ACM International Collegiate Contest
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest: ACM International Collegiate Programming contest pits teams of three university students against eight or more complex, real-world problems, with a grueling five-hour deadline.
Huddled around a single computer, competitors race against the clock in a battle of logic, strategy and mental endurance.
$10,000 scholarships to team members.
More than 5,600 teams representing 1,733 universities from 84 countries on 6 continents participated in regional contests held last year.
The 83 teams who competed in the World Finals are made up of 22 North American teams, 3 teams from Africa/Middle East, 7 from Latin America, 22 from Europe and Russia, and 29 from the Asia/South Pacific region.
Deadlines vary, so form your team now.
For more details and application, visit; ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest