East Africa Food and Nutrition Grants
East Africa Food and Nutrition Grants
Nuffic is inviting applications for its Food and Nutrition Security Grant Programme with an aim to improve quality of and access to professional education and vocational training relevant for the regional development of the agricultural value chain dairy in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda in strong collaboration with the private sector.
Objective – East Africa Food and Nutrition Grants
The proposed project must contribute to the following objective: contribute to End hunger (SDG 2).
Programme Impact
The following medium-term impact will contribute to this:
- Education system (TVET/HE) is of good quality, relevant and accessible (SDG 4);
- Partnerships between persons and organisations are inclusive and sustainable (SDG 17);
- Organisations key to (sectoral) inclusive development of partner countries are strengthened by inflow of enhanced workforce. The proposed project must contribute to the following long-term impact:
- Reduce malnutrition;
- Promote agricultural growth;
- Create ecologically sustainable food systems.Outcome
This will be achieved by the following outcome:
TVET/HE organisations (in the selected partner countries and in NL) perform better their core tasks, firmly embedded in their environment (in line with country / regional specific labour market needs & aiming at inclusiveness).
Programme Focus – East Africa Food and Nutrition Grants
The following should be addressed:
- Inclusion of private sector partners and TVET institutions in East Africa and the Netherlands in the development of institutional partnerships;
- the partnerships should encompass a balanced engagement and strengthening of training and education institutions from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda;
- Increased youth participation in dairy value chains combining agricultural modernisation and innovations in skill-building for young people showing clear impact on employment creation;
- Coordination and alignment of interventions with dairy development and food and nutrition security programmes financed by The Embassies of The Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda.Proposed projects should establish stronger participation of the private sector in the following areas:
- definition of occupational standards, occupational competencies and competence based education and training curricula;
- offer of facilities for students and practical training sessions (attachments and internships) including the development of farm and processing facilities for training
- organisations to ensure that they serve as models of local industries;
- exploration of mechanisms for joint delivery and financing of training programme between
- TVET institutions, agribusinesses and private sector trainers and advisors; facilitation of accreditation of agriculture training programmes based on public-private collaboration with national accreditation mechanisms.The added value of a regional approach is to improve collaboration and coordination in the support of a regional offer of quality and relevant education and training programmes
- Relevant for East African dairy value chains through:
- Regional knowledge sharing;
- Sharing of resources from country budgets for education and training development;
- Exchange of experiences and best practices;
- Establishment of regional networks of excellence between TVET institutes and knowledge and innovation centres;
- Comparative and joint programmes with adaptation of innovations, models and new techniques relevant for commercial but also sustainable and climate smart agriculture;
- Higher levels of scaling and development impact also in relation to increasing access for young people to skills training and employment creation;
- Proposed projects will have to clarify how the added value of collaboration in a regional approach will be achieved.Funding Information – East Africa Food and Nutrition Grants
- Maximum available funding for this call, excluding co-funding: EUR 1,800,000
- Maximum funding per collaboration project, excluding co-funding: EUR 1,800,000Eligibility Criteria – East Africa Food and Nutrition Grants
- Grant applications and applicants have to meet the minimum criteria to be eligible for a grant.The grant application must be submitted by a Dutch institution for secondary or higher vocational or academic education, or a knowledge institution or organisation in a Country.
- The grant applicant is in a position to provide adequate financial management and, due to its experience and expertise in relation to activities similar to those for which the grant is being requested, can guarantee the targeted and effective performance of the activities to achieve the impact and outcomes as defined in the application; the applicant must submit data in the form of a COCA to enable its capacities to be assessed.
- The grant applicant can function and operate appropriately within the legislation passed by the government in the country or countries in question.
- The project proposal has a minimum duration of one year and a maximum duration of four years, and must be implemented and established by no later than 31 December 2021.
- The grant applied for does not exceed the maximum amount specified in the call for grant applications.
- Any required co-funding is guaranteed.
- The grant application meets any specific financial requirements set out in the call.
- The grant application must be in the compulsory format and meet all criteria and requirements stated in this document.
- The grant application is in line with the CPI of the country concerned.Apply by; 19th August.
For more information and application details, see; East Africa Food and Nutrition Grants
I AM pleased to drop closer to you as to apply for partnership with your organisation.
I am Mr AMOS MUNGANGA the président of à swahili dénomination .akw in short.
AKW was created in minova in the dated 21st,july,2017.The peace for all works to stand for population empoverished by the wars in répétition there at the east of drc.
Our office is based is based at minova centre, lac avenue à side the rood leading from minova to Bulenga.
From 2018up to day, we have carned ont sole activitiés thanks to thé support of WFP And FAO, following:
-To réhabilitate the agricultural rood from minova to kishinji -bwisha tanks to the support of WFP And FAO m2020.
-To réhabilitate the agricultural rood from minova -kasunyu tanks to the support of WFP And FAO m 2021.
-To distribute the improved seeds of beans, soya beans and maize to same communitys members of minova tanks to our members contributions in 2020can we expect ana partnership with your organisation as to help our population as to relieve their paverty state ? We could enjoy to receive this.
More information about us And our works will be provide to you as far as we shall jeep Being in contact at your convenience with the hope of fine reply to our request, we look forward to heving from you.
On behalf of A.k.w
Amos Munganga