Africa-India Mobility Fund Travel Grants.
Africa-India Mobility Fund Travel Grants
Africa-India Mobility Fund Travel Grants – Open calls for proposals
The Africa-India Mobility Fund is accepting applications for travel grants from researchers from Africa and India.
The programme, which is a partnership of African Academy of Sciences, the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance and Wellcome, funds short-term visits of up to three months for researchers to travel in either direction.
Funding will be given to nationals of India and African countries to support collaboration in research in HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, dengue, malaria, vector-borne diseases, parasitic infections, emerging infections, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, health systems research, antimicrobial resistance, microbiome, drug development and general biomedical sciences.
About the Africa-India Mobility Fund
The Africa-India Mobility Fund (AIMF) is a two-year programme designed to provide researchers from Africa and India with opportunities for short visits in either direction to explore opportunities for building and strengthening scientific collaboration.
The AIMF initiative by the African Academy of Sciences and the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance (India Alliance) intends to encourage South-South collaborations and learning between the two ecosystems.
This is in recognition of the fact that Africa and India face similar challenges, both in the diseases that affect their populations and socio-political issues as well as the leadership required to address these.
The exchanges are expected to enhance their skills and contribute to the growth of knowledge and leadership towards common health challenges.
At the AAS, the programme is implemented through the Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science for Africa (AESA), an initiative of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency.
Scope, Objectives and Purpose of the Initiative
Applications broadly focused on infectious and non-communicable diseases of relevance to local, national, or global health will be accepted every month.
The scope of the collaborative opportunity may include but is not limited to HIV/AIDS, TB, dengue, malaria, vector-borne diseases, parasitic infections, emerging infections, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, health systems research, antimicrobial resistance, drug development, microbiome and general biomedical sciences.
While applications that involve existing collaborations will be considered, applications that target new collaborations and encourage diversity especially female and young applicants are particularly encouraged.
Objectives of Africa-India Mobility Fund Travel Grants
- To strengthen research & innovation capacity and knowledge exchange
- To strengthen scientific collaboration between Indian and African teamsPurpose
To establish links and cultivate a culture of collaboration between African and Indian researchers that will serve as a vehicle to improve research capacity and build leadership in biomedical and clinical research for Africa and India.
Africa-India Mobility Fund Travel Grants
For more information and application details, see; Africa-India Mobility Fund Travel Grants