Admission Requirements for Nkumba University NU

Admission Requirements for Nkumba University (NU)

Below is a comprehensive review of the Admission Requirements for Nkumba University

Nkumba University admits 2 times in a year; in the February and August intakes.

As of 22 April 2015 you can only apply online; click here to apply

If you however feel that you need assistance to apply online and you are able to come to the University, you are welcome to do and you will be assisted.

You can reach  also us reach us using the information below:

The Admissions office
Nkumba University
P.O.Box 237
Tel: +256 414 374994/302283

Admission Requirements for Nkumba University NU : When to Apply

Applications for Masters Programmes can be submitted before the beginning of every semester (August or February).
Applications for PhD By research and thesis can be submitted twice a year (either before August or February).

Nkumba University Undergraduate Admission requirements

Presently, there are three avenues of entry to the University. These are: The Direct Entry Scheme, The Diploma Holders Entry Scheme and the Mature Age Entry Scheme. These guidelines are in line with National Council for Higher Education (NCHE).

Degree Courses

Direct Entry Scheme
i) At least 5 passes at Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent;
ii) At least 2 principal passes at Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.

Diploma holders
A good diploma from a recognized institution as determined by the University Senate.

Mature age Entry
i) The applicant should be 25 years of age and above;
ii) Must have passed mature age entry examinations organized by the National Council for Higher Education.

i) A certificate obtained after 2 years of post UCE study;
ii) Any equivalent qualifications besides UCE and UACE.
Diploma courses
i) A Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with a minimum of 5 passes obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent
ii) Uganda Advanced Level Certificate (UACE) with at least one Principal Pass, and 2 subsidiary passes obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.
iii) A certificate obtained after 2 years of post UCE study from a recognized institution;
iv) Any equivalent Certificate besides UCE and UACE from a recognized institution.

Certificate Courses

i) A Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with a minimum of 5 passes obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.
ii) A Uganda Advanced Level Certificate (UACE) with at least 3 subsidiary passes obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent;
Special School Requirements
Besides the above general admission requirements, there are special school requirements which a candidate must fulfill to gain admission to a programme in the respective school.

Nkumba University Post Graduate Admission Requirements

Nkumba University is open to all persons who meet the requirements for admission to the post graduate programme. Postgraduate Diploma
A first degree or its equivalent
Masters Programme
i) A first degree with at least a second class (where such classes are indicated) or its equivalent from a recognized University or higher institution of learning.
ii) Graduates with a pass degree and a postgraduate diploma in a relevant field may also be considered.
iii) Individuals who have considerable years of experience in intended areas of study but who lack first degree qualification.
PhD Programme
i) Bachelors and Masters degree (s)
ii) Be of such standing as may be prescribed in the regulations of Nkumba University School Postgraduate Studies and Research.
An intending candidate shall be required to:
i) sit an aptitude test and;
ii) present a synopsis of intended research area.
The minimum period for the Post Graduate Diploma shall be one year and a maximum two years.
The minimum period for a Master’s Degree by coursework and dissertation shall be two (2) years and the maximum period shall be three (3) years.
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programme is offered for a minimum period of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years.

Admission Requirements for Nkumba University  : Procedure of Application and Registration

Application forms may be obtained from the Office of the Academic Registrar on payment of the stipulated – non- refundable fee payable to Nkumba University by cash or draft. Or application forms can be downloaded from our website:

Orientation of New Students

Every semester/quarter, new students are oriented for a period of one week in University life and activities.

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