UNEB PLE English Past Papers Year 2018/2019
In each of the questions 1 to 5, fill in the blank space with a suitable word.
1. We…………all join senior one next year, shan’t we?
2. This is the place………….. I fell off the motor cycle.
3. Musa is the boy with ………….. we went to sing traditional songs at the festival.
4. ………….Opio buys new tires for his car, he will not be arrested by traffic police officers.
5. The bitch has given birth to three………
In each of the questions, 6-15, use the correct form of the word given in brackets to complete the sentence.
6. It is dangerous to live in …….. areas (swamp)
7. The guide warned us that there were many……………snakes in the forest (poison)
8. I have already …………. some seats in the bus for my friends (book)
9. Has your twin sister ever……….a bicycle?
10. Our teachers have been so………… to us (help)
11. It is ………to complete studies than drop out of school (good)
12. The mother who……….tortured her son has been arrested (mercy)
13.Alecho Shian took the…………..the position in the spelling bee (nine)
14. The bride was……….dressed in her bridal gown when she went to church (smart)
15. That baby………….. a lot whenever his mother is away (cry)
In questions 16 and 17, arrange the given words in alphabetical order.
16. shine, shape, shade, ship
17. Thursday, Sunday, Saturday, Tuesday
For questions 18 to 20, rearrange the given words to form a correct sentence.
18. going to I the am bakery.
19. your brother live does Where?
20. the road my to How village busy is!
In each of the questions 21 and 22, rewrite the sentence giving one word for the underlined group of words.
21. The lazy girl was not successful in the final examinations.
22. Primary five class made boxes that are shaped like a triangle.
For questions 23 and 24, write the full forms of the given short forms.
23. Rd
24. shan’t
In questions 25 and 26,use each of the given words in a sentence to show thatyou know the difference in their meaning
25. need
26. knead
In questions 27 and 28, rewrite the sentence giving the opposite of the underlined words
27. Opany’s shirt was very dirty yesterday.
28. Children come to school very late.
In questions 29 and 30, give the singular form of the given words.
29. halves
30. candidates’ names
Sub-Section II
In each of the questions 31 to 50, rewrite the sentence as instructed in the brackets
31. What children need is to observer rules and regulations. (Rewrite the sentence beginning: Children….)
32. Playing netball is interesting. Playing football is very interesting. (Rewrite as one sentence using:….more….than…)
33. The primary seven class cleaned the examination room. ( Rewrite the sentence beginning: Brenda said…..)
34. “I am going for holidays next week,” said Brenda. (Rewrite the sentence beginning: Brenda said…..)
35. Our school has a very beautiful compound. (Rewrite the sentence beginning: What….!)
36. I am not a cat. I will not hunt for rats. (Rewrite as one sentence beginning: If….)
37. We usually eat a balanced diet so that we can grow up well. (Rewrite the sentence using:….. in order to…..)
38. The baby can take milk. The baby can eat porridge. (Rewrite as one sentence using: ….either….)
39. Teachers should guide children against immoral dancing. This act embarrasses the nation. (Rewrite as one sentence using:…..avoid….)
40. Hardly had the rains begun when we planted beans. (Rewrite the sentence beginning: No sooner….)
41. Magu does not know how to weave a basket. Rose does not know how to weave a basket. (Rewrite as one sentence using:….and neither…..)
42. There is some food in the dish. (Rewrite the sentence using: ….any….)
43. The nurse will treat the patients in the evening. (Rewrite the sentence beginning: The patients…..)
44. Who has broken my cup? (Rewrite the sentence using: By whom)
45. What is the cost of a bull in your area? (Rewrite the sentence beginning: How…)
46. A television is good and so is a radio ( Rewrite the sentence using: Both)
47. I would like to use the washroom. (Rewrite the sentence beginning: May….)
48. Fighting fellow pupils is bad. (Rewrite the sentence beginning: To….)
49. The leather bag is mine. It is maroon. It is small. (Rewrite asone sentence without using: “who”, “which”, “that”, “and”)
50. The bus reached the school compound twenty minutes late. (Rewrite the sentence using: … arrived…)
51. A Primary Seven candidate of Tuko Primary School wrote a letter to her mother who lives in Nairobi. She wanted to let her mother know how they had been prepared for PLE 2018 at school. Read the letter carefully and then answer in full sentences the questions that follow.
Kachinga Village,
P.O. Box 202,
2nd November, 2018
Dear Mummy,
I am pleased to write to you again after such a long time. How are you and how is work in Nairobi? Back here, we are alright and I am preparing for Primary Leaving Examination (PLE).
Mummy, I am writing to inform you that our school has successfully registered us for the PLE 2018 and we are very happy. Now, I am ready to sit for the Primary Leaving Examination. In fact, all the candidates have been briefed by our head teacher, Mr. Kato Joseph.
During the briefing he said, “All of you should take note of the PLE time table. This will help you to know how the subjects have been arranged.” He also emphasized that we should read the general instructions carefully and those inside the question paper. After that, the head teacher gave a chance to all P.7 teachers to brief us too. Mrs. Okello, our class teacher advised on filling in information on the first page carefully. She also told us to read each question twice, understand and then answer what is required.
The other three teachers talked about writing our responses in the spaces provided in the question paper. They encouraged us to have confidence in ourselves. They added that all the questions set are within the curriculum. They warned us against any kind of examination malpractice.
Mummy, the teachers also reassured us that we shall pass with flying colors. I am ready and revising seriously following the time table. Pray for me not to forget what I was taught.
Please, send my regards to my little brother Jatel Anthony. I wish you all the best while doing your work.
Your loving daughter,
Katoko Elizabeth
a) To which school does the writer of the letter go?
b) Where does the writer’s mother live?
c) When did Katoko Elizabeth write this letter?
d) Why were the candidates very happy?
e) Who talked about the PLE time table during the briefing?
f) Who was given chance to brief the candidates after the head teacher?
g) Why do you think it’s important to fill in correct information on the first page?
h) Why were the candidates warned against?
i) What were the candidates warned against?
j) What is the letter about?
52. Read the poem below and answer in full sentences the questions that follow.
Holidays, sweet holidays!
The time everybody needs,
After hard and serious work,
To rest and feel fresh again.
Holidays, sweet holidays!
That precious time for teachers and pupils,
Keep away from books,
And celebrate success.
Holidays, sweet holidays!
Rest time for the public and civil servants,
To stay home and relax,
Labour Day, Women’s Day, Independence Day.
Holidays, sweet holidays!
For believers to thank and praise God,
For His wisdom, mercy and kindness,
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Mungufeni Phoebe
a) What is the poem about?
b) How many stanzas does the poem have?
c) Why does everybody need a rest?
d) When do you think teachers and pupils celebrate examination success?
e) How do the public and civil servants benefit from holidays?
f) Why are holidays useful to believers?
g) Mention any one day in the poem on which believers praise God.
h) Give any one example of a holiday for the public and civil servants.
i) Who wrote the poem?
j) Suggest a suitable title for the poem.
53. The following candidates sat PLE in Supa Primary School in 2017. Below is how they performed. Study the information carefully and then answer in full sentences the questions that follow.
Candidate’s Name | Index No. | Sex | Age | MTC | SST | SCI | ENG | Agg. | Div. |
Apio Mary | 001 | F | 15 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 6 | I |
Ayu Damali | 002 | F | 12 | X | X | X | X | X | CS |
Nakya Lucy | 003 | F | 11 | 6 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 13 | II |
Kajubi Daniel | 004 | M | 17 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 6 | I |
Onapa James | 005 | M | 13 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 2 | 22 | II |
Pesa Martha | 006 | F | 15 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 9 | I |
Sebabi Twaha | 007 | M | 12 | 3 | 6 | 4 | 1 | 14 | II |
Sagula Moses | 008 | M | 13 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | I |
Talemwa Tabisa | 009 | F | 14 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 34 | U |
Welishe Hadad | 010 | M | 15 | 2 | X | X | 1 | X | X |
F – Female
M – Male
X – Absent
CS – Changed School
U – Ungraded
a) What does the table show?
b) How many candidates sat all the papers?
c) Who was the best candidate in this class?
d) Which candidate could have gone to another school?
e) Who was the youngest candidate in this calss?
f) Which subject was done best?
g) What do you think happened to Welishe Hadad not to be graded?
h) Which candidates got the same aggregate?
i) How many candidates were females?
j) Who got grade nine (9) in Mathematics?
54. One day, Segula a P.7 pupil met Baguma carrying a young monkey. He had captured it from his maize garden. What Baguma said is given below. In each line, write what you think Segula said.
Segula: ……………………….
Baguma: Good afternoon Segula.
Segula: ……………………….
Baguma: It is a young monkey.
Segula: ……………………….
Baguma : No, I am not a poacher.
Segula: ……………………….
Baguma: I caught it when I scared them with my dogs and the mother abandoned it. They were eating my maize.
Segula: ……………………….
Baguma: I shall keep it at home and build a small cage for it.
Segula: ……………………….
Baguma: I shall feed it with some yellow bananas and maize.
Segula: ……………………….
Baguma: Why should I report to Uganda Wildlife Authority?
Segula: ……………………….
Baguma: I need permission! Is Uganda Wildlife Authority in charge of wild animals?
Segula: ……………………….
Baguma: Okay. Then, let me go and report to Uganda Wildlife Authority. Thank you, young boy.
Segula: ……………………….
55. Write a composition of 100 – 150 words about your plans after the Primary Leaving Examination. Use these points to guide you; thanking your head teacher and teachers; what results you expect, helping your parents/guardian and celebrating your results.
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