Call for Proposals on Implementation of the NGO Law in Rwanda

Call for Proposals on Implementation of the NGO Law in Rwanda

Call for Proposals on Implementation of the NGO Law in Rwanda


The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) is an international not-forprofit organization that promotes an enabling legal environment for civil society, freedom of association, assembly and expression, and public participation around the world.

ICNL has provided technical, research and capacity-building assistance to support the reform of laws affecting civil society organizations in over 100 countries.

We draw upon a worldwide network of partners and experts to produce innovative research and analysis on legal topics affecting civil society.

To learn more about ICNL’s programs in Africa, visit our Sub-Saharan Africa portal.

ICNL is pleased to invite proposals for subgrants as part of its “Strengthening the Implementation of the NGO Law in Rwanda” program.

Through this program, ICNL aims to support engagement and innovative information exchange amongst civil society, government and other stakeholders regarding the NGO Law and its implementing regulations in compliance with international law and best practices, so that NGOs enjoy the benefits of an enabling legal framework and operating environment.

To achieve these program goals, ICNL will provide subgrants to support innovative projects related to improvement of the legal environment, and provide technical assistance to grantees as needed.

Please contact Irene Petras via email at or telephone at +1 202 452 8600 should you have questions.

Application Instructions

To apply for a grant, applicants must submit via email to the following fully completed items:

• Application Coversheet;

• Proposal (no more than five pages); and

• Line-item Budget (from $5,000 to $20,000).

Content of Proposal

In no more than five (5) pages, please describe your project proposal, which may address any of the following issues:

• Strengthening the knowledge and expertise of civil society leaders and legal professionals on legal issues affecting civil society;

• Facilitating state-civil society engagement to support an enabling environment for civil society.

• Innovative outreach and sensitization of marginalized groups and communities on NGO laws and implementing regulations; initiatives to include and integrate such groups in broader advocacy efforts to strengthen the legal environment.

• Innovative public outreach initiatives to deepen public understanding of the importance of civil society, the impact of restrictive laws on civil society, and to encourage involvement in efforts to enhance civic space.

The proposal should include the following information:

• Applicant’s experience in working on civil society legal reform, the rights to freedom of association, assembly, or expression, or other civic space related issues;

• Existing initiatives by the applicant or other entities dealing with similar or related issues. Where applicable, the plan for ensuring complementarity between the proposed project and existing initiatives;

• An overview of the proposed project, including a description of proposed activities, outputs, and outcomes;

• The proposed activity plan and timeline for the project, recognizing that grant activities must be completed no later than end of December 2019;

• Specific goals, their feasibility, and how results will be measured (including a monitoring and evaluation plan);

• The plan to sustain the impact of the project beyond the grant support.

Please also attach a line-item budget (which does not count toward the 5-page limit for the proposal).

Eligibility Requirements

Proposals are welcome from any organization operating in Rwanda.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the following factors:

• Compliance with eligibility requirements and application procedures;

• Demonstrated commitment of applicant to protecting civic space;

• Quality of proposed project, including the innovativeness of the proposal, the proposed methodology/design, feasibility of the project (e.g., activities are targeted to achieve stated results, and anticipated results that are realistic and attainable);

• Likelihood that the proposed project will strengthen the implementation of NGO laws and enhance civic space in Rwanda;

• Sustainability of the proposed project beyond the grant period;

• Proposed budget and apparent value for money; and

• Inclusion of reasonable indicators to measure project success.

Additional Information

All grant recipients will be required to submit progress reports during the grant period and a final report on the use of funds, activities conducted, and outcomes of their projects prior to receiving their final grant disbursements.


Applications will be considered on a rolling basis through April 2019 or until all grant funds are awarded.


For more information and application details, see; Call for Proposals on Implementation of the NGO Law in Rwanda

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