Adonai College Admission Requirements

Adonai College Admission Requirements



ADONAI COLLEGE, TEL: +264 61 231 723, FAX: +264 61 231 723, WEB:

Selection and admission of students


Intent and objectives

This policy governs selections and admission of students at Adonai College.


1.The selection and admission policy supports selection of applicants who are capable of succeeding in their chosen the program. To this end:

1.1Admission requirements are designed and monitored to support selection of applicants who are capable of succeeding in their program, on the basis of merit.

1.2Selection decisions are fair,consistent,as objective as possible and transparent

2.The College is committed to social inclusion and provides access for students who are under-represented in tertiary education. To this end, selection decision may be considered on equity considerations.

3.Selection and admission supports College strategy and profile planning by ensuring that the college:

3.1maintains its reputation for excellent learning, teaching and research training by demonstrating appropriate admission standards and

3.2flexibly adjust intakes to courses and programs in response to its strategic objectives and changes in the availability of applicants.

4.Selection and admission complies with relevant legislative, regulatory and reporting requirements.


All programs and courses on the Adonai College scope of registration or which Adonai College accredits.



Policy provisions


ADONAI COLLEGE, TEL: +264 61 231 723, FAX: +264 61 231 723, WEB:

1.The Selection Team( HOD, Lecturer in Charge and Principal) is responsible for coordinating the College`s selection and admission activities to:

1.1ensure compliance with this policy and;

1.2ensure that the selection and admission supports the College`s academic, business and social inclusion strategies.

Admission requirements

2.In order to be eligible for selection an applicant must satisfy College-wide entry requirements and program entry requirements.

3.Satisfaction of these requirements per Adonai College an applicant to be considered for a place; it does not guarantee an offer of a place. Where selection is from a pool of applicant it may be competitive.

4.Program entry requirements are published in against each program.

College entry requirements

5.College entry requirements are College-wide and comprise:

5.1the college age at which applicants may be admitted to programs or courses

5.2the minimum academic requirement or equivalent or training requirements, for admission to each level of program and

5.3English language for admission to programs or courses unless a student is taking a bridging course.

6.English language requirements are stated in the Selection and procedure.

Program entry requirements, selection tasks and selection methodology

7.Program entry requirements may include:

7.1a specified level of previous study, or equivalent;

7.2a specified minimum level of achievement in previous study or equivalent and

7.3Specific prerequisite courses or subjects and subjects minimum scores in these.

8.Every program must have documented program entry requirements, selection tasks (if used) and selection methodology.

9.Program entry requirements and selection tasks must be designed to measure an applicant`s capacity to succeed in the program

10.Program entry requirements are approved as part of the program approval process.

11.Selection methodology and any selection tasks are approved by the relevant College Board.

12.Amendments to program entry requirements (if used), or selection methodology may be made by the relevant College Board.

ADONAI COLLEGE, TEL: +264 61 231 723, FAX: +264 61 231 723, WEB:

13.Program entry requirements and selection tasks an applicant must satisfy to be eligible for selection, must be used to select applicants for the program wherever it is taught. All applicants must satisfy the minimum program entry requirements. Where the program is in high demand applicants may need to satisfy a standard higher than the minimum program entry requirements.

Selection methodology

14.A selection methodology will be defined for each program.

15.Applicationswill be not be pooled (held for competitive selection at a later time).

16.Heads of Departments are responsible for selection of applicants. Heads may delegate responsibility for selecting applicants.

Integrity of selection decisions

17.Selection of applicants for Adonai College programs is conducted with fairness and integrity.

18.All applicants must be selected according to formally approved admission standards, comprising College entry requirements, program entry requirements, and selection tasks (if used), in accordance with the approved selection methodology for the program.

19.Staff involved in selection decisions must comply with the College`s policies and procedures regarding the disclosure and management conflict of interest.

Information for applicants

20.The official source of information regarding program entry requirements is the program Guide.

21.Information for applicants will accurately reflect the program entry requirements as listed in the Program Guide.

22.Information about selection tasks is published in program summaries.

23.If an applicant is not successful in their application for a program, the may be offered a place for which they are eligible, either in the same program at another location, an alternative program, or a bridging program.


24.Offers an admission to any program shall be made only by:

25.An Officer of the College expressly authorized to do so by the Selection Team, or

ADONAI COLLEGE, TEL: +264 61 231 723, FAX: +264 61 231 723, WEB:

26.Staff of partner institutions may assist with selection of applicants in accordance with College-wide entry requirements, however, offers may only be made by officers of the College authorized to do so by the Selection Team.

27.The College reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission and/or cancel the enrolment of a student where an offer was made on the basis of incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by the applicant or a certifying authority.

28.The College reserves the right to cancel a program that is not viable, and to cancel any offers of admission to the program that have been made.

29.The decision to cancel a program and offers of admission to the program will be made by the Management Team

Equitable access to tertiary education

30.The College is committed to providing equitable access to education. This involves adjusting selection methodology in order to conduct merit-based selection of applicants from groups who are under-represented in the student population.

31.The college maintains specific schemes, procedures, guidelines and targets to facilitate access of designated groups.

32.The College is committed to facilitating access to education for indigenous applicants.

33.Program information will describe the inherent requirements of the program in sufficient detail to make these clear to prospective students, including those with disabilities.


34.The College has annual profile process to plan the number of places to be offered in its programs. The annual profile targets are approved by the Principal taking into account advice from the Selection Team.

35.The Selection Team may approve sub-targets relating to aspects of the College`s academic, business and social inclusion strategies.

36.The Selection Team may approve quotas of places for students.


37. Heads of departments have discretion to offer deferment.

Internal applications

38. Students currently enrolled in an Adonai College program, at any level, may make an

internal application for another Adonai College program.

ADONAI COLLEGE, TEL: +264 61 231 723, FAX: +264 61 231 723, WEB:

39.Internal applicants must satisfy the same entry requirements as other applicants for the program. The college has discretion, however, to give preference to an internal applicant above an external applicant, in accordance with the selection methodology for the program.


40.The college is committed to supporting the articulation of graduates between Adonai College programs.

Refusal of admission

41.Admission maybe refused to applicants who could otherwise be eligible for admission in the following circumstances:

41.1the applicant has outstanding fees owing to Adonai College;

41.2the applicant has been expelled or excluded from Adonai College or from another tertiary education institution for reasons of unsatisfactory academic progress, for reasons of health or for reasons of discipline (or for any combination of these reasons);

41.3the applicant has been expelled or excluded from Adonai College in the opinion of the relevant College Principal the applicant`s conduct would provide reasonable grounds to take action to exclude the person from study had the applicant been a student of the college.

42.The college may refuse admission because of an applicant`s inability to satisfy the inherent requirements of a program. If an applicant has been excluded from Adonai College or any other institution they must disclose the fact of and reasons for their exclusion, together with details of any penalty, at the time of their application.

43.If non-disclosure is discovered, assessment of the application will be halted until the applicant explains the reasons for non-disclosure.


44.Adonai College students whose enrolment lapses may reapply for admission to their program and will be subject to the same requirements as all other applicants at the time of applying.

45.Applicants who have met the entry requirements but have previously been excluded from Adonai College or any other institution demonstrate that they have an improve likelihood of success in the program for which they are applying.

ADONAI COLLEGE, TEL: +264 61 231 723, FAX: +264 61 231 723, WEB:

Review of decision

46.An applicant may seek a review of selection decision by the process set out in the selection and admission procedure. To be considered, the review submission must meet the grounds stated there.

Waiver of requirements

47. College-wide entry requirements may be waived in exceptional circumstances.

Senior Management

Agreed 11th May 2012

ADONAI COLLEGE, TEL: +264 61 231 723, FAX: +264 61 231 723, WEB: