ActionAid Zambia Grants for NGOs and CBOs and Grassroot Movements

ActionAid Zambia Grants for NGOs and CBOs and Grassroot Movements


ActionAid Zambia Grants for NGOs and CBOs and Grassroot Movements

ActionAid Zambia is currently inviting interested NGOs, CBOs and Grassroot Movements to implement projects or activities that are aimed at promoting good governance and increasing citizen’s awareness and demand for human rights in Zambia.

ActionAid Zambia (AAZ) is part of the ActionAid Global (AAG) Federation, sharing common values and aims to drive social change towards a just, equitable and sustainable world.

ActionAid Zambia works with poor and excluded women and young people, their organizations and movements, to address the structural causes of social injustice, gender inequality and poverty.

This fight is in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have identified the importance of addressing poverty alongside inequality.


The application should cover at least one of the following objectives:


  • To enhance citizens’ civic participation and state accountability for improved governance and public service delivery in Zambia.
  • To promoting transparency and accountability in public finance management and institutional governance systems.
  • To strengthen the capacities of citizens in holding government accountable on the enforcement of policies and regulations for sustainable Natural Resource (NR) management and climate justice.
  • To strengthen the capacity of citizens to demand for improved policies and programmes that promote inclusiveness and accessibility to health services.
  • This Call proposal is intended to contribute to strengthened democratic accountability and transparency, and increased awareness and demand for human rights in Zambia with a particular focus on civic and political participation, anti-corruption; environment and climate change governance and health rights and accountability.Coverage for the Call

    Eastern, Southern, Muchinga, Luapula, North-Western, Western Provinces, Lusaka and the Copperbelt provinces.

    Types of Grants

    Segmentation of grants will be based on the defined support mechanism based on the capacity and the structure of the CSOs.

    The table below provides a general overview on the type of grants, the purpose, target organizations and general features of each of the mechanisms:

    Standard grant – This is a long-term funding instrument with partnership duration ranging from one to three years.

    This grant provides advances to the sub-grantee upon verification of financial and programme qualification for advances.

    Subsequent advances are provided as receipts are submitted to clear previous advances.

    This grant type is issued to organizations with long-term activities that require advance funding and have sufficient financial and programme capacity to receive advance funding.

    This grant type will provide direct implementation maximum funding of up to ZMW 1,000,000 and minimum of ZMW300, 000 a year.

    This type of grant will ONLY be issued on an AAZ Request for Proposal (RFP) and Scope of Work (SOW) which will be issued once in a year.

    Innovative grants – This type of grant is intended for organizations who demonstrate innovations and their mission, goals and objectives are aligned to the priority thematic SOW and RFP.

    This grant type will provide direct implementation maximum funding of up to ZMW 600,000 and minimum of ZMW 100,000. The grant is only provided to already existing partners for a period of six months to one year.

    Community Action Grants

    – These are action-oriented grants which provide financial and capacity building assistance to community groups based on clear goals, objectives and outcomes and proposed innovations.

    This type of support will be for short term high impact activities intended to respond to immediate and long terms needs of communities in the programme target areas.

    This grant type will provide activity based advance payment to Community Based Organizations (CBOs) for delivery and achievement of agreed milestones.

    The grant will also provide financial and technical support through in-kind and third-party payments to community groups. This facility will provide a maximum implementation funding of up to ZMW 300,000 for a minimum of 1 year.

    Social Movement Grant – A social movement grant is a mechanism used to provide financial and technical assistance to movements and defenders of human rights.

    This type of support will be channeled through an already existing CSO sub-Partner to provide direct relief to intended recipients based on emerging advocacy and activism in line with the four programme priorities.

    This type of grant requires objectives and clearly outlined outcomes for funds to be made available.

    One off grant support will range from a minimum of ZMW5, 000 to the maximum of ZMW 300,000 for up to 6 months. This grant is on a rolling basis meaning it can be accessed throughout the year.

    Capacity building Co-Support grant – This is demand driven funding instrument with partnership duration ranging from one to three years.

    This grant type will provide Co-Support for internal capacity building to a maximum funding of up to ZMW 300,000 a year. This type of grant maybe issued on an AAZ RFP and SOW or based on a request from implementing CSO’s.

    This type of grant may be issued to CSO’s, private companies and individual consultants to provide direct capacity building support on a specified scope of work.

    Coordination/Network grant – This type of grant will be limited to umbrella, network and member-based organizations with the objective of improving networking and coordination among CSOs in the country.

    This grant will be for financial support to national and provincial coordination of CSO on specific thematic areas and provision of financing on specific coordination activities.

    The maximum support for this funding is ZMW 1,000,000 for a year. Selection criteria for this funding is as of the Standard Grant type.

    In-Kind Grants – In-kind services or equipment procured and provided by AAZ to the grantee organizations under the grant agreement. Equipment purchased under an in-kind grant will generally be provided to the grantees through an agreement signed during the implementation or upon successful completion of a grant agreement where the grant is performance based.

    The in-kind grant is the simplest type of grant agreement for the grantee as AAZ conducts all required procurement of goods and services, and cash will not be provided to the grantee with the exception of any minor costs that can be reimbursed to the grantee based on receipts and as specified in the Grant agreement and approved budget.

    In-kind grant is awarded when it is important for a local organization or community to take the lead in implementing an activity but may not have sufficient capacity. Minimum amount is ZMW 40,000 for 1 Year.

    How to Apply

    Interested applicants must download the concept notes and forms from the given website.


    For more information and application details, see; ActionAid Zambia Grants for NGOs and CBOs and Grassroot Movements

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