tools.

b) How did the Early man use bolas to live a better life?

c) Give any one reason why the discovery of fire was important to the Early man.


49. a) What is a national election?

b) Mention any two bad practices done by people during the national elections.

c) In which one way is a voters’ register important during elections?


50. Study the sketch map of Uganda below and answer the questions that follow:

UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2018

a)Name the National Game Park found at place marked P

b) State any one reason why there are no crocodiles in the National Game Park marked S.

c) State any two economic benefits of National Game Parks in Uganda.


For Questions 51 to 55, answer EITHER the Christian OR Muslim questions but not both. No marks will be awarded to a candidate who attempts bith alternatives in a particular number.


a) Name any one symbol in Christianity.

b) State any one way symbols are important to Christians.

c) Draw any two symbols of Christinaity in the boxes provided below.


a) Name any one symbol in Islam

b) State any one way symbols are important to Muslims

c) Draw any two symbols of Islam in the boxes provided below.



a) Apart from Christianity and Islam, Mention any one other religion practiced in Uganda.

b) State any three roles of a Christian religious leader to the government of Uganda.


a) Apart from Islam and Christianity, mention any one other religion practiced in Uganda

b) State any three roles of a Muslim religious leader to the government of Uganda.



a) Who was the mother of Jesus Christ?

b) State any two ways in which Jesus Christ showed friendship to people

c) Mention any one way a Christian child can show friendship to others.


a) Who was the mother of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)?

b) State any two ways in which Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) showed friendship to people.

c) Mention any one way a Muslim child can show friendship to others.



a) Name the town where Jesus entered during Palm Sunday.

b) Mention any two ways in which the Christians of the above named town welcomed Jesus Christ.

c) Why did Christ go to the above named town?


a) Name the town where Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) migrated to from Mecca.

b) Mention any two ways in which the people of the above named town reacted to his visit.

c) Why did Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) migrate to the above town?


“He never changes. No one can oppose Him or stop Him from doing what He wants to do….I tremble with fear before Him.” (Job 23: 13 -15)

a) Who is talked about in the quotation above?

b) Mention two things that one can do to appreciate the one talked about in the quotation above.

c) State any one service people get from the one named in (a) above.


“He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the most Near (nothing is nearer than Him). And He is All – knower of everything…”

(Surah AL-Hadid 57: 3)

a) Who is talked about in the quotation above?

b) Mention two things that one can do to appreciate the one talked about in the quotation above.

c) State any one service people get from the one named in (a) above.

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6 thoughts on “UNEB PLE Social Studies Past Papers Year 2018”

  1. I think i was going to get first grade but i didn’t.

  2. Please help me Im not seeing the option to download past papers thanks


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